Getting foot in door syndrome

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Getting foot in door syndrome

Luke Marshall Thursday, 13th November

It was 2006

I was giving a five minute presentation

for a job in advertising

in a room with

+ other agencies

!and I gave it everything I had

I’ll tell you what happened later

hi, I’m Luke

I’ve written a book

and worked at Google

what you can do to get foot in door syndrome

Here’s what you need1. hustle to get there 2. be prepared to open 3. continue going through doors

1. hustle to get there

hustle is selling yourself, and you need to sell continuously

here’s some facts on sales that apply to everyone

44% of sales people give up after one "no"

22% give up after two "nos"

14% give up after three "nos"

12% give up after four "nos"

Yet 80% of sales happen between the 5th and 12th contact

you start selling with your resume

stand out

be bold

make them want you

they didn’t call you? that’s an opportunity

adopt the hustler mindset: have I thrown everything I can at this opportunity?

What that looks like:• Have you got a referral? • Have you included a picture of yourself? • Have you made a video of yourself to show you want it? • Have you showed you can already do the job? • Have you followed up with a phone call? • Have you included examples of your work? • Have you scouted their LinkedIn? • Have you thrown everything and the kitchen sink?

and more…

that’s hustle

2. be prepared to open the door

Example: I want a job at a digital agency

Google, my friend, ‘best digital agency’

find a role you’re interested in

find out what it takes

search LinkedIn for ‘Reactive Project Managers Melbourne’

you’ve got names, now find a way to get to know them

be creative

you don’t have all the information you need to make it, so go out and find it from people

be short, courteous, and specific about what you want

Example contact:Hi Clare, I noticed you’re a project manager at Reactive and they’re currently hiring project managers at the moment, I’m fresh out of uni and am keen to understand what’s required to make it there one day. Do you have time for me to shout you a coffee next week?Kind regards, Luke

that’s preparing

3. continue to go through

this is an ongoing process

you’re not going to nail this on your first, second, or third go

network as much as you can at things like this

read as much as you can

write and get a web presence today: a blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn

ask yourself - what does going beyond the call of duty look like?

so what did happen with my five-minute presentation?

I failed

my favourite quote:

since then: worked at Google written a book travelled the world work at Facebook

go out get foot in door syndrome and fail better


