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I Impact India Partners CSR | NGO Communication Consultants


Contents 1) Motto

2) Who we are & What we do

3) Our Story

4) I Impact India Facts

5) Core Values\

6) Models which we study

7) Our Services

8) Things to always keep with You

9) Terms We use

10) Kaizen

11) Tips



To provide the BEST services in the Development sector


Our Story While volunteering with an NGO, we came across Radhika, an 8 year old suffering from Blood Cancer. While this may sound harrowing as it is, it gets worse- She was one of the

many children in our country who could not afford medication for chemotherapy, essential to her survival.  Her mother knocked at every social organization’s door for help, but was left hopeless in the end.  Think about it – there is an apparent dearth of funds for saving

one innocent life.Now think of all the Radhika’s, of all the innocent little children who are being denied the right to live because they were born without the funds necessary to grant

that right.  Is this the success of philanthropy in India? That is why we are here, and that is our ideal.  To promote effective & judicious

channelization of funds while fulfilling the desire of corporations to extract something of value in return.

Impacteers : Everyone who is a part of I Impact India whether an intern or volunteer or employee is an impacteer.

For Profit Firm : We don’t create an IMPACT to make Money but need money to make an IMPACT.

We are not an NGO and we don’t work Pro Bono.

Other Companies is a one stop solution for all kinds of presentations, proposals and stories. Founding Date : 17 July 2015

I Impact India Facts

The ” I “ in our name “i impact india “ and our logo is given extra emphasis because it takes only 1 person to change the world.1 Person with passion is better than 40 people merely interested.We started with 1 persons dream and we help non profits who don't have experts.

Founding Dates : 17 January 2013


Consultant | Author | Artist | Philosopher | Social Entrepreneur. Mr. Onkar Kishan Khullar popularly known as "OK" started his first company, I Impact India Partners at

the age of 21, creating a niche for himself as the youngest Consultant in the Cause Branding & Marketing Industry Internationally.After 3 years he founded a presentation solutions firm called

Presentation Ink. He is on the board advisors for various non-profits in India and is the Consulting Director of the UK Based Innovation Firm Chakraviyuh. After researching on 500 Non-profits and

Businesses, he developed an industry game changing process called Impact Thinking to help out non-profits around the world for which he recieved Pride of India Award 2015 .He is well renowned for introducing a new way of life called 5 year Old Philosophy through his book 5 year old Billionaire.


1. Dreamers Aboard When they say aim for the stars, we couldn’t agree more. We make sure that your wackiest of ideas are heard and the best ones implemented. Even if the idea is shit we need to Try a prototype or a pilot.

2. Pursuit of EXCELLENCE We strive for perfection. In short, not let concepts of kaizen and six sigma remain only in management text books.

3. Passion Wins 1 Person with passion is better than 40 people merely interested.   4. BITCH PLEASE! No grapevines and gossips. We expect honest relationships in communication. Got any workplace complains? Our HR is always there for you.   5. Always Listen Do we need to say more ….....

6. Expect the Unexpected Don’t have expectations from anyone.Don’t put all your potatoes in one basket, quite literally!   7. Humility X 3 No matter how big you become always keep your feet on the ground but most importantly, be thankful to the people who helped you in your journey towards this epicness .

8. Work for a Cause Not for Applause. No need to run after Profits, Likes followers or Media. Creativity and quality are the key goals.Just focus on how can you do great work.

9. Always be Awesome You are a part of this splendid family, feel like it and hence, live it .

10. Get Sh*T Done Our organisation works on ROWE (Result Oriented Work Environment ),This means we don’t care where you are or what you do , just get the work Done on time.

Models which you need to know

TED : Spreading Free Ideas Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) brings the greatest minds of the said fields together. A part of it is dedicated exclusively to the thinkers and scholars who prepare the speeches of their lives for 18 minutes to fulfill their mission of spreading ideas. These ideas eventhough are spread to people all over the world they earn revenue only through their paid conference. Read more:

LIVESTRONG : First Cause Marketing Lance Armstrong set up a foundation to fight testicular cancer and introduced these bands which were sold to raise money for its treatment. In partnership with Nike this became the most trending accessory and cause related marketing benchmark in past 20 years. Read more:

DonorsChoose : Online Transparent Donation option A unique site empowering the teachers of all the public schools of America to ensure best education for country’s little ones from posting projects on donorschoose till the funding takes place and goods arrive at their destination. The uniqueness comes from exemplary transparency in the form of cost reports available to $1 donor and $10 million, alike! Read more:

Do Something : Making Charity Cool again Don’t like something? Change it. An organization that empowers anyone and everyone to speak up and take a stand against anything on earth that they want to do something about... from domestic violence to cancer to poverty or even bullying! Read more:

Case Studies

Charity Water : Transparent NGO Because nothing precedes the need of clean water! Donate the money where it is required the most. Donate for water projects. Read more:

TOM’S : Cause Related Marketing at its Best Can a simple observation change the world? On a little trip to Argentina, Blake befriended some shoeless kids and his motivation was such that he made a company that has since 2006 been giving a shoe for a shoe bought by us. What a noble thought! Read More:

Change : A Revolution For the ones who are ready to bring about a change in their surroundings, this unique portal provides a ready to use platform to launch a petition for any cause you believe in! Be it repairing of roads in your neighborhood, environmental abuse or racism, world is your playground! Gather support & get it signed and make yourself heard! Read more:

Enactus : Social Entrepreneurship Aren’t we all entrepreneurs in our own ways? Let’s put it to good use. This organization channels the much alive and motivated entrepreneurial energy to where it can do the utmost benefit. A world recognized organization that brings together student, academic and business leaders to develop projects and implement them to empower the people in need. Read more:

Kickstarter : Online Crowdfunding Have a project in mind? A movie? A startup? Let them back you up. An entity that would bring backers just to see a more creative world with creators retaining 100% ownership and making their dreams come true. Read more:

Improve Everywhere : Cause a Scene This New York prank collective does it New York style. They “cause scenes” in order to fulfill their missions. With undercover agents and random presentations at public places they create scenes and post it online! Read more:

Case Studies

Our Services 360 Degree Solutions for Good

- Guerilla Marketing - Movement Marketing - Experiential Marketing - Social Media Marketing - Cause Related Marketing

1) MARKETING for Good

- CSR Consultancy - CSR Outsourcing - NGO Consultancy - Corporate Philanthropy - Charity & Knowledge Partner


2) DESIGN for Good

- Corporate identity - Business Cards & Websites - Corporate / HNI Proposal - Advertisements (Print , Radio ,Video & Outdoor) - Donation Box

- Brand Identity - Brand Activations - External Brand Communication - Brand Positioning & Articulation

5) BRANDING for Good

- Cause Events - Charity Events - Fundraising Events - Employee Engagement Programs

3) EVENTS for Good

Things to always keep with you when coming to work

- Pocket Notepad - Laptop - Notebook - Pen - Lunch - Bottle of water

Terms We Use

1) BD : Business Development 2) AD : Art Director or Account Director 3) CD or NCD: Creative Director or National Creative Director 4) iii : I Impact India 5) CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility 6) T & C : Terms & Conditions 7) NCC : Non Compete Clause 8) NDA : Non Disclosure Agreement 9) CRM : Cause Related Marketing or Customer Relationship Management 10) GSM : Gram/m2 11) NOC : No Objection Certificate 12) CDR : Coral Draw 13) PSD : photoshop


Kaizen means constant and never ending growth. When you are an Impacteer you need to be aware of what is going around you or else you will be left behind. Therefore you need to start reading the following :-

1) Newspapers : Business line & Economic Times.

2) Magazines : Forbes, Fortune ,Inc, Time,Outlook Business, Entrepreneur ,Campaign ,Impact.

3) Blogs : Fast Company, Seth Godin Typepad, Mashable , Wired , Huffington post Impactx

Welcome to our Family
