Your path to career fulfillment

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When it comes to your career, one thing that you cannot control is the passing of time. What you have control over is the way in which you make use of your time. If you want to have an assurance that your career pathway is going to be productive and successful, you have to start setting your long term goals for your career as early as possible.

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When it comes to

your career, one

thing that you

cannot control is

the passing of

time. What you

have control over

is the way in which

you make use of your time. If you want to have an

assurance that your career pathway is going to be

productive and successful, you have to start setting

your long term goals for your career as early as possible.

Doing this will help you identify what it is exactly that

you wish to achieve, when you can achieve them, and

how you are going to implement your plans.

Here’s what to do to set your career plans:

Step 1

Think hard and write down all the things you would like

to achieve in your career. If, for instance, you are a sales

rep at the moment, perhaps you are hoping to be one

of the best sales agents out there. Ask yourself if you

want to become a manger someday as well. There are

certainly many options you may consider, and you just

have to write them all down.

Step 2

Among all the goals you have written, there will surely

be something that you think is the most interesting and

realistic for you. As we all know, it is very easy to

dream, but the question is always whether the dream

we set for ourselves is achievable or realistic or not.

Step 3

Use the SMART formula. SMART stands for specific,

measurable, attainable, rewarding, and trackable. In

case your decision is to become a sales manager and

you think you can achieve this goal eventually, set a

particular time frame for it. Make it your goal statement

so you could have something that will motivate you.

Step 4

Identify the smaller steps that will lead to your long

term goals. These steps are what you should take in

order to attain your long term goals. Again, you must

base your plan on the SMART formula. In determining

the action steps you need to take, you may have to do

some intensive research. You can also seek advice from

your manager or supervisor, or you may even work with

a career coach if you want a more concrete plan to

reach your goals.

Step 5

Once you have figured out what small steps you should

take to get to your ultimate goal, your focus should be

on how to accomplish them. Think of it as a ladder. You

need effort to reach every step going up. Of course, the

higher you go, the harder the climb will be. But if you

just hold on to your career goals and you stick to your

career pathways, it will not be long before you see

yourself in the pinnacle of career success.

In the past, it was very easy

to get a promotion.

Employees were able to

have longevity in their

chosen fields. However,

this is no longer the case

in the 21st century.

Everything happens so fast these days. In addition to

that, things are ready for us immediately. We are so

used to a fast pace that when we are not able to obtain

the job position that we want, we become impatient

and find a different profession. When this is your view

on things, you won't be able to stay in any job for a long

time. How are you able to attain success if you are

impatient? Keep in mind that climbing the corporate

ladder takes some time, skill, and patience. If you want

to reach your goals, you need to have those qualities.

Sometimes, taking a step back as opposed to hopping

from one job to the next is more advisable. It does not

necessarily mean that you are lazy. It could mean that

you are taking your time and examining your different


When you find yourself in a career that seems to have

stopped moving forward, you should take it as a sign to

resign from that job. There's no point in staying in an

office that cannot provide you with opportunities for

professional growth. However, before you send in your

resignation form, you should at least try to talk to your

boss and ask for a promotion. If they still refuse you, it's

time to turn your back. As human beings, it is only

normal for us to want to have better opportunities,

which is why you can’t be blamed if you resign from a

job that can’t supply you with different prospects.

We are all used to moving forward that we don't realize

that it is sometimes better to stop for a moment. Doing

so will allow us to relax and take a breather. This is

when we are more able to assess our situation, and

determine the next course of action to take.

Aside from the fact that you are looking for better

opportunities with regard to compensation and salaries,

you need to see to it that you find a career that can help

you learn new skills that will be useful in life. There is

nothing wrong with opting for a job that pays lower

than your previous work. What’s important is that you

will be able to gain new experiences and learn different

skills. These are things that money cannot buy, which is

why you need to see to it that you find a profession that

can provide you with these. Remember, taking a step

back can’t always be harmful to your career pathways

because these can be a good thing.

Your college

graduation marks the

end of your life as a

student and the

beginning of your life

in the world of

employment. The

transition can get

challenging, which is why you have to be prepared. One

important thing that you need to prepare is a good


I. Fonts

Choose fonts that are easy to read. As much as possible,

only use one font for the entire document. The font

sizes should be uniform, except for a few changes in size

in the heading.

II. Formatting

Experts suggest the use of bullets since these are easier

to read. Long paragraphs can drown important

qualifications and work experiences. Proper margins are

also required.

III. Length

As much as possible, keep resumes one page long. Most

employers have busy schedules and they do not have

time to over lengthy application forms. What matters is

that you catch their attention by making your

application substantial.

IV. Headings

The items that you need to include in the heading are

your name, contact details, address, and email. Start by

typing your name in larger fonts, followed by your

address and contact numbers in smaller fonts. This is

the part the employers check whenever they need to

contact you.

V. Education

Since you are a fresh college graduate, you may add the

institution where you have graduated high school as

well. You do not need to include the schools that you

have entered before graduation. These are irrelevant

and they take up a lot of space. If you have any

graduation honors, also include these alongside the

school. Indicate your date of entry the institution and

the date when you have graduated.

V. Experience

Traditionally, this has to include all jobs that you have

entered – the ones that might be relevant to your

desired position. However, since you are a fresh

graduate, you can use your past organizations,

organizational tasks, and volunteer projects as


VI. Skills and Talents

Make a list of the skills that you have. See to it that you

only include those that are relevant. Telling future

employers that you are good in playing the guitar would

not matter if you are applying for a website designer


VII. Interests

This part is not that important. However, if you feel that

your interests would be useful for the job, then you may

add them. For example, if you want to apply as a

videographer, you can add that you have always been

interested in photography and videography.

If you find it difficult despite the tips listed above, you

can always seek the aid of career coaches in completing

your resumes. They can also provide you with

professional guidance when it comes to choosing from a

variety of career pathways.