Time Management advice for marketing agencies: 25 hours in the day



Wish you could have 25 hours in the day? Follow this advice from business expert Karl Sakas at Agency Firebox to find more free time at your marketing agency. You'll learn how to set (and uphold) priorities, how to delegate better, and how to say "no" without burning bridges. Get more free tips here: http://AgencyFirebox.com/newsletter

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25 hours in the dayHow to find more free timewhile working in marketing

Karl Sakas | Karl@AgencyFirebox.com | @KarlSakasBusiness Advisor to Marketing Agencies Across 17 Time Zones



The Challenge

"People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed." Samuel Johnson, Author, 18th century

Question #1

Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals:

Specific what, exactly

Measurable how much

Assignable who’ll do it

Realistic truly doable

Time-bound by when

Photo by Rhys A.: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhysasplundh/8595316899/

Get Bigger Client Projects

Long-term goal: Grow average project size from $10K to $100K.

Wrong goal: Sell a $100K project

Company Goal:

Company Goal: Get Bigger Client Projects

Needs to happen first

Fix sales, PM, and client service processes

Bite-sized SMART goal

Sell a $20K project by (date), to find what to fix.

RisksKeep taking small projects to pay the bills

Finally Take a Vacation

Long-term: Be able to leave theoffice for 1-2 weeks

Problem: Team can’t go an hour without asking you questions

Wrong goal: Tell someone they’re in charge, and head to Jamaica!

Personal Goal:

Needs to happen first

Figure out why people keep interrupting

Bite-sized SMART goal

By EOM, share organization’s long- term goals and define areas where you won’t 2nd-guess team

Risks Never tell the team

Personal Goal: Finally Take a Vacation

Calendar Review


1.Questions you’d ask CEO

2.What should they Drop, Delegate, or Defer?

Collaborative Activity

Calendar Review


5 Calendar Themes:

1. Schedule downtime.

2. Decline low-value meetings.

3. Delegate to team members.

4. Schedule-in lead time.

5. Don’t micro-manage.

Question #1

Question #2

1 → 12

You need to know


Focus on results: “What, when, why.”

Not “how.”

Karl’s 4 Keys

1. Results > “How”

2. Share key guidelines

3. Tell them “Why”

4. Set check-in deadlines

But Karl...“

But Karl...“

But Karl...“

Karl’s 4 Keys

1. Results > “How”

2. Share key guidelines

3. Tell them “Why”

4. Set check-in deadlines

Question #2

Saying “yes” to everything


= burnout

Question #3


R-O-C Framework


Cite a Reason.

Give 2-3 Options.

Let them Choose.



Act Out!

1. Wants you to start before they sign a contract.

2. Client asks you to do something stupid.

3. Internal client thinks an out-of-scope change shouldn’t come out of their budget.

4. Prospect’s budget is too small.

Real-World R-O-C Examples

5. They keep calling for help after launch.

6. Twitter changed its API and something broke.

7. Past-due client wants new, urgent work.

8. Internal client wants faster turnaround than your team’s schedule allows.

Real-World R-O-C Examples

9. Internal client wants completion ETA guarantee before their boss approves starting the project.

10.Client wants you to pay for a big-ticket item...but they'll repay you later.

11.Client demands a price quote on-the-spot.

Real-World R-O-C Examples

Prizes for Volunteers


Session (Value: $250) or

1 Seat in “Secrets of Selling Marketing”

3-Webinar Series (Value: $225)

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The Challenge

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