Raiffeisen bank Credit cards visual identity

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Cards with ClassDevelopment of Rai�eisenCredit Cards

That was the task given to our designers by Rai�eisenbank in 2012.

Question: Can we develop three distinct lines of credit cards for the same bank, which reflect bank customer demographic segments?

? ? ?

“T he mass”

“T he aff luent” “T he aff luent plus”

Low to average

monthly income

Neither male or female

From students

to retirees

Very subjective needs

High monthly incomeMainly male, 35-55 yearsMore mature Above average monthly incomeSlightly more female, 21-40 yearsEnjoy shoppingappreciate cash back

Meet our consumers

First step is to look for relevant subject matter for each consumer type.

? ? ?

Some of the areas we explored relevant to this consumer...


Color palettesT-shirt design

“T he aff luent”

Then develop design concepts for each.

? ? ?

The Shop-a-holic Fashion Archetypes

Glowin the Dark

The T-shirt Cult

The team developed four routes for each consumer segment. Here we see...

Each concept then needs a range of targeted, final cards...

? ? ?

“T he aff luent”Unisex


Final design concept showing each card






All of the ranges

“The mass”

“The a�uent”

“The a�uent plus”

One more thing. A touch of extra class for our most premium customers.

Raster and metallic colorsimulation by print

+ Partial varnish with

brushed metal texture

Metallic color simulation by print+Silver foil with glossy texture

O�set print

Holographic e�ect

Black print only

Black edge

Pearlescent surface

Glossy plasticmaterial

Impressive e�ects including materials and textures for the premium cards.

© C


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The Rai�eisen bank credit cards demonstrate how consumer segmentation can help designers to develop a broad array of unique, relevant routes for clients and their customers. Understanding of consumers and what makes them tick always leads to better results and better design!
