NY Media Center: Vision and mission workshop


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Vision & Mission Workshop

Terri Trespicio

Creative >> Founder LabNY Media Center

June 15, 2016

In this workshop you will:

• Identify the who, what, why & how of your brand/business idea

• Clarify your mission and positioning

• Learn tools for communicating it

A little about meI help individuals & brands make what

they do compelling to other people.

in the works…

Everyone wants attention.

“There are only two ways to influence human behavior: You can manipulate it, or you can inspire it.”

– Simon Sinek, Start with Why

Let’s talk about brand for a minute.

It’s what you do & how you do it.

Premise. Promise. Practice.

Beyond feature & benefit.

• Being good is not enough. • Working hard is not enough • Having passion is not enough.

Pain points.


Why. Who. What. How.

Why. Who. What. How.

Why does this matter to you? Why should I care? What’s at stake? What do you believe in? What are you on a mission to do?

Why you?

Why. Who. What. How.

Who are you? What’s your story? Who is your customer?

Picture the prospect.

Who is she?

What is her biggest fear?

What does she want the most?

Don’t just give me demographics.

Ask. (And then listen.)

SurveymonkeyGoogle forms

1:1 conversations3 star Amazon reviews

Social media pollingNetworking events

Why. Who. What. How.

Identify the problem. Explain it to a fifth grader. What are the objections?

Why. Who. What. How.

How does it work? What one thing do you want me to do? What will you change my mind about? How will my life change?

How will you change my life?

Write out your vision.

From business owner…

….to thought leader

Information vs. stance

Content strategy.

Media coverage.

Some reading to doLinchpin by Seth Godin (really, anything by Seth Godin) The Dip by Seth Godin (critical for this point in their business) Purple Cow by Seth Godin (important to understand how marketing has dramatically changed) Essentialism by Greg McKeown Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action Stand Out by Dorie Clark How the World Sees You by Sally Hogshead Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone Pitch Anything Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk

• Grow your existing brand • Launch a new business or brand • Find their niche • Communicate your expertise and value • Package/organize your services • Understand what exactly you’re trying to do.

WHY YOU WORKSHOP coming this summer!

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