Uncovering Possibilities

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Ebook: 15 ways to facilitate workshops to uncover amazing possibilities by Lois Kelly

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Seeing possibilities 15 thought-provoking questions

Hi, I’m Lois Kelly of Foghound. One of my passions is facilitating workshops that help organizations solve thorny problems and uncover “aha” opportunities."

This eBook shares 15 of my favorite thought-provoking questions that I use in helping people uncover possibilities for leadership, organizational development, marketing, and sales. I hope they help you jumpstart new thinking."

If you want to talk about how we might be able to turn your next important meeting or offsite into something especially meaningful, please write or call. We could do some amazing work together."

www.foghound.com!lkelly@foghound.com!@Lois Kelly!



1. Why is our (organization/products/services/company) so relevant?

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2. I would be so proud of my (organization/company/team) if we _______________________________________________.

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3. If we went out of business – or our team was phased out – who would notice or care?

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4. If our company/product/service/organization was a well-known actor, comedian or musician, who would it be? And why?

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5. What are your superpowers?

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6. Poet David Whyte has said, “Leaders’ conversations are not about the work, they are the work.” !

What do our conversations say about our work?

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7. What I love, love, love about our organization/company/service/product is ______________________________________________.

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8. What is slowing us down?

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9. Are we calling ourselves titles that open us up to new possibilities? Demand we innovate? Recognize our talent?

Set us apart from other companies?

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10. If success were guaranteed, what bold and wild things would we do?

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11. What are the five things that our board/executives/people/sales

reps/customers spend way too much time worrying about?

12. Why do our customers/clients need us now more than ever?!

What has changed in the past 18 - 24 months that make us more relevant?

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13. What do we never, ever want to be associated with and why?

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14. If our company/organization were a cause, what would be our rallying cry?

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15. What I’d really like to be able to say a year from now is this: _______________________________________________.

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Foghound: helping you uncover the possibilities







www.foghound.com | lkelly@foghound.com | 401-333-5464