Threadless Customer Story


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the perfect design of analytics & agility

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About threAdlessThreadless is a community-based company that prints graphic designs

created and chosen by a very passionate and talented group of artists.

Visitors to vote on thousands of monthly submissions.

Winners receive cash rewards and Threadless gift cards, and have their

work printed on clothing and other products sold on the website and in

physical retail stores.

Two friends each chipped in $500 to start the company in 2000. Today,

Threadless is thriving with a community of more than 2 million members.

It also has a social presence that any retailer would envy, including more

than 475,000 fans on Facebook and close to 2 million Twitter followers.

With Monetate, we are able to put the retail experience first and the community experience first at the same time. – Todd Lido, Marketing Director

the perfect design of analytics & agility

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The Monetate Success Team sat down with Todd Lido, Marketing Director at Threadless, to talk about his experiences with Monetate.

Why did Threadless decide to work with Monetate?

We were looking for a tool that would allow us the flexibility to quickly

change website content, test, and dynamically serve messages and offers

to distinct audiences.

We looked at a few different players in the space, and ultimately decided

that Monetate had the best solution. More importantly, we really thought

that Monetate offered the most impressive analytics package. It was

difficult for us to find a similar tool with such robust reporting, especially

when it came to confidence levels with tests. Monetate has proven to be a

true leader in that space.

How does Threadless use Monetate?

I view Monetate as a valuable part of our business in two ways. First, there

is website testing and optimization, and then there’s dynamic content

management. Our website testing has really centered on copy variations

and A/B/n variations of offers. We’re definitely heading towards doing

more tests that will help dictate permanent website changes.

Another primary application for us has been geotargeting. International is

a big part of our business, and being able to customize website content,

offers, and messages for visitors from around the world is extremely

important and has been invaluable to Threadless.

What do you like most about Monetate?

The most impressive thing about working with Monetate has been the

proactive support we get from our Client Success Team. Our weekly calls

bring new ideas regarding what we should try next and open a dialogue

that creates a true partnership.

The team at Monetate constantly shares new ideas and best practices that

we may have never thought about doing. These are ideas that we often

run with, and that have a measurable impact on our business. This type

of collaboration adds a ton of value and helps us get the most from our

investment. What may seem like a no-brainer to have with every vendor is

actually quite rare and is very much appreciated.

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How does Monetate contribute to the success of Threadless on Facebook and Twitter?

To know that certain users are coming from a social channel like Facebook

allows us to tailor a message to these visitors. Just knowing which call-

to-action caused the visit allows us to change the customer experience.

There’s a lot of potential to get lost in the user experience because there’s

so much going on. Monetate helps enable us to funnel traffic to what we

believe is the primary reason for the visit.

For instance, we don’t want to hit visitors over the head with a shipping

offer when they may just want to comment on a forum or score a design.

We need to avoid distractions in the customer experience at all costs, so

we test relevant messages in the same site locations to different visitors.

With Monetate, we’re able to put the retail experience first and the

community experience first at the same time. There’s still a ton of potential

to do social better, and we think Monetate can help.

Any final thoughts or favorite campaigns?

It’s hard to pin down one or two campaigns that stand out because I’m

really excited about everything that we are doing. But one campaign that

comes to mind is how we were able to promote a retail partnership with

The Gap, allowing visitors to find local stores carrying our products. We

also did some great international messaging regarding shipping options

to different countries.

No matter what we’re doing—and we’re doing a lot—the marketing

department can get something up on the website without involving

anyone else on the front-end team, which is working on bigger initiatives.

Monetate really has incredible potential to get people inside our company

to rethink what Threadless is and put the design process further to the

forefront in the user experience.

It was difficult for us to find a similar tool with such robust reporting. – Todd Lido, Marketing Director

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