תקח - btya.orgbtya.org/wp-content/uploads/5777Chukas.pdf · Mitzvah of their grandson Shmuel...


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Lifecycles Mazel tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin on the birth of a grandson last Friday, to Yoni and Rochel Mermelstein, currently residing in Lakewood , NJ. The Rav and Rebbetzin have gone to the USA for the bris.

Mazel Tov to Baruch & Yonina Tenenbaum on the engagement of their son Yehoshua to Atti Peritzman, daughter of Boruch and Faigy Peritzman of Beitar Ilit.

Mazal Tov to Moshe & ChanaLeah Stengel on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Shmuel Stengel of Passaic.

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham ד“בסל“שמואל, ז‘ יונה אברהם בן ר‘ ש ר“ע

HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav

Dovid Kallus, President


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The Rav’s נ״ך shiur. Divrei HaYomim II Perek 35. 7:25am. Not This Week!

English Shabbos shiur for women: 4:45pm at the home of Heather Bloch, Nachal Achziv 8/5. Speaker: Rebbetzin Rivka Saperstein.

Rebbetzin Malinowitz’s Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos after the women’s shiur. Not This Week!

The Rav’s עין יעקב, אגדות הש״ס shiur. 4:15pm. Not This Week! Rav's Shiur: Rabbeinu Yonah on Pirkei Avos. From after TMK

until about 30 minutes before sheki’a. Not This Week! R’ Ari Stern ,בית מדרש 9:30pm in the ליל שבת :דף יומי ,בית מדרש Shabbos afternoon 4:00pm in the :דף יומי

R’ Zabrowsky Shab




The Rav is Away The Rav And Rebbetzin will not be in RBS this Shabbos, Parshas Chukas. Therefore, none of their Shabbos shiurim will be given, nor his Women’s Chovos HaLevavos shiur on Sunday. The Rav will be away until Tuesday morning July 4, and will not have e-mail access. He can be reached at 1-347-409-2387. On Shabbos Day, Rabbi Yehonason Alpren will give the Drasha in the Rav’s stead.

Chevra Chaburah Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt, will be giving this week’s chaburah on the topic: Efer Parah Adumah, Ba’alei shem , Practical Kabbalah and Golem There will be a light Kiddush before the 20 minute chaburah.

Keeping The Flame Of Torah Burning Brightly! The following days of learning were dedicated by Parnessei HaYom:

30 Sivan: Refuah Shlaima to Moshe ben Sarah Leah (Moshe Steinberg) from his friends.

To dedicate the z’chus of a day of learning (400₪), in honor, in memory, as a refuah, or for any other occasion, contact Moshe Lichtenstein at 052-952-7936 or mlichtenstein.mbl@gmail.com. The donations are used to perpetuate BTYA’s Torah learning programs. Donations to Parnessei HaYom are listed on the board at the front of the shul, in addition to being listed in the newsletter.

חקת פרקי אבות פרק ה׳

תמוז , התשע״ז׳ ז

Shabbos Schedule לוח זמנים לשבת Erev Shabbos ערב שבת

“Early” Mincha 6:03 מוקדמת”מנחה“ “Early” Candle Lighting 6:21-6:36 תמוקדמ ”הדלקת נרות“ Candle Lighting 7:13 הדלקת נרות Tefillas Mincha Ketana 7:33 תפילת מנחה קטנה One should be mekabel Shabbos before Sh’kia 7:53 יש לקבל שבת לפני שקיעה

“Late” Ma’ariv 9:00 ערבית מאוחרת Shabbos Day יום השבת

Shacharis - Vasikin 5:05 שחרית כותיקין Hanetz HaChama 5:50:15 הנץ החמה B’rachos and Korbanos 7:55 ברכות וקרבנות Pesukei D’Zimrah 8:05 פסוקי דזמרה Nishmas 8:25 נשמת Youth Minyan 8:45 מנין בחורים Latest Shema – G’ra 9:11 א“ש לגר“סוף זמן ק Tefillas Mincha Gedola 1:20 תפילת מנחה גדולה Avos u’Banim 5:00 אבות ובנים Tefillas Mincha Ketana 6:00 תפילת מנחה קטנה Sh’kia 7:53 שקיעה Ma’ariv 8:33 מעריב

Next Shabbos שבת הבאה Early Mincha 6:02 מוקדמת”מנחה“ “Early” Candle Lighting 6:20-6:35 תמוקדמ ”הדלקת נרות“ Candle Lighting 7:12 הדלקת נרות Mincha 7:32 מנחה

The Rav is OUT

A Message from the Rav and the President Moraiy veRabosaiy (and Wives):

Unbeknownst to many of you, the Shul has (quietly) joined the world-wide Daf Shavua Program. This program, as its name implies, covers a daf a week, with review built in, and the time to go into the daf with as much depth as one has time for (go to dafaweek.org to learn about this amazing program, its benefits, the participants and the mind-blowing resources available there).

The program is currently learning Beitzah daf 38 (yes, we started around 38 weeks ago), and will shortly be mesayem the massechta. (Massechess Rosh HaShana starts the week of 22 Tamuz—July 16—Parshas Mattos-Mass’ei)

The Shul’s participation is spearheaded and led by R’ David Leichter, who says the shiur two nights a week.

THE SHUL will be celebrating the siyum at a gala (milchike) siyum motzei 17 Tamuz,downstairs in Ulam Shabsai. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO COME BREAK THE FAST THROUGH THIS SE’UDAS MITZVAH (there will be a place for women, as we are certainly hoping that at the least the wives of the participants will be able to be at the siyum).

At the same time, you may want to consider joining the program, speaking to R’ David L or the other participants, or visiting the website dafaweek.org

At the same time, I would like to ask EVERYONE IN THE SHUL to consider learning this daf-a-week, in addition to their other learning programs. You can learn it at the level you choose, BUT IMAGINE the power of the entire Shul learning the same daf–a-week; and at that pace, it is something שוה לכל נפש.

The next few Massechtos–and years—will be in Mo’ed. A doable pace, a relatively easier leemud—having ready resources throughout the Shul. The Shul coming together collectively in this one-daf-a-week limud.

What do you say? (And in any event, see you at the siyum and seudas mitzvah, the night following 17 Tamuz, after Ma’ariv)

RCZM David Kallus

HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav 054-914-6311 or rav@btya.org Dovid Kallus, President president@btya.org

Subscribe to BTYA Lists Main list: btya-announce-list+subscribe@googlegroups.com Members-only: btya-members+subscribe@googlegroups.com Neshei List: btya-neshei-subscribe@btya.org Vasikin List: vasikin-subscribe@btya.org

Hall Res.: 054-845-1029 hallbeistefillah@gmail.com BTYA office hours: Su-Th: 8:45a-12:45p. 077-228-5175 admin@btya.org Send US tax-deductible donations to American Friends of Bais Tefilla, c/o Sonnenberg, 180 W End

Ave #12A, NY, NY 10023. Newsletter Design: Lev Seltzer Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events, news, etc. to newsletter@btya.org. If we don’t know about your event, we can’t publish it!

זמנים לימי חול עד פרשת בלק

תפלת מנחה שחרית ה׳-׳גדולה א

תפלת מנחה ה׳-׳קטנה א

מעריב ׳ו ׳ה ׳ד ׳ג ׳ב ׳א

5:27 6:50 ,8:00

5:27 6:55 ,8:00

5:25 6:55 ,8:00

5:26 6:50 ,8:00

5:26 6:55 ,8:00

5:26 6:55 ,8:00

1:20 7:15 8:15 & 10:15

Women’s Trip Summary Two Sundays ago, ladies of BTYA, together with ladies from the greater RBS and BS communities, traveled up North to daven at kivrei tzaddikim for the refuah shleima of Moshe ben Sarah Leah and Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel, together with all cholim of our communities. In addition, each lady davened, we are sure, for their personal and family’s needs.

Led by Rebbetzin Shoshi Nissenbaum, and joined by Rebbetzin Malinowitz, they davened at the kvarim of Chavakuk HaNavi, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Rabbi Yonaton ben Uziel, HaARI HaKodesh, Rabbi Shlomo HaLevi Alkabetz, and Rabbeinu Bachya ben Yoseph ibn Pequdah (the Chovos HaLevovos), among others.

On the bus, Rebbetzin Nissenbaum gave background on each of the tzaddikim, which greatly enriched the davening. All ladies returned uplifted, after pouring out their heart-felt tefillos at the kvarim of so many of Klal Yisroel’s holy sages.

May their many prayers be answered for the (revealed) good, and may we merit to see the complete recovery of Moshe ben Sarah Leah and Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel soon.

Many thanks to BTYA for sponsoring the bus, and to Shari Gherman for organizing all the details.

Leaf Drive! Please help us raise much needed funds

It has been a while since we had our last active leaf campaign. If you have lost a loved one who has not been memorialized on our Etz Chaim plaque in the shul lobby, please consider putting up their names at this time. A leaf or stone is meaningful way to bring zchus to their neshama with the added benefit of reminding your children of their roots every time they come to daven or learn in the shul. Please consider asking your parents or relatives if they would sponsor a leaf.

The Etz Chaim is not only there to remember loved ones. For expressing Hakoras HaTov, or marking a significant milestone, the shul’s Etz Chaim is the most affordable way to make it last. Small Leaf $180 Stone $1800 With many projects going on in the shul we need your support please help us while you help yourself!

For more information, contact Aryeh Sonnenberg at info2@btya.org or 054-499-1733.

Avos uBanim AUB begins at 5 PM, one hour before TMK. AUB is sponsored by:

The Rav

לע"נ ר' דב בר בן ר' אליהו מרדכי הכהן ז"ל Saba Jay and Savta Eileen Lefkowitz

לע"נ קלוינימוס יחזקאל בן יהודה ז"ל Paul and Bryna Epstein (Lefkowitz grandparents)

לע"נ חוה טובה בת יצחק דב ז"לThis week is the second week of our famous

Chocolate Chase!!! Come for 3 weeks (they don't have to be in a row)

to earn your very own Big Chocolate Bar!!!

Vasikin News The Gemorah in Shabbos (63a) states that whosoever fulfills a Mitzvah k’ma’marah (in its ideal way) even if Hashem had enacted a decree it will be torn up! The BTYA Vasikin Minyon enables you to perform the mitzvah of davening each morning in the ideal way. Join us any day at about 5:26 this week. On Shabbos we start just after five, and followed two hours later by a Kiddush, this week sponsored by the Seltzers for a refuah shelaymah for Leah Yehudis bas Raizel (Leslie Leventhal), featuring a world-famous Weismandl Cholent.

Eruv Field Trip The Mishna Berura shiur has finished learning the Halachos of Eruv Chatzeros, and is now beginning the Halachos of Eruv Techumin. As such, there will be two field trips, that anyone from BTYA can join.

This Friday night (June 30th) at 10:00pm, an eruv Techumin will have been placed, and the shiur will be walking outside of the city limits, down route 10 towards Beitar.

Who ever would like to join is welcome, however, please make sure that you are not carrying anything in your pockets (as there is no eruv), and that you wear a yellow reflective vest, for safety. The walking trip will be about 3.5km each way, and at the end point (route 10), there will be food and Divrei Torah.

Next Friday, (July 7th) from 12:30-2:00pm, there will be a tour of the eruv in our community, focusing on the differences between the Beit Shemesh Rabbanut eruv and Rav Perlstein's eruv.

Last but not least, If anyone has an interest in being involved with the Mehadrin eruv, there is a great need to improve the "Sechirus" (Renting access from non-Jews and non observant Jews) aspect of the eruv, and they are looking to for someone to manage and upkeep the eruv.

Please contact either Rav Meyer Maryles or Shmuel Katz, if you want to be involved in making your community eruv more Mehudar.

Shul Setup Shul setup for Erev Parshat Balak (July 7): Aryeh Rendel, Barak Saffer, Rafael Sait
