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Presentation By

Jaspreet Rekhi

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Joint movement – what are joints?

A joint is a place where two or more bones meet.

Without joints, our bodies would not be able to move.

Joints, along with the skeleton and muscular system, are responsible for the huge range of movement that the human body can produce.

There are several different types of joint, each producing different types and amounts of movement.

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Different types of joint

There are 3 different types of joint:

1. Immovable (or fixed) joints

3. Movable (or synovial) joints

2. Slightly movable joints

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1. Fixed or immovable joints

There are fewer than 10 immovable joints in the body.

They are sometimes called fibrous joints because the bones are held together by tough fibres.

Immovable joints can be found in the skull and pelvis, where several bones have fused together to form a rigid structure.

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Suture Bones tightly bound by

minimal fiber Only found in skull

Syndesmoses Bones connected by

ligaments E.g. tibiofibular ligament,

interosseous membrane of radius/ulna

Interosseous Membrane A sheet that binds

neighbouring long bone and permit a very little moment

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2. Slightly movable joints

Slightly movable joints are sometimes called cartilaginous joints.

The bones are separated by a cushion of cartilage. The joints between the vertebrae in the spine are cartilaginous joints.

The bones can move a little bit, but ligaments stop them moving too far. This is why we can bend, straighten and rotate through the back, but not too far.





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Synchondrosis Hyaline cartilage unites

bones Epiphyseal growth plates Costal cartilage-sternum

Symphyses Fibrocartilage unites

bones Pubic symphysis Intervertebral disc

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3. Freely movable or synovial joints

90% of the joints in the body are synovial joints. They are freely movable.

Synovial joints contain synovial fluid which is retained inside a pocket called the synovial membrane. This lubricates or ‘oils’ the joint.

All the moving parts are held together by ligaments.

These are highly mobile joints, like the shoulder and knee.

Synovial fluid


Synovial membrane

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Connective tissues

Connective tissues are vital to the functioning of joints. There are 3 types of connective tissue:

Ligaments are tough, elastic fibres that link bones to bones.

Tendons connect muscles to bones.

Cartilage prevents the ends of bones rubbing together at

joints. Its slippery surface also helps to lubricate the joint.

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Tendons and ligaments

Ligaments are responsible for holding joints together. They prevent bones moving out of position during the stresses of physical activity.

If they are pulled or twisted too far by extremephysical movements, ligaments can tear andthe joint may dislocate.

Tendons anchor muscles to bones, allowing the muscles to move the skeleton. Tendons are not very elastic –

if they were, then the force produced by muscles would be absorbed instead of creating movement.

Tendons can also be torn if subjected to too much force.

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Types of synovial joints

In ball and socket joints, the rounded end of one bone fits inside a cup-shaped ending on another bone.

Ball and socket joints allow movement in all directions and also rotation. The most mobile joints in the body are ball and socket joints.

Examples: Shoulders and hips.


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Types of synovial joints

Pivot joints have a ring of bone that fits over a bone protrusion, around which it can rotate.

These joints only allow rotation.

Examples: The joint between the atlas and axis in the neck which allows you to shake your head.



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Types of synovial joints

In saddle joints, the ends of the two bones fit together in a special way, allowing movement forwards and backwards and left to right, but not rotation.

Examples: The thumb is the only one.

Hinge joints – as their name suggests – only allow forwards and backwards movement.

Examples: The knee and elbow. Elbow

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Types of synovial joints

Condyloid joints have an oval-shaped bone end which fits into a correspondingly shaped bone end.

They allow forwards, backwards, left and right movement, but not rotation.

Examples: between the metacarpals and phalanges in the hand.

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Gliding joints have two flat faces of bone that slide over one another.

They allow a tiny bit of movement in all directions.

Examples: between the tarsals in the ankle.

Types of synovial joints

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Types of synovial joints

Convex surface of bone fits in concave surface of 2nd bone

Unixlateral like a door hinge

Examples:Knee, elbow, ankle, interphalangeal joints

Movements produced:-flexion-extension-hyperextension

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Synovial joints – sporting examples

During the butterfly stroke, the ball and socket joint of the shoulder allows the swimmer’s arm to rotate.

You might head a football using the pivot joint in your neck, which allows your head to rotate.

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Synovial joints – sporting examples

The saddle joint allows the thumb to curl around a canoe paddle to give a firm grip.

The hinge joint at the knee allows the leg to flex and extend, for example when a hurdler extends their trail leg at take-off and then flexes it as they clear the hurdle.

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Anatomical Position

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Various Movements


(a) Gliding movements at the wrist

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(b) Angular movements: flexion, extension, and hyperextension of the neck

Hyperextension Extension


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Hyperextension Flexion


(c) Angular movements: flexion, extension, andhyperextension of the vertebral column

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(d) Angular movements: flexion and extension at theshoulder and knee

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(e) Angular movements: abduction, adduction, andcircumduction of the upper limb at the shoulder


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(f) Rotation of the head, neck, and lower limb

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Supination(radius and ulna are parallel)

(a) Pronation (P) and supination (S)

Pronation(radius rotatesover ulna)

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Plantar flexion

(b) Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion

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(c) Inversion and eversion

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Protractionof mandible

Retractionof mandible

(d) Protraction and retraction

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Elevationof mandible

Depressionof mandible

(e) Elevation and depression

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(f) Opposition


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