David Webb, Airservices Australia - Managing People as Part of Complex Systems: Fatigue Risk...

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David Webb, Acting Manager Safety Services, Safety and Assurance, Airservices Australia delivered this presentation at the 2nd Annual Control Room Design & Operations Conference. This conference provided insights into streamlining operations, optimising efficiency & managing costs in your control room facilities, through effective design and operations. For more information, visit http://www.informa.com.au/controlroomdesign14

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Managing people as part of complex systems !Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control!

David Webb!Strategy Development & Implementation | Safety, Environment and Assurance!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Relevance of Fatigue Risk Management !

Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Airservices – A variety of environments!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Airservices – Our facilities!

Air Traffic Services! Aviation Rescue & Fire Fighting!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Airservices – Area of responsibility!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

!A physiological state of reduced mental or physical capability resulting from sleep loss or extended wakefulness, circadian phase, or workload (mental and/or physical activity) that can impair alertness and ability to perform safety-related tasks.!


What is fatigue?!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Sleep/Time Awake!!

Work Related Factors!!

Non-Work Related Factors!!

Circadian Rhythm!!

What impacts on fatigue?!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !


Work related fatigue!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Photo by Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot!!




Diet & !Exercise!

Non-work related fatigue!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Approaches to fatigue risk management!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Airservices FRMS evolution!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control!

Airservices FRMS development!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Safety Management System!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Drug and Alcohol Management!

Fatigue Risk Management!

Fitness for duty!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Safety Policy ! ! !FRMS Policy!!!!Safety Risk Management ! !Fatigue Risk Management Processes!!!Safety Assurance ! !FRMS Compliance!

! ! ! ! !Continuous Improvement!!Safety Promotion! ! !Education and Training!!

SMS to FRMS relationship!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

FRMS framework!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Key fatigue risk controls!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Shared responsibility!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Education & Awareness!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Limiting fatigue!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Roster planning!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Tactical roster management!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Cumulative fatigue recognition!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !


Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Identification of gaps!


Operational Accountability!

Capacity to manage fatigue!

Reporting standardisation!



Measurable risk!

Fatigue related incidents!

Duplication of effort!


Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

Shared responsibility!

Managing people as part of complex systems - Fatigue risk management implementation in Air Traffic Control !

•  In the control centre environment inadequate alertness of staff represents a key risk to the safe and effective operation of the business.!

•  Managing employee fatigue is an essential component of effective risk management in control centre operations.!

•  A Fatigue Risk Management System is based upon the available scientific knowledge and represents a systematic approach to ensuring fatigue risk is controlled.!

•  Managing fatigue risk is a responsibility shared between the organisation and the individual because fatigue is impacted by work and non-work related factors.!

•  A Fatigue Risk Management System addresses a key area of risk in the control centre environment.!

