Multipotent stromal cells are activated to reduce apoptosis in part by upregulation and secretion of...


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Multipotent Stromal Cells Are Activated to Reduce Apoptosis in

Part by Upregulation and Secretion of Stanniocalcin-1







aTulane Center for Gene Therapy, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA;bLondon Regional Cancer Program and the Department of Oncology, Biochemistry, University of Western

Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; cDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology, Tulane University, New

Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Key Words. Multipotent stromal cells • Stanniocalcin-1 • Apoptosis • Ischemia • UV irradiation • Microarray


Multipotent stromal cells (MSCs) have been shown toreduce apoptosis in injured cells by secretion of para-

crine factors, but these factors were not fully defined.We observed that coculture of MSCs with previously

UV-irradiated fibroblasts reduced apoptosis of the irra-diated cells, but fresh MSC conditioned medium wasunable reproduce the effect. Comparative microarray

analysis of MSCs grown in the presence or absence ofUV-irradiated fibroblasts demonstrated that the MSCs

were activated by the apoptotic cells to increase synthe-sis and secretion of stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1), a peptide

hormone that modulates mineral metabolism and haspleiotrophic effects that have not been fully character-

ized. We showed that STC-1 was required but not suf-ficient for reduction of apoptosis of UV-irradiated

fibroblasts. In contrast, we demonstrated that MSC-derived STC-1 was both required and sufficient forreduction of apoptosis of lung cancer epithelial cells

made apoptotic by incubation at low pH in hypoxia.Our data demonstrate that STC-1 mediates the antia-

poptotic effects of MSCs in two distinct models of apo-ptosis in vitro. STEM CELLS 2009;27:670–681

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is found at the end of this article.


Multipotent adherent cells from the bone marrow, known asmesenchymal stem cells or multipotent stromal cells (MSCs),are easily expanded ex vivo and maintain their ability to dif-ferentiate into a variety of cell phenotypes [1, 2]. Initialobservations suggested that MSCs might repair injured tissuesthrough mechanisms involving differentiation and perhapsfusion [3]. Subsequent observations, however, demonstratedthat the cells produced functional improvement in several dis-ease models without much evidence of long-term engraftment[4–6]. The results suggested that MSCs repaired tissues bymultiple interactions that included secretion of paracrine fac-tors to enhance regeneration of injured cells, to stimulate theproliferation and differentiation of the stem-like progenitorcells found in most tissues [7, 8], to decrease immune reac-tions [9], and to decrease inflammatory reactions [10–12].Reports that MSCs decreased apoptosis were of special inter-est. For example, MSCs that were engineered to overexpressAKT decreased apoptosis in a mouse model of myocardial

infarction [13] by secreting the secreted frizzled-related pro-tein-2, an antagonist of Wnt signaling [14]. Also, conditionedmedium from human MSCs was shown to contain paracrinefactors that inhibited apoptosis in hypoxic human aortic endo-thelial cells that were not fully defined [15].

In the present study, we first UV-irradiated skin fibroblaststo induce apoptosis and then cocultured the apoptotic fibro-blasts in a transwell system with MSCs. The MSCs reducedapoptosis of the UV-irradiated fibroblasts. The strategyallowed us to examine the influence of the apoptotic cells onunperturbed cultures of MSCs. The results indicated that theMSCs were activated by the apoptotic fibroblasts to upregu-late and secrete increased amounts of stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1), a peptide hormone that modulates calcium metabolism andhas pleiotrophic effects that include increased resistance ofcells to damage from hypoxia and other insults under somecircumstances [16–21]. Reduction of apoptosis in the UV-irra-diated fibroblasts required STC-1; however, recombinanthuman STC-1 (rhSTC-1) was unable to reduce apoptosis. Inanother model, we found that MSCs also decreased apoptosisby increased secretion of STC-1 in a coculture system with

Author contributions: G.J.B.: conception and design, collection and/or assembly of data, analysis and interpretation, manuscript writingand revisions; S.O.: conception and design, collection and/or assembly of data, analysis and interpretation, manuscript writing; F.F. andJ.F.: collection of data; C.G. and R.P.: conception and design; G.D. and D.E.S.: conception and design, provision of study material orpatients; D.J.P.: conception and design, analysis and interpretation, manuscript writing, final approval of manuscript. G.J.B. and S.O.contributed equally to this work.

Correspondence: Darwin J. Prockop, M.D., Ph.D., Tulane Center for Gene Therapy, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, NewOrleans, Louisiana, USA. Telephone: 504-988-7711 Fax: 504-988-7710; e-mail: Received August 7, 2008;accepted for publication December 3, 2008; first published online in STEM CELLS EXPRESS December 18, 2008. VC AlphaMed Press1066-5099/2008/$30.00/0 doi: 10.1634/stemcells.stemcells.2008-0742

STEM CELLS 2009;27:670–681

lung cancer epithelial cells in which both the MSCs and theepithelial cells were exposed to acidosis and hypoxia. Underthese circumstances STC-1 was required and sufficient toreduce apoptosis of the lung epithelial cells.


Cell Culture and Reagents

Frozen vials of passage 1 human bone marrow MSCs (approxi-mately 1 � 106 cells) were obtained from Tulane University( Thecells consistently differentiated into bone, fat, and cartilage inculture and were negative for hematopoietic markers (CD34,CD36, CD117, and CD45) and positive for CD29 (95%), CD44(>93%), CD49c (99%), CD49f (>70%), CD59 (>99%), CD90(>99%), CD105 (>99%), and CD166 (>99%). The cells werethawed and plated in a 15-cm-diameter dish in complete culturemedium (CCM) (a-minimal essential medium; Gibco-BRL, Carls-bad, CA,, 17% fetal bovine serum(FBS; lot-selected for rapid growth of MSCs; Atlanta Biologicals,Atlanta, GA, units/ml penicilin/100 mg/ml streptomycin/2 mM L-glutamine (Gibco-BRL) andincubated for 24 hours to recover viable cells [22]. The mediumwas removed, the cultures were washed with phosphate-bufferedsaline (PBS), and adherent MSCs were recovered by incubationwith 0.25% trypsin and 1 mM EDTA (Gibco-BRL) for 5 minutesat 37�C. Donors used were as follows: donor 1, 5064L; donor 2,240L; donor 3, 242L.

For the coculture experiments with irradiated fibroblasts, nor-mal human diploid dermal skin fibroblasts (HS-68; American TypeCulture Collection, Rockville, MD, werethawed and plated at 10,000 cells per cm2 on a 4.6-cm2 transwellinserts (pore size, 0.4 lm; #3450; Corning Enterprises, New York, in 2 ml of growth medium (low-glucoseDulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium [Gibco-BRL], 10% FBS, and100 units/ml penicillin). Cells were incubated for 24 hours andthen irradiated with 50 J/m2 UV light (Stratalinker model 1800;Stratagene, Santa Clara, CA, Thisamount of UV light was determined to be optimal for achievingapoptosis in 15%–30% of the cells in 48 hours. Irradiated fibro-blasts were incubated in coculture by placing the filters over MSCsthat were previously plated at a density of 1,000 cells per cm2 onregular six-well dishes (#3516; Corning, New York, NY) and incu-bated for 5 days, with a medium change on the third day. Cocul-tures and controls were incubated in 3 ml of CCM for 48 hours.The fibroblasts were then harvested with trypsin/EDTA.

For the coculture experiments with human A549 lung epithe-lial cells (American Type Culture Collection), the A549 cells wereplated at 10,000 cells per cm2 on transwell inserts and incubated ingrowth medium for 24 hours. Inserts were then placed on top ofMSCs that were previously plated at 1,000 cells per cm2 and werepreincubated for 5 days in 3 ml of CCM. The CCM was eitherunmodified or preadjusted to a predetermined pH with lactic acid(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, For hy-poxia experiments, A549 and MSC cocultures were incubatedunder 1% O2, 5% CO2 and 94% N2 for 24 hours (model 3130 in-cubator; Thermo Electron Corporation, Holsbrook, NY, After a 24-hour incubation period, cells wereharvested. pH 5.8 was found to be optimal to induce apoptosisunder hypoxia, whereas pH 6.3 was optimal under normoxia.

Mouse embryonic fibroblasts from wild-type and STC-1-over-expressing mice were a gift from Dr. Gabriel DiMattia (Univer-sity of Western Ontario). Inner medullary collecting duct cells(IMCD3 cells) were a gift from Dr. Samir El-Dahr (Tulane Uni-versity Health Sciences Center).

Donkey anti-STC-1 antibodies from two sources (R&D Sys-tems Inc., Minneapolis,; Santa CruzBiotechnology Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, or an

isotype control of donkey anti-IgG (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA, was added to the medium at theindicated concentrations. FLAG-tagged rhSTC-1 synthesized inhuman cells was purchased from BioVendor Laboratory Medi-cine, Inc. (Modrice, Czech Republic,

Viability Assays

Viability was assayed with annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanateand propidium iodide (PI) (Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis DetectionKit; Sigma-Aldrich) and analyzed with a closed-stream flow cy-tometer (model FC500; Beckman Coulter). Photomicrographs wereprepared by phase contrast microscopy (Eclipse TE200; Nikon,Tokyo, Cell cycle analysis was performedusing the DNA-Prep Reagent System (Beckman Coulter) and ana-lyzed by flow cytometry as described previously [23]. Terminal de-oxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) stain-ing was performed using the Roche In Situ Cell Death DetectionKit (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Mitochondriawere stained using the MitoTracker Red CM-H2XRos mitochon-drial dye as per the manufacturer’s instructions (Invitrogen, Carls-bad, CA, http://www.invitrogen. com).


To obtain adequate amounts of RNA for the microarrays, the co-culture experiments were repeated with fibroblasts that wereplated at 10,000 cells per cm2 on a 9.6-cm2 transwell permeable0.4-lm pore filter (Corning) for 24 hours and then UV-irradiated.The transwell filter was cocultured with MSCs by placing the fil-ter over MSCs that were previously plated at 100 cells per cm2 ina 15-cm2 dish and incubated for 5 days. The transwell filter wassupported over the MSCs with 3 � 3 mm pieces of sterile sili-cone that were 1 mm thick (Press-to-Seal; Invitrogen). The sam-ples were incubated in 30 ml of CCM for 48 hours. The MSCswere lysed, and RNA was isolated (RNeasy RNA extraction kit;Qiagen, Valencia, CA, RNA concentra-tion was assayed by absorbance at 260 nm. Samples were proc-essed by the Microarray Core Facility of the Tulane Center forGene Therapy [24]. In brief, microarrays were performed using aGeneChip (HGU1332.0; Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, for 55,000 human probes for transcriptsfrom more than 30,000 human genes. Chips were scanned withMicroarray Suite 5.0 (MAS5.0; Affymetrix), and the images weretransferred to the dChip1.3þ program [25]. A heat map was gen-erated by clustering genes upregulated or downregulated morethan twofold, at 90% confidence.

Western Blot Assays

Cells were lysed (RIPA Lysis Buffer; Santa Cruz Biotechnology)and suspended in sample buffer (NuPAGE LDS sample buffer;Invitrogen) containing 5% 2-mercaptoethanol (Sigma-Aldrich),heated for 3 minutes at 95�C, and loaded at 20 lg of protein perlane onto polyacrylamide gels (NuPAGE 4%–12% Bis-Tris Gels;Invitrogen). Electrophoresis was for 1.5 hours at 180 V in run-ning buffer (NuPAGE MOPS SDS Running Buffer; Invitrogen).Polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane (GenHunter Corpo-ration, Nashville, TN, was incubatedin methanol for 1 minute, and proteins were transferred to themembrane by electrophoresis at 30 V for 1.5 hours in transferbuffer (NuPAGE Transfer Buffer; Invitrogen). The membranewas blocked for 2 hours at room temperature with PBS contain-ing 0.5% Tween 20 (PBST) and 5% skim milk (Santa Cruz Bio-technology). The membrane was incubated overnight at 4�C withprimary goat antibody to STC-1 (1:1,000; R&D Systems) in 1%skim milk. After washing with PBST, the membrane was incu-bated for 2 hours at room temperature with secondary horseradishperoxidase-conjugated donkey anti-goat antibody (1:5,000; Milli-pore, Temecula, CA, in 1% skim milkin PBST. The membrane was visualized by chemiluminescence(Visualizer Spray & Glow ECL Western Blotting Detection

Block, Ohkouchi, Fung et al. 671

System; Upstate, Lake Placid, NY, Toisolate the 70-kDa band of STC-1, the corresponding region ofthe gel was excised using the molecular weight standard as aguide. The excised gel was placed in dialysis tubing and waselectrophoresed for 1 hour to elute the protein in 5 ml of 0.1�running buffer (NuPAGE MOPS SDS running buffer; Invitrogen).The sample was then lyophilized (MODULYOD; Thermo Elec-tron Corporation) and resuspended in 100 ll of lysis buffer(RIPA lysis buffer; Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Ten microlitersof sample, containing 1� loading buffer (NuPAGE LDS samplebuffer; Invitrogen) and 5% 2-mercaptoethanol, was boiled for 3minutes and electrophoresed 0.1� running buffer (NuPAGEMOPS SDS running buffer; Invitrogen). For assays of secretedSTC-1, conditioned medium was passed through a 50-kDa filter(Amicon Ultra Centrifugal Filter; Millipore), and the filtrate wasconcentrated on a 10-kDa filter. The concentrated sample wasthen assayed by electrophoresis and Western blotting. Equal load-ing of protein was confirmed by staining the PVDF membranewith india ink (Pelikan, Hannover, Germany).

Quantitative Reverse Transcription-PolymeraseChain Reaction

Cells were lysed, RNA was isolated (RNeasy RNA extraction kit;Qiagen), and RNA concentration was assayed by absorbance at260 nm. Reverse transcription was carried out (Superscript III;Invitrogen), and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction(PCR) was performed (ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detection Sys-tem using a SYBR green kit; Applied Biosystems, Foster City,CA, using the followingprimer pairs: STC-1 forward, CAG CTG CCC AAT CAC TTCTC; STC-1 reverse, TCT CCA TCA GGC TGT CTC TGA;glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) forward,TCA ACG GAT TTG GTC GTA TTG GG; GAPDH reverse,TGA TTT TGG AGG GAT CTC GC.

RNA Interference and Transfection

Three different short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) for STC-1 (Si-lencer Pre-designed siRNA; catalog no. AM16708A; Ambion,Austin, TX, were used with a negativecontrol (Silencer FAMTM-Labeled Negative Control 1 siRNA;catalog no. AM4620; Ambion). siRNA transfection was carriedout using a commercial kit (siPORT Neo FX; Ambion). Briefly, 5ll of SiPORT Neo FX in 100 ll of Opti-MEM (Invitrogen) wasmixed with either STC-1 100 nM siRNA or 300 nM negativecontrol in 100 ll of Opti-MEM. The mixture was then incubatedfor 20 minutes at room temperature and was added to freshlytrypsinized MSCs in suspension (5,000 cells per 800 ll of CCM).Final siRNA concentration was 30 nM. The cells were incubatedfor 16 hours at 37�C in a 5% CO2 incubator and were used forexperiments within 48 hours. Following incubation, transfectionefficiency was evaluated using flow cytometry. STC-1 knock-down was confirmed by Western blotting and reverse transcrip-tion-PCR. The following three siRNA probes were used simulta-neously to knock down STC-1: ID12722 sense, GGG AAAAGCAUUCGUCAAAtt; antisense, UUUGACGAAUGCUUUUCCCtg; ID12905 sense, GGUCUAACUGUGGAAUAUAtt; anti-sense, UAUAUUCCACAGUUAGACCtt; ID138790 sense, CGACUAACCUAUCUAUGAAtt; antisense, UUCAUAGAUAGGUUAGUCGtt.

Immunofluorescence Microscopy

Cells grown on coverslips were fixed for 10 minutes either withice-cold methanol acetone (1:1) for labeling with antibodies toSTC-1 or with 4% paraformaldehyde (Electron Microscopy Sci-ence, Hatfield, PA, for labeling withantibodies to both STC-1 and vinculin. The sample was washedthree times for 5 minutes with PBS, blocked for 45 minutes atroom temperature in 5% donkey serum in PBS, and incubated for1 hour at room temperature in donkey anti-STC-1 antibody(1:1,000; R&D Systems). For experiments marked ‘‘data not

shown,’’ anti-STC-1 antibody was obtained from Santa Cruz Bio-technology. The sample was washed three times for 5 minuteswith PBS and incubated for 1 hour with Alexa-594-conjugateddonkey anti-goat IgG (1:1,000; Invitrogen). After three 5-minutewashes in PBS, coverslips were mounted on slides. For vinculin/STC-1 double labeling, primary antibody solution also containedmouse anti-vinculin antibody (1:500; Abcam, Cambridge, MA, and an additional secondary (Alexa-488donkey anti-mouse). Rabbit anti-promyelocytic leukemia (PML)antibody (Millipore) was used at a final concentration of 1:1,000.Anti-rabbit Alexa-488 conjugated antibody (Invitrogen) was usedat a final concentration of 1:1,000. Photomicrographs wereobtained with an epifluorescence microscope (model BX51;Olympus, Tokyo, with anORCA-AG digital charge-coupled device camera (HamamatsuPhotonics, Hamamatsu, Japan, Anonspecific goat IgG (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) was used as anegative control. For absorption assays, antibodies were incubatedwith 50 ng/ml rhSTC-1 45 minutes prior to incubation with sam-ple. Surface plot rendering of STC-1 staining was performedusing ImageJ (

Transient Transfection of A549 Cells

Complimentary DNA corresponding to STC-1 was obtained fromAmerican Tissue Type Culture Collection. Approximately 1 �105 A549 cells were plated on 22 � 22 mm glass coverslips in asix-well dish and transfected using Trans-it LT-1 transfection rea-gent (Mirus Bio, Madison, WI,, 1 lg of STC-1 DNA was mixed with 1.5 lg of carrierDNA (pBluescript SKþ), incubated with 7.5 ll of Trans-it LT-1reagent diluted in 250 ll of Opti-MEM, and transferred into awell containing 2 ml of growth medium.

Statistical Analyses

Unless otherwise indicated, all experiments were performed intriplicate, a minimum of three times. Analysis of variance wasperformed for experiments of more than two groups; otherwise, atwo-tailed, unpaired Student t test was performed. Statistical anal-ysis was processed using Smith’s Statistical Package (


MSCs Reduce Apoptosis of UV-IrradiatedFibroblasts

To investigate whether soluble factors derived from MSCscould reduce apoptosis, we first irradiated fibroblasts grownon a transwell filter with a sufficient dose of UV light (50 J/m2) to induce apoptosis in 15%–30% of the cells in 48 hours.We then placed the irradiated fibroblasts in coculture withMSCs incubated in a standard six-well dish, such that the twocell populations were 1 mm apart and separated by the 0.4lm pores of the transwell membrane. Forty-eight hours fol-lowing UV irradiation, a significant number of the fibroblastshad undergone apoptosis as assayed by annexin V and PIlabeling (Fig. 1A, 1B) [26–28]. The use of annexin V/PIstaining as a quantitative measure of apoptosis was validatedby confirming other hallmarks of apoptosis, such as DNAdegradation, TUNEL staining, nuclei defragmentation, anduptake of mitochondrial dye (supporting information Fig. 1).When the irradiated fibroblasts were cocultured with MSCs inthe transwell, the level of apoptosis of the fibroblasts wasreduced by about half. Similar results were obtained withMSCs from four additional donors (not shown) and A549lung cancer epithelial cells (supporting information Fig. 2A).In contrast, conditioned medium from naı̈ve MSCs (MSC

672 MSCs Are Activated to Reduce Apoptosis

Figure 1. MSCs reduce apoptosis of UV-Fib. (A): Fibroblasts were incubated on a transwell filter, UV-irradiated, and then transferred for co-culture with MSCs in a six-well dish. Forty-eight hours later, viability and apoptosis were assayed after labeling for annexin V staining and pro-pidium iodide (PI) incorporation by flow cytometry. (B): Quantification of annexin V/PI-positive cells. *, p < .05. Error bars ¼ SD. (C):Irradiated fibroblasts were incubated alone or in transwell cocultures with Fib. (D): Representative phase-contrast images of UV-Fib incubatedalone and in coculture with MSCs or Fib. Scale bar ¼ 100 lm. Magnification, �40. (E): Microarray heat map analysis of shared genes from twoMSC donors upregulated or downregulated more than 2.0-fold when incubated either alone (lanes 1, 4), in cocultures with Fib (lanes 2, 5), or incocultures with irradiated fibroblasts (lanes 3, 6); n ¼ 1. (F): Venn diagram of genes upregulated 2.0-fold in each MSC donor cell line whencocultured with UV-Fib versus Fib. Genes upregulated in MSCs from donor 1 (green), donor 2 (red), and both donors (yellow); n ¼ 1. Data arefrom experiments performed with MSC donor 1, unless otherwise stated. Abbreviations: Fib, naı̈ve fibroblasts; MSC, multipotent stromal cells intranswell coculture; MSC CdM, conditioned medium from naı̈ve multipotent stromal cells; UV-Fib, irradiated fibroblasts.

CdM) did not reduce apoptosis of irradiated fibroblasts (Fig.1A, 1B). As expected, controls of nonirradiated fibroblastshad no effect in the transwell system with irradiated fibro-blasts (Fig. 1C). Phase contrast imaging of the cultures corro-borated the observations. Cultures of irradiated fibroblastsincubated alone became sparse as cells detached from the fil-ter and the cells lost their typical spindle-shaped morphology(Fig. 1D, left panel), whereas those cocultured in transwellswith MSCs remained dense and the cells retained a spindle-shaped morphology (Fig. 1D, middle panel). Again, coculturein the transwells with nonirradiated fibroblasts had no effecton irradiated fibroblast morphology (Fig. 1D, right panel).The results indicated that the MSCs had to be activated bysoluble factors produced by the irradiated fibroblasts to pro-duce one or more soluble factors that reduced apoptosis in thefibroblasts.

Coculture with Irradiated Fibroblasts Changedthe Transcriptome of MSCs

As a preliminary screen for soluble antiapoptotic factors pro-duced by the MSCs, we used microarrays to identify changesin the MSC transcriptome following incubation with UV-irra-diated fibroblasts. Figure 1D displays a heat map analysis ofgenes shared between two MSC donors after being filtered forgenes that were upregulated or downregulated by more thantwofold when cocultured with irradiated fibroblasts. MSCsfrom one donor upregulated 70 genes, whereas MSCs from asecond donor upregulated 171 (Fig. 1F). The variation in datawith the MSCs from the two donors probably reflects differ-ent degrees of apoptosis induced by the same exposure to

irradiation and differences in the rates of proliferation of theMSCs under the coculture conditions, an example of the rapidchanges in the transcriptome of MSCs as they are expandedin culture [23]. Of special interest were the 11 upregulatedgenes common to both donors (Fig. 1F; Table 1). Of these 11shared genes, only STC-1 encoded a secreted protein.

STC-1 Expression and Secretion Is Upregulated byMSCs in Cocultures with UV-Irradiated Fibroblasts

We next explored the possibility that secretion of STC-1could account for the antiapoptotic effects of MSCs in thetranswell system. Western blot assays with a polyclonal anti-body for STC-1 demonstrated that cell lysates from naı̈vefibroblasts and MSCs contained a cross-reacting band of35 kDA, the expected size of the protein [29] (Fig. 2A, 2B).The lysates also contained a 70-kDa form of the protein thatconverted to 35 kDa after more extensive reduction (Fig. 2A).The specificity of the antibody for Western blots was demon-strated by preabsorbing the antibody with rhSTC-1 (support-ing information Fig. 3A) and by confirming reactivity withboth 35- and 70-kDa forms of rhSTC-1 (supporting informa-tion Fig. 3B). Also, Western blots with the antibody demon-strated decreased levels of the protein after the MSCs weretransduced with an siRNA for STC-1 (supporting informationFig. 4). After irradiation, the STC-1 levels in lysates of fibro-blasts decreased (Fig. 2A, lanes 2, 3). In contrast, there wasan increase in the STC-1 content of MSCs after coculturewith naı̈ve fibroblasts (Fig. 2A, lane 6) and a greater increaseafter coculture with UV-irradiated fibroblasts, corroboratingour microarray data (Fig. 2A, lane 7). (For clarity, a lower

Figure 2. Upregulation and secretion of STC-1 by MSCs is required but not sufficient for reduction of apoptosis of UV-Fib. (A): Western blotanalyses of cell lysates. Left panel: Fibroblasts incubated alone or with UV-Fib. Middle panel: MSCs incubated alone, with Fib or with UV-Fib.A low exposure of 35 kDa band is provided for clarity. Right panel: 70-kDa band was excised, denatured again, and reduced before re-electro-phoresis. Actin was the loading control. Nonreduced controls taken at the same exposure are shown adjacent to each blot to highlight antibodyspecificity. (B): Western blot analysis of secreted STC-1 in conditioned medium. Albumin on the polyvinylidene difluoride membrane wasstained with india ink as a loading control. (C): Apoptosis of UV-Fib cultured alone or cocultured with MSCs with or without antibodies toSTC-1. *, p < .05. Error bars ¼ SD. (D): Fibroblasts were treated with 50 ng/ml or 100 ng/ml for 48 hours following irradiation. Apoptosis wasmeasured using flow cytometry. All experiments shown were performed with MSC donor 1. Abbreviations: Fib, naı̈ve fibroblasts; MSC, multipo-tent stromal cells; rhSTC-1, recombinant human stanniocalcin-1; STC-1, stanniocalcin-1; UV-Fib, irradiated fibroblasts.

674 MSCs Are Activated to Reduce Apoptosis

exposure of the 35-kDa band is shown in the lower panel.)Western blot assays of conditioned medium indicated thatMSCs cocultured with UV-irradiated fibroblasts showed amarked increase in STC-1 secretion relative to MSCs culturedwith nonirradiated fibroblasts or irradiated fibroblasts culturedalone (Fig. 2B). Addition of the antibody against STC-1decreased the antiapoptotic effects of MSCs in cocultureswith irradiated fibroblasts (Fig. 2C). An isotype control ofIgG had no effect (Fig. 2C). Similar results were obtainedwith a second commercial source of antibody to STC-1 (notshown). Surprisingly, rhSTC-1 alone was unable to reduce ap-optosis of the UV-irradiated fibroblasts (Fig. 2D). Theseresults were confirmed by treating UV-irradiated A549 cellswith rhSTC-1, indicating that the effect was not cell type-spe-cific (supporting information Fig. 2B). Therefore, the resultssuggested that in cocultures with irradiated fibroblasts, STC-1was a necessary but not sufficient factor to explain the antia-poptotic effects of the MSCs.

MSCs Reduce Apoptosis in Cocultures with a LungEpithelial Cell Line (A549) Incubated at Low pH

To extend and confirm the above observations, we establisheda model of injury in which apoptosis was induced in lung epi-thelial cancer cells (A549). Preliminary experiments demon-strated that incubation of the A459 cells in 1% oxygen didnot induce apoptosis. Similar results were previously observedwith cultured cardiomyocytes [30, 31]; therefore, we inducedapoptosis in the A549 cells by incubation in hypoxia at lowpH, conditions that were used to induce apoptosis in the car-diomyocytes and that often accompany reduced oxygen condi-tions in vivo as a result of increased lactate accumulation[32]. Cultures of A549 cells became apoptotic when incubatedfor 24 hours in 1% oxygen at pH 5.8 or 5.5 (Fig. 3A). MSCscultured alone did not undergo apoptosis under the same con-ditions (Fig. 3B, right panel), but both A549 cells and MSCsunderwent apoptosis when the pH was decreased further to5.0 under hypoxic conditions. Coculture of A549 cells intranswells with MSCs reduced the apoptosis observed withhypoxia in medium adjusted to pH 5.8 or 5.5 but not if it wasadjusted to pH 5.0 (Fig. 3A). Similar results were obtainedwith MSCs from two additional donors (not shown). Additionof antibodies to STC-1 reversed the antiapoptotic effects of

the MSCs on the A549 cells under hypoxia and pH 5.8 (Fig.3B, left panel). To confirm that the MSCs secreted an antia-poptotic factor or factors, cocultures of MSCs and A549 cellswere incubated for 24 hours under hypoxia at pH 5.8. Theconditioned medium (coculture CdM) was transferred to freshcultures of A549 cells that were then incubated for 24 hoursunder hypoxia at pH 5.8. The coculture CdM inhibited apo-ptosis in the A549 cells. The antiapoptotic effects of the co-culture CdM were partially blocked by antibodies to STC-1but not by a control of IgG (Fig. 3C). Apoptosis of A549 cellsincubated under hypoxia at pH 5.8 was also inhibited byrhSTC-1, and the effects were reversed by anti-STC-1 but notby control IgG (Fig. 3D). In further experiments, MSCs weretransduced with siRNA for STC-1. The siRNA decreased syn-thesis of the protein by MSCs (supporting information Fig. 4).The MSCs expressing the siRNA were less effective than con-trol MSCs in decreasing apoptosis of A549 cells in the trans-well experiment, but the reversal was only partial (Fig. 3E).

STC-1 Expression and Secretion in Cocultures ofMSCs and A549 Cells

Western blot assays of cell lysates indicated that the levels ofSTC-1 in MSCs were increased by incubating the cells in 1%oxygen at pH 7.4 or 5.8 (Fig. 4A). In contrast, STC-1 was notdetected in A549 cells after incubation at pH 5.8 under eithernormoxic or hypoxic conditions, even when the blot wasoverexposed (Fig. 4B). As expected, increased levels ofsecreted STC-1 were present in conditioned medium from co-cultures of MSCs and A549 cells incubated under hypoxia atpH 5.8 (Fig. 4C), conditions under which the MSCs reducedthe apoptosis of A549 cells. Secreted STC-1 levels were notaffected by culturing MSCs with A549 cells under normalconditions (not shown).

MSCs Restore Intracellular STC-1 in InjuredFibroblasts and A549 Cells After Rescueof Apoptosis

To determine the intracellular distribution of STC-1 in thecultures, the cells were examined by immunocytochemistry.STC-1 immunoreactivity was not detected in nonpermeabi-lized cells (supporting information Fig. 5A), indicating thatSTC-1 was not present in the extracellular matrix or the

Table 1. Gene transcripts that are upregulated in multipotent stromal cells when cocultured with irradiated fibroblastsa

Fold Increase

Gene name Secreted Accession no. Donor 1 Donor 2

Cornichon homolog 3 (Drosophila) No AF070524 4.17 4.62Endothelial cell-specific molecule 1 No NM_007036 2.2 3.99ets variant gene 1 No BE881590 2.52 4.02Hypothetical protein MGC11324 No BC006236 3.31 3.89IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 3 No AU160004 5.03 3.62

No NM_006547 2.28 3.54Integrin, alpha 2 (CD49B, alpha 2 subunit of VLA-2 receptor) No NM_002203 3.57 2.28

No N95414 3.38 2.51Matrix metallopeptidase 1 (interstitial collagenase) No NM_002421 5.55 4.68Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent RAC exchanger 1 No BF308645 2.89 2.41

AL445192 2.04 2.55Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 22 (lymphoid) No NM_015967 3.28 3.52Ras-induced senescence 1 No BF062629 2.91 2.83Stanniocalcin-1 Yes AI300520 3.49 4.6

U46768 2.83 2.94NM_003155 3.04 5.55AW003173 2.78 6.96

aThreshold for upregulation, twofold.

Block, Ohkouchi, Fung et al. 675

plasma side of the cell membrane. After the paraformalde-hyde-fixed cells were permeabilized, or cells were fixed withmethanol/acetone, STC-1 immunoreactivity was observedthroughout the cytoplasm. STC-1 also appeared to be enrichedin a pattern reminiscent of focal adhesions in all three celltypes (Fig. 5A). The enrichment of STC-1 in focal adhesionswas confirmed by colabeling the cells with antibodies toSTC-1 and the actin-binding protein, vinculin (Fig. 5B). Pre-

absorption of the antibody with rhSTC-1 abolished immunor-eactivity (supporting information Fig. 5B). We observed simi-lar distribution of STC-1 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts(MEFs) obtained from wild-type or STC-1 overexpressingmice (STC-1-MEF) in that the cells also showed a focal adhe-sion-like peripheral staining pattern (Fig. 5C). Perinuclearaccumulation of the STC-1 was also seen in the STC-1-MEFs, an observation consistent with synthesis of the protein

Figure 3. Upregulation and secretion of STC-1 in MSCs are required for reduction of apoptosis of A549 cells incubated under hypoxia at lowpH. (A): Apoptosis of A549 cells. Left panel: A549 cells were incubated alone (light bars) or in coculture with MSC (dark bars) in hypoxia atthe pHs indicated. Right panel: Representative flow diagram from pH 5.8. *, p < .05. Error bars ¼ SD. (B): Effects of antibodies to STC-1.A549 cells were incubated alone (light bars) or with MSCs (dark bars) at pH 5.8 under hypoxia. Left panel: Apoptosis of A549 cells. Rightpanel: Apoptosis of MSCs. Antibodies to STC-1 or nonimmune IgG were used at a working dilution of 1:2,000. *, p < .05. Error bars ¼ SD.(C): Effects of CdM from A549 cells and cocultures. CdM was prepared by incubating A549 cells alone (A549 CdM) or in coculture with MSCs(coculture CdM) for 24 hours at pH 5.8 under hypoxia and then transferred to A549 cells incubated under the same conditions for 24 hours withor without addition of antibodies to STC-1 or nonimmune IgG (1:2,000). *, p < .05. Error bars ¼ SD. (D): Effect of rhSTC-1 on A549 viabilityafter exposure to hypoxia and low pH for 24 hours. rhSTC-1 was used at a final concentration of 50 ng/ml. Anti-STC-1 was used at a final dilu-tion of 1:1,000. *, p < .05. Error bars ¼ SD. (E): Knockdown of STC-1 in A549 cells by siRNA. A549s were cocultured in transwell withMSCs (MSC transwell), MSCs transfected with a control siRNA (MSC control siRNA), or MSCs transfected with siRNA targeting STC-1 (MSCSTC-1 siRNA). Apoptosis was measured using flow cytometry. *, p < .05. Error bars ¼ SD. All experiments shown were performed with MSCdonor 2. Abbreviations: CdM, conditioned medium; MSC, multipotent stromal cells; rhSTC-1, recombinant human stanniocalcin-1; siRNA, shortinterfering RNA; STC-1, stanniocalcin-1.

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in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (Fig. 5C, inset). Mouseinner medullary collecting duct cells, which are known toexpress very low amounts of STC-1 [20, 33], were negativefor cytoplasmic and focal adhesion staining (Fig. 5C, rightpanel).

To determine the fate of STC-1 secreted by MSCs, MSCswere cocultured with IMCD3 cells that do not express STC-1.In the cocultures, the MSCs were identified by presence ofPML, a nuclear protein with a distinct punctate distribution[34]. The mouse IMCD3 cells were identified by the presenceof pericentromeric heterochromatin and negative PML stain-ing. In cocultures, the PML-negative IMCD3 cells acquiredincreased cytoplasmic immunoreactivity and clear focal adhe-sion enrichment of STC-1 (Fig. 5D, left panel). The same ob-servation was made when IMCD3 cells were cocultured withMSCs in transwell culture or treated with rhSTC-1 (Fig. 5D,right panel). To corroborate these findings, A549 cells weretransiently transfected with a construct expressing STC-1. Thetransfected cells showed more pronounced punctate foci (sup-porting information Fig. 5C).

Irradiation of fibroblasts altered the distribution of STC-1.The protein was found near the nucleus or in vesicles (notshown), or it had disappeared altogether (Fig. 6A, middle row),despite no change in the location of vinculin (Fig. 6A, middlerow). After UV-irradiated fibroblasts were cocultured withMSCs, STC-1 was again colocalized with vinculin at focaladhesions of the fibroblasts (Fig. 6A, bottom row, arrows pointto focal adhesions). Surface plot diagrams of STC-1 stainingintensity are provided to confirm our observations. Similarly,incubation of A549 cells under hypoxia at low pH resulted inno detectable cytoplasmic STC-1; however, coculture withMSCs restored the intracellular distribution.


Coculture of MSCs with previously irradiated fibroblastsenabled us to assess both the antiapoptotic effects of MSCs

and the effects of apoptotic cells on MSCs under the normalconditions for culture of MSCs. In effect, the system simu-lated conditions in vivo in which MSCs tend to home toinjured cells and tissues, including those injured by irradiation[35]. The results demonstrated that exposure of MSCs to theirradiated fibroblasts changed their patterns of expressedgenes. Although substantial donor variation was observed,transcripts for 11 common genes were upregulated twofold ormore in both donor cell populations. Since the signalsexchanged by the MSCs and fibroblasts were transmittedthrough a 0.4-lm pore transwell filter, the microarray datafrom the MSCs were queried for upregulation of transcriptsfor secreted proteins. The most abundant transcripts for asecreted protein that was upregulated by twofold or morewere transcripts from the gene encoding STC-1. The use ofmicroarrays to identify secreted molecules had limitations,and thus, the data did not reflect all of the important changesin the MSC secretome. For example, the microarray datawould not have reflected changes in low-abundance tran-scripts and can underestimate the changes in some transcriptsin MSCs [23]. Furthermore, the microarrays could not identifychanges that occurred at the post-transcriptional level. How-ever, they provided a useful indication of one candidate toexamine further, STC-1.

Exposure of MSCs to irradiated fibroblasts increased bothsynthesis and secretion of STC-1. Interestingly, the upregula-tion of STC-1 by MSCs was not as apparent in cell lysates asin conditioned medium, indicating that the rate of the secre-tion of the protein may be increased as well. Antibodies tar-geted against STC-1 decreased the antiapoptotic effect of theMSCs. Treatment of irradiated fibroblasts with excess rhSTC-1 was unable to reduce apoptosis when rhSTC-1 was used atthe same concentrations that gave positive results for A549cells grown in ischemic conditions. Furthermore, rhSTC-1had no effect on irradiated A549s, indicating that the effectwas not cell type-specific. Thus, STC-1 was required but notsufficient to reduce apoptosis and may be enhancing or antag-onizing the effects of other secreted factors from the MSCCdM. For example, pretreatment of endothelial cells with

Figure 4. Upregulation and secretion of STC-1 in MSCs are required for reduction of apoptosis of A549 cells incubated under hypoxia at lowpH. (A): Western blot for STC-1 in MSC cell lysates when incubated under hypoxia at the indicated pH. Actin was used as a loading control.(B): Western blots for STC-1 in A549 cell lysates when incubated under normoxia and hypoxia at the indicated pH. Note: Panels in (A) and (B)

are from the same Western blot taken at the same exposure. Norm: pH 7.4 under all conditions. Low: pH 6.3 when cells were cultured in nor-moxic conditions or pH 5.8 under hypoxia. (C): Analysis of conditioned medium for the secreted STC-1 from of A549 cells incubated alone(lanes 4-6) or in coculture with MSCs (lanes 1-3) at the indicated pH in hypoxic conditions. Loading control was albumin. All experimentsshown were performed with MSC donor 2. Abbreviations: MSC, multipotent stromal cells; STC-1, stanniocalcin-1.

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Figure 5. STC-1 located at focal adhesions.(A): Cells were fixed with methanol acetoneand labeled with antibodies to STC-1. Magnifi-cation, �600. (B): Cells fixed with paraformal-dehyde and colabeled with antibodies to STC-1and vinculin, an F-actin binding protein locatedin focal adhesions. Magnification: top panels,�600; bottom panels, �200; inset, �400. (C):Mouse cells were fixed with methanol/acetoneand labeled for STC-1. Magnification, �200.mIMCD3 cells were negative controls. Magni-fication, �200; inset, �400. (D): Left panels:inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD3) cellscocultured directly with MSCs and stainedwith antibodies to STC-1 and human-specificPML. Right panels: IMCD3 cells were treatedwith rhSTC-1 or cocultured with MSCs intranswell culture and labeled for STC-1. Whitearrows indicate prominent focal adhesionstaining. Magnification, �200; inset, �400.For all, levels were adjusted linearly forclarity. Abbreviations: Fib, fibroblast; MEF,mouse embryonic fibroblast; mIMCD3, mouseinner medullary collecting duct cell; MSC,multipotent stromal cells; PML, promyelocyticleukemia; rhSTC-1, recombinant human stan-niocalcin-1; STC-1, stanniocalcin-1.

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STC-1 impaired hepatocyte growth factor-induced phospho-rylation of focal adhesion kinase [36]. Also, pretreatment of amacrophage-like cell decreased intracellular calcium accumu-lation in response to two cytokines, monocyte chemotacticprotein and stromal cell-derived factor-1 [37].

Previous studies showed that STC-1 was upregulated incancer cells during hypoxia [16, 17, 38]. Our results alsodemonstrated that MSCs decreased apoptosis in cocultureswith a line of pulmonary epithelial cells in which apoptosiswas produced by hypoxia under acidic conditions. We then

asked whether upregulation of STC-1 by MSCs was responsi-ble for the effect. Interestingly, when MSCs were coculturedwith A549 cells under hypoxia and acidosis, expression ofSTC-1 was upregulated in MSCs but abolished in A549 cells.Therefore, the upregulation of STC-1 in MSCs was independ-ent of crosstalk with the A549 cells. Antibody blocking andsiRNA knockdown of STC-1 within MSCs partially impairedthe ability of the MSCs to reduce apoptosis. The partial rever-sal may be the result of inefficient knockdown or blocking ofSTC-1 or may indicate the involvement of other MSC-derived

Figure 6. STC-1 location was disrupted in injured cells but preserved when cocultured with MSCs. (A): Fib were fixed with 4% paraformalde-hyde and colabeled with antibodies to STC-1 (green) and vinculin (red). Irradiation displaced the STC-1 but not the vinculin from focal adhe-sions. STC-1 was present in focal adhesions in cocultures. Magnification, �600. (B): A549 cells were incubated in hypoxia at physiologic oracidic pH, in the absence or presence of MSCs. Cells were stained with antibodies to STC-1. The inset of middle panel is shown with enhancedsignal, to display the faint outlines of the cell. Inset of right panel shows distinct focal adhesion staining (arrow). Magnification, upper panels,�200; insets, �400. For all, levels were adjusted linearly for clarity. Abbreviations: Fib, fibroblasts; MSC, multipotent stromal cells; STC-1, stan-niocalcin-1; UV-Fib, irradiated fibroblasts.

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factors in the reduction of apoptosis. In this system, STC-1was both necessary and sufficient to reduce apoptosis of theischemic lung cells. The results were consistent with previousreports that STC-1 was upregulated by hypoxia in cancercells.

Previous studies observed the presence of STC-1 in manydifferent cellular compartments, frequently as a receptor/ligand complex. In sections of mouse kidney, STC-1 waspresent throughout the cytoplasm with apparent enrichmentwithin mitochondria [39]. In cardiomyocytes overexpressing aSTC-1-FLAG fusion protein, STC-1 was seen in mitochondria[17]. STC-1 was also found in the nucleus in cardiomyocytes[40] and in mouse lactiferous duct cells during pregnancy[41]. Here we observed pancytoplasmic staining of STC-1with enriched immunoreactivity at focal adhesion plaques.Focal adhesion distribution was observed in all three humancell types, as well as two primary MEF cultures. The presenceof STC-1 in focal adhesion plaques was supported by colocal-ization with the actin-binding protein vinculin. Followinginjury of both cell types in each condition, STC-1 wasdepleted from focal adhesions, but localization was restoredafter rescue by MSCs. We provided evidence that secretedSTC-1 localized to focal adhesions of STC-1-null IMCD3 tar-get cells, indicating that STC-1 leaves the cell prior to localiz-ing to focal adhesions. Therefore, MSC-derived STC-1 maylocalize to focal adhesions in injured cells and promote viabil-ity by a mechanism that has yet to be determined.


The importance of STC-1 in mammalian systems is not wellunderstood; however, a growing body of evidence indicatesthat it may be a critical stress response protein. STC-1 upre-gulation has been observed in multiple models of injury,including the ischemic brain [42], obstructed kidney [37], andthe hypoxia-preconditioned heart and brain [17]. Furthermore,

the STC-1 gene is readily activated by multiple cytokines [36,37, 43]. Thus, the upregulation of STC-1 in MSCs by irradi-ated fibroblasts is likely due to the presence of similar cyto-kines released by the injured cells. These factors have yet tobe determined. Previous observations on pro- or antiapoptoticeffects of STC-1, however, were inconsistent. For example,increased expression after hypoxia-preconditioning of heartand brain suggested that STC-1 was antiapoptotic [16]. Incontrast, STC-1 was proapoptotic in chondrocytes duringbone development [44], and transgenic mice overexpressingSTC-1 had defects in bone growth [29, 45]. We have demon-strated that MSC-derived STC-1 can have antiapoptoticeffects. Thus, the cytoprotective effects of MSCs may beexplained in part by the upregulation of STC-1.


This work was supported in part by NIH Grants HL073755,HL073252, and P01-HL075161 and the Louisiana Gene TherapyResearch Consortium. Thanks go to Alan Tucker performing allflow cytometry. Thanks also go to Joni Ylostalo for assistingwith the microarray data. We thank Dr. Samir El-Dahr for sup-plying mouse IMCD3 cells. Also, thanks go to Reagan Ching atthe Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and all staff at theTulane Center for Gene Therapy for providing useful experi-mental feedback. D.J.P. is currently affiliated with Texas A &MHealth Science Center, Institute for Regenerative Medicine, atScott &White, Temple, TX.



The authors indicate no potential conflicts of interest.


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