
Poet: - Weebly

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□ Acrostic Poem………pg. 3-4

□ Alphabet Alliteration Poem……pg.5-6

□ Cinquain Poem……pg.7-8

□ Colour Poem……pg. 9-10

□ Concrete Poem……pg. 11-12

□ Creature Alliteration Poem……pg. 13-14

□ Five Senses Poem……pg. 15-16

□ Haiku Poem……pg. 17-18

□ 5-W’s Poem……pg. 19-20

□ Self-Reflection and Critiques……pg.21

□ Final Project Information……pg. 22

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Acrostics are poems that go down and across. The poems do not have to rhyme and can have as many words as you like. You can choose any subject you like, even your own name. Highlight or make the word bold.

rumbly and munchy

h, me love these

atmeal and chocolate chips

ids steal them from me

cing or no icing it matters not

veryone gimmie cookies

ears and years have I lived

bi-wan Kenobi a friend he is

agobah, my home planet is

Jedi Master I am

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Alliteration repeats the same beginning sound in several words for a special effect. These poems can end up being crazy, nonsense poems.

Use your imagination and alliteration skills to write three words for each alphabet letter. If you want to, write longer alliteration phrases.

First word: an adjective (word describing noun)

Second word: a noun (the subject- person, place or thing)

Third word: a verb (showing the action that the subject does)

crobatic animals act

rowsing bison bellow

lever chimps create

elirious dogs drool


You can challenge yourself and make them longer and more interesting.

rtistic anteaters ate anchovies in the afternoon in autumn.

odacious bees buzzed breezily by

lever chimps create crevices and cracking coconuts for cooking

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“Cinq” means “five” in French. A cinquain is a special kind of five-line poem with a very strict form.

Line 1: One word- the subject of the poem. This word is a noun.

Line 2: Two words describing the title. These words are adjectives.

Line 3: Three words expressing action. These are verbs.

Separate verbs with commas.

Line 4: Four words expressing a feeling. This can be a short phrase.

Line 5: One word that is a synonym for the title. A word that means the same.

Motorcycle Noisy, fast Racing, climbing, crashing Fun on two wheels Dirt Bike

Eyes Large, mysterious Watching, rolling, blinking Tell more than words Vision

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Colour poems use your imagination and 5-senses to investigate a subject. The focus of the poem is on using similes and metaphors.

Simile- compares two things using the words “like” or “as”. Example: “The classroom was like a circus”. “The student was still as a statue”. Metaphors are like similes without using the word “like” or “as”. They state that one thing is something else. Ex.: The classroom was a circus”. “Mr. Williams is a clown”.

Line 1: _________ is________________________________________________

Line 2: _________ is________________________________________________

Line 3: _________ is________________________________________________

Line 4: _________ is________________________________________________

Line 5: _________ smells like________________________________________

Line 6: _________ tastes like________________________________________

Line 7: _________ sounds like_______________________________________

Line 8: _________ looks like_________________________________________

Line 9: _________ feels like_________________________________________

Line 10: ________ makes me________________________________________

Line 11: ________ is________________________________________________ Blue is the colour of the sky. Blue is the waves in the ocean crashing against the shore. Blue is the feeling I get sometimes when I am sad. Blue is the icy colour of glacial snow. Blue smells like freshly washed bed sheets. Blue tastes like gum. Blue sounds like jets soaring through the clouds. Blue looks like the clear waters of the Hawaiian waters as I’m snorkeling. Blue feels like the snow on my face while I’m skiing. Blue makes me want to put on my coat. Blue is my favourite colour.

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A concrete poem (AKA shape poem), is written to represent objects that they describe. The poem can be written in the shape of an object. Artwork adds to the visual effect of this type of poem.

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This type of poem makes use of alliteration to describe a creature. It is a humourous, whimsical form of poetry. The main words in each line will all begin with the letter you choose to alliterate. Each line of the poem (except line 1) should have at least 4 words alliterating. Do not repeat alliterating words you have already used. The use of a dictionary is very helpful for this type of poem.


Line 1: Name your creature (add –ian to the end of your word)

Line 2: Tell 4 alliterating words about where your creature lives.

Line 3: Tell 4 alliterating words about what your creature eats.

Line 4: Tell 4 alliterating words about what your creature likes.

Line 5: Tell 4 alliterating words about something about your creature.

Line 6: Tell 4 alliterating words about something your creature did to you.

This is a squarian.

Squarians lives squarely and securely sequestered in the south seas.

Squarians secrete saliva sloppily when slurping soup.

Squarians like straight sides systematically secured squarely.

Squarians sort and stop silly squabbles by systematic sword fights.

My squarian side-kick sleepily studied science.

By: Mr. Williams

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Five senses poems use your senses to study or investigate a subject. The focus of the poem is on using similes and metaphors. This is similar to the “Colour Poems” although not quite as long.


Line 1: Tell what colour an emotion or idea looks like to you.

Line 2: Tell what the emotion or idea tastes like (or just imagine it has a taste).

Line 3: Tell what the emotion or idea sounds like.

Line 4: Tell what emotion or idea smells like.

Line 5: Tell what the emotion or idea looks like.

Line 6: Tell how the emotion or idea makes you feel.

1. Music is green. 2. It tastes like a 3 course meal that leaves room

for desert. 3. It sounds like humanity. 4. It smells like hard work. 5. It looks like creativity and math collided. 6. It makes me feel creative.

By Mr. Williams

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Haiku is a form of ancient Japanese poetry. The poems are usually about nature or the seasons. They are also used to express emotions or feelings about something. Haiku poems are not written as complete sentences. They are more often written as short thoughts and capitalization and punctuation are up the poet.

Syllables: Syllables are the individual sound units of words. It is tricky to count syllables, but a great way is to clap each time you hear a different sound.

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Haiku Structure

Line 1: 5 Syllables

Line 2: 7 Syllables

Line 3: 5 Syllables

1 syllable: *dog* *Mike* *rock*

2 syllables: *Michael* Mich---ael *orange* or---ange


(5) Woodpeckers chatter,

(7) While bees and butterflies dance.

(5) Spring is here again!


Gravity dancing

With an H2O ball gown

Wonderous nature

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Who, what, when, where, why poems should be 5 lines long. The poem should tell a story or give a strong picture of someone or something. Each line should answer one of the “w” questions in the order listed above. When you read the poem, it should sound like two sentences put together.

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WHO: An inexperienced pilot WHAT: took the airplane controls WHEN: on her 4th birthday WHERE: in the middle of her living-room. WHY: She was playing a videogame. By: Mr. Williams


WHO: The old teacher WHAT: wiped the whiteboard clean WHEN: before the students came in WHERE: to the classroom. WHY: It was his last day until retirement.

__________________________ WHO: WHAT:

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WHEN: WHERE: WHY: __________________________ WHO: WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: WHY: __________________________ WHO: WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: WHY:

Write a few thoughts explaining your feelings about writing poetry. Which poems did you enjoy the most? Did your feelings about poetry change as you completed this unit? What was challenging about poetry?


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Share your poetry book with several other people. Have them write a few comments about your creativity and effort. Have them sign their names.

Now that you have had a lot of awesome experiences with many different forms of poetry, you get a chance to really show off your skills.



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Look through your poetry booklet and choose 2-4 poems or styles of poems that you want to make a good copy of. The way that you display your poetry is up to you, here are some options:

You can also have the option of doing yours on the computer.

Here is the rubric you will be marked on.


4- Poetry Perfection

3- Poetry in Motion

2- Pretty Good Poetry

1- Pre-Poet

Creativity Very creative, fun/interesting to read, effort is clear. Juicy words used.

Creative poems with good effort. Some juicy words used.

Good poems but lacking some creativity.

Incomplete poems, lack of effort.

Form and Rules

All rules for the poem are followed.

Most rules for the poem are followed.

Missing some of the forms and rules.

Missing almost all rules.

Illustrations Pictures are very creative, show detail, and support the poem.

Good pictures, good detail, and support the poem.

Some pictures but not much detail.

No pictures.

Spelling and Neatness

All spelling is correct and it is very neat.

Most spelling is correct and it is neat.

Some spelling mistakes and fairly neat.

Many spelling mistakes and difficult to read.


Poetry Poetry

Poetry Poetry

A piece of paper with 1 poem on it with an illustration.

Poem1 Poem2

Poem4 Poem3

A large piece of poster paper with 2-4 poems on it with illustrations.