de mayo de 2020 4º Domingo de...


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Sunday May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter / Cuarto Domingo De Pascua

Fourth Sunday of Easter, 3 May (mayo), 2020 Mass Weekday Schedule Mon thru Sat: 8:00 AM (English)

Thursday: 7:00 PM (Spanish)

Mass Weekend Schedule Sat: 4:00 PM (English)

Sun: 9:30 AM & 6:00 PM (English)

Sun: 12:30 PM (Spanish)

Sacrament of Reconciliation ½ hour before each weekend liturgies

Parish Office Hours Mon, Tue, & Thu 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Mission Statement St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church, Anderson SC was founded in 1943 by the Franciscans of the Holy Name Province, New York. The intention then and today, was and is to, in the spirit of Jesus Christ and St. Francis, minister in and with the African American Catholic community and to reach out to the African Americans of Anderson County. Furthermore, all who come to St. Mary’s from whatever background and ethnicity with a desire for Christian family will be regarded as brothers and sisters to us. We also see ourselves as called to live in Gospel relationship to the alienated and the poor of this community.

Declaración de la Misión La Iglesia Católica de Santa Maria de los Ángeles de Anderson, Carolina del Sur fue fundada en el año 1943 por los Franciscanos de la Provincia del Santísimo Nombre de Jesús en Nueva York. La intención en aquella época y ahora, ery y es en el espíritu de Jesucristo y San Francisco, servir a la Comunidad católica afro-americana y también poder llegar a todos los afro-americanos del Condado de Anderson. Además todos los que vienen a Santa María, de cualquier posición y grupo étnico, pero con un deseo de familia cristiana serán considerados como hermanos y hermanas. También nos vemos a nosotros mismos como los llamados a vivir la fraternidad del evangelio con los alienados y los pobres de esta comunidad.

Fr Chris, Horario De Despacho Registración en la parroquia, inscripción para matrimonios/bautismos, consultas: Martes Y Jueves, 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Pastor: Fr iar Michael P. Jones, OFM

(864) 226-8621 ext 111 /

Parochial Vicar: Friar Chr istopher J . Dunn, OFM

(864) 226-8621 ext 101 /

Coordinator of Religious Education: Jodie Mitchell

(864) 226-8621 ext 102 /

Parish Office: John Czmyr

(864) 226-8621 ext 100 /

Music Director: Heather Van Wieren

Maintenance: William Lenkner

Sunday May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter / Cuarto Domingo De Pascua




3 de mayo de 2020

4º Domingo de Pascua

La Pascua es obra de Dios; todo lo que viene de ella es solo el gran amor y misericordia para la humanidad. Es el Domingo del Buen Pastor, el que da la vida por sus ovejas. Sin duda alguna, es el Pastor que guía y protege hasta el extremo. El Evangelio menciona hermosas palabras que llenan el alma de esperanza, de cambio, de conversión constante: La Puerta, el Pastor, y la Voz. Estas palabras se refieren a Jesús que nos invita a entrar por esa puerta única de salvación; a distinguir al Pastor que cuida amorosamente de la oveja perdida. Y la voz, esa voz de Dios que siempre resuena en nuestra conciencia para distinguir el bien del mal.

Dios llama a cada persona por su nombre; conoce y anima a seguirle como auténtico Pastor. No debe haber confusión entre las miles de voces que escuchamos a diario. Aprendamos a escuchar su voz, a distinguir su amor verdadero; esto implica poner de nuestra parte. El Salmo 22 nos ayuda a profundizar en lo que es confiar la vida al Buen Pastor: “Tu bondad y tu misericordia me acompañarán todos los días de mi vida; y viviré en la casa del Señor por años sin término.” El Papa Francisco nos habla de distinguir y escuchar a ese Pastor con el siguiente mensaje: “No olvidemos que Jesús es el único Pastor que nos habla, nos conoce, nos da la vida eterna y nos protege. Nosotros somos el único rebaño y solamente tenemos que es-forzarnos por escuchar su voz, mientras con amor, Él escruta la sinceridad de nuestros corazones.”



May 3, 2020

Fourth Sunday of Easter

With whom do we converse and listen to the most? Believe it or not, the answer is ourselves. We are constantly having conversations with ourselves, and sometimes we even get caught! Our inner conversations reveal the truth about our-selves. We really cannot hide from ourselves, although we often pretend we can. By conversing with ourselves, we find solutions to our challenges, problem solve, work through our relationships, formulate opinions, run through dress rehearsals of possible conversations, and wrestle with and determine our system of priorities and values. What other voices affect the conversations we have with ourselves?

Often, voices from our past continue to haunt us. These voices cause us to mistrust our judgment, harbor anger, and cling to our fears of rejection, failure, being wrong, and the like. It is in these inner conversations that we face what holds us captive — our limitations, weaknesses, sinfulness, and stubborn ego preoccupations. We often go about our lives putting out one fire or another, keeping ourselves preoccupied and busy, and trying to stay on top of things. Intentionally or unintentionally, we find ourselves wandering off. We turn around and can no longer see our home. We look down at our feet and realize we have lost our anchor. Feeling scared, out of place, desolate, unsettled, and lonely, we realize that we are lost.

We listened to the wrong voices! In the midst of everything competing for our attention, the voice of the One who could truly call us home got muffled. We didn’t hear it. As our inner dialogues continue to play out, the one voice we need to con-sult — even before our own — is God’s. He is the Good Shepherd who can keep us safely where we need to be. As we graze through the stuff of our lives, we must constantly remember to look up, be attentive, and stay focused. Our habits of prayer are the only thing that can properly root us and keep us grounded. Contemplating God’s presence and developing an inner awareness of love incarnate, we will then find ourselves praying unceasingly as the days and nights and the ebbs and flows of our of lives unfold. Suddenly, the inner conversations we are constantly having are no longer just with ourselves or with voices that can lead us astray but with the Trinity, who desperately wants us to stay home.


Sunday May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter / Cuarto Domingo De Pascua


Recognizing the Voice of Jesus

When my wireless provider introduced HD Voice, the voice I heard on my phone was unbelievably clear, and it felt at times like both the caller and I were in the same room. The best aspect of this feature is that it didn’t cost the customer any additional fees, and it didn’t require any changes to the phone. I could say it was free, but I suspect I was already paying for it in my monthly bill anyway. At least it felt free.

The clearer the voice calling you, the easier it is to recognize who it is on the other end of the line. In John’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the gatekeeper who opens the gate and calls for his sheep. They respond because they know his voice. Others try to lure the sheep when the gatekeeper is not there, but the sheep find their voices unclear or unfamiliar.

Jesus is our gatekeeper. But unlike receiving something for free from a wireless company, to be able to hear his voice we need to pay attention and practice listening. By developing a stewardship way of life that is mindful and prayerful, we become attuned to his voice and are able to discern when the call is from our Lord and when it is from an imposter. It is great to talk about all the things we can do and all the gifts we can share, but if we are not listening for his call to hear where our offerings are needed, we can end up like a lost sheep searching for the gatekeeper.


Reconociendo la Voz de Jesús Cuando mi proveedor de servicios inalámbricos presentó Voz HD, la voz que escuché en mi teléfono era increíblemente clara, y en ocasiones sentía que tanto la persona que llamaba como yo estábamos en la misma habitación. El mejor aspecto de esta función es que no le costaba al cliente ninguna tarifa adicional, y no requería ningún cam-bio en el teléfono. Podría decir que era gratis, pero sospecho que de todos modos ya lo estaba pagando en mi factura mensual. Al menos se sintió libre.

Cuanto más clara sea la voz que te llama, más fácil es reconocer quién esta al otro lado de la línea. En el Evangelio de Juan, Jesús habla del cuidador que abre la puerta y llama a sus ovejas. Responden porque conocen su voz. Otros, intentan atraer a las ovejas cuando el cuidador no está allí, pero las ovejas encuentran sus voces poco claras o desconocidas.

Jesús es nuestro cuidador. Pero a diferencia de recibir algo gratis de una compañía inalámbrica, para poder escuchar su voz necesitamos prestar atención y practicar la escucha. Al desarrollar una forma de vida de corresponsabilidad que sea atenta y de oración, nos sintonizamos con su voz y podemos discernir cuándo la llamada es de nuestro Señor y cuando es de un impostor. Es genial hablar sobre todas las cosas que podemos hacer y todos los regalos que podemos compartir, pero si no estamos escuchando su llamada para saber dónde se necesitan nuestras ofrendas, podemos terminar como una oveja perdida buscando al cuidador.

—Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © LPi

Sunday May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter / Cuarto Domingo De Pascua

Anderson’s Emergency Kitchen Meals Served Pre- and Post-COVID-19 State of Emergency Declaration

For the two first weeks in March 2020, prior to the March 13, 2020 COVID19 State of Emergency Declaration by Governor Henry McMaster, the number of meals served by Anderson’s Emergency Kitchen, Monday-Friday, ranged from 47 to 67, for a two-week total of 532 meals (257 the first week; 275 the second week). The daily average for those two weeks was 53 meals served. After the COVID-19 emergency declaration, daily meals served for the remainder of March ranged from 51-96. Total number of meals served in March after the declaration was 836, with a daily average of 70 meals served. From April 1 to April 24, a total of 1333 meals have been served on a Monday-Friday schedule Number of meals served daily has ranged from a low of 62 to a high of 98, with an average of 74 meals daily. The weekly total and daily average number of meals served by Anderson’s Emergency Kitchen from the first week of March 2020 through April 24, 2020 is shown below. The demand for meals from Anderson’s Emer-gency Kitchen increased and has remained high since the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration.

Some of Anderson’s Emergency Kitchen’s clients came from the Salvation Army homeless shelter prior to the Emergency Declaration (probably about 20 most days). With the Declaration, those clients stayed in the shelter and were fed on site. Thus, despite “losing” some clients, demand for meals increased after the Emergency Declaration. Donations can be sent to: Anderson Emergency Kitchen PO Box 515 Anderson, SC 29624 Online Donations:

Anderson’s Emergency Kitchen, Pre and Post-COVID-19 Emergency Declaration

Week Total Meals Served Average Meals Served Dai-ly

Mar 2-6 257 51

Mar 9-13 275 55

COVID-19 Emergency Declaration was made Friday, March 13, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.

March 16-20 304 61

March 23-27 389 78

March 30-April 3 345 69

April 6-10 395 79

April 13-17 374 75

April 20-24 362 72

Sunday May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter / Cuarto Domingo De Pascua

Sunday May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter / Cuarto Domingo De Pascua

Prayer for the Coronavirus

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe,

Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Americas.

We fly to you today as your beloved children.

We ask you to intercede for us with your Son,

as you did at the wedding in Cana.

Pray for us, loving Mother,

and gain for our nation and world,

and for all our families and loved ones,

the protection of your holy angels,

that we may be spared the worst of this illness.

For those already afflicted,

we ask you to obtain the grace

of healing and deliverance.

Hear the cries of those who are vulnerable

and fearful,

wipe away their tears and help them to trust.

In this time of trial and testing,

teach all of us in the Church to love one another

and to be patient and kind.

Help us to bring the peace of Jesus to our land

and to our hearts.

We come to you with confidence,

knowing that you truly are

our compassionate mother,

health of the sick and cause of our joy.

Shelter us under the mantle of your protection,

keep us in the embrace of your arms,

help us always to know the love of your Son, Jesus.


Una Oracion por el Coronavirus

Virgen Santísima de Guadalupe,

Reina de los Ángeles y Madre de las Américas.

Acudimos a ti hoy como tus amados hijos.

Te pedimos que intercedas por nosotros con tu Hijo,

como lo hiciste en las bodas de Caná.

Ruega por nosotros, Madre amorosa,

y obtén para nuestra nación, nuestro mundo,

y para todas nuestras familias y seres queridos,

la protección de tus santos ángeles,

para que podamos salvarnos de lo peor

de esta enfermedad.

Para aquellos que ya están afectados,

te pedimos que les concedas la gracia

de la sanación y la liberación.

Escucha los gritos de aquellos que son

vulnerables y temerosos,

seca sus lágrimas y ayúdalos a confiar.

En este tiempo de dificultad y prueba,

enséñanos a todos en la Iglesia a amarnos

los unos a los otros y a ser pacientes y amables.

Ayúdanos a llevar la paz de Jesús a nuestra

tierra y a nuestros corazones.

Acudimos a ti con confianza, sabiendo

que realmente eres

nuestra madre compasiva,

la salud de los enfermos y la causa

de nuestra alegría.

Refúgianos bajo el manto de tu protección,

mantennos en el abrazo de tus brazos,

ayúdanos a conocer siempre el amor de tu Hijo, Jesús.


Sunday May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter / Cuarto Domingo De Pascua

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