Nov 14: Global Product Management Talk on Roadmapping w/Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker




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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 1

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

Bill Galfano, President And Co-Founder, MileMarker, Leads Discussion About The Value of RoadMapping In Managing Product Evolution

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INTRO Bill Galfano, President And Co-Founder, MileMarker spoke at the weekly Global Product

Management Talk on Twitter Monday, November 14, 2011 using the hashtag #prodmgmttalk. We utilized the beta product, stanzr Social Media Chat for the last time. Each week, The Global Product Management Talk features an expert guest speaker who asks questions of the participants on Twitter in a Socratic discussion. The speaker and co-hosts broadcast their comments over BlogTalkRadio. The transcript of Tweets and podcast are available after the live event. ABOUT BILL GALFANO Bill Galfano has been working in the Internet and software industry for more than 16 years. What started as a career with a small firm building websites and web applications, turned into a passion for user experience, product design, and marketing. Bill is currently Executive Director and Strategist for Minneapolis based marketing firm, Magnet 360. Bill is also the President and Co-Founder of MileMarker, a web-based application designed to help product managers and innovation leaders better manage their product roadmaps. Bill says, "I'm excited to participate in the Global Product Management Talk, a forum that brings together the great talents of the product management community." MENTIONED DURING TALK Stanzr Social Media Tool Come for the X, Stay for the Y Prioritization Matrix Uservoice for internal & external board QUESTIONS DISCUSSED Q1 Please introduce yourself & where you are tweeting from! Share your involvement/interest with products & roadmaps Q2 How do you currently manage your product roadmap and how would you rate its effectiveness? Q3 How often do you communicate the current or future direction of your product to your management team? To your product teams? To your custumers? Q4 How does your organization decide what features will take priority in the evolution of your product? Q5 In what ways does your organization support internal collaboration around the current or future direction of your product? Q6 Do you invite customers to collaborate around the current of future direction of your product? Q7 What role does customer feedback play when deciding how to evolve your product?


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 2

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

TWEET CHRONOLOGY Join Global Product Management Talk! Never participated in a twitter chat? FAQs Learn How to participate in Socratic Twitter Talk via Global Prod Mgmt Talk Learn about Tweeting Best Practices and Twitter Talk FAQs galfano Looking forward to talking product roadmaps on #prodmgmttalk with @rcauvin & @cindyfsolomon at 6pm CT today. #prodmgmt cindyfsolomon Roadmapping: Global Product Management Talk w/ @galfano @rcauvin @cindyfsolomon live! Listen #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk 3:38pm PRODMGMTTALK The audio pre-talk has begun! @galfano talking about #pcampmn this past Sat! #prodmgmttalk 3:50pm cindyfsolomon @galfano referring to his presentation at #pcampmn & You don't need a product road map - (37signals) #prodmgmttalk 3:54pm galfano Getting warmed up with @cindyfsolomon and @rcauvin for #prodmgmttalk on product road maps #prodmgmt 3:55pm ProdMgmtTalk Sadly, we're beta using for last time today...such is situation in lean startup world... #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior Will most of the convo this week be on Twitter or audio? #prodmgmttalk 3:56pm ProdMgmtTalk @roadmapwarrior remains to be seen, join us here for last time #prodmgmttalk rcauvin Three minutes until #prodmgmttalk begins. Join us here: You can also "listen" to the#prodmgmttalk hashtag. #prodmgmt 3:57pm galfano RT @rcauvin: Three minutes until #prodmgmttalk begins. Join us here: You can also "listen" to the #prodmgmttalk hashtag. #prodmgmt 3:57pm lmckeogh Larry checking in from Boulder for a bit... #prodmgmttalk 3:59pm ProdMgmtTalk Cindy F. Solomon here from the San Francisco Bay Area! On audio with @rcauvin and @galfano #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior Jen here from Kansas City #prodmgmttalk 3:59pm roadmapwarrior Am I missing something? I haven't seen a post for the past few minutes #prodmgmttalk 4:04pm cindyfsolomon @roadmapwarrior slow start #prodmgmttalk 4:05pm roadmapwarrior OK just checking. Today has been a day of technical difficulties #prodmgmttalk 4:05pm johnpeltier Checking in on #prodmgmttalk for a bit... 4:04pm rcauvin First question coming up! #prodmgmttalk 4:05pm


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 3

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

ProdMgmtTalk Q2 How do you currently manage your product roadmap and how would you rate its effectiveness? #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk galfano RT @ProdMgmtTalk: Q2 How do you currently manage your product roadmap and how would you rate its effectiveness? #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk 4:06pm lmckeogh Our roadmap is communicated using PPT and reviewed quarterly. We look out 3 years w/ more concrete features closer in #prodmgmttalk 4:07pm ProdMgmtTalk A2 Currently, update roadmap weekly - but after the fact, like a report – not projection #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior Req backlog > periodic prioritization sessions > creation of internal & external roadmaps, usually 4+ release cycles out #prodmgmttalk 4:08pm johnpeltier A2: My roadmap for a v1 product in dev shows milestones until GA and planned user stories for each. Very helpful. #prodmgmttalk 4:10pm saeedwkhan Hi not seeing too many #prodmgmttalk tweets today? Anyone out there aside from the few? 4:10pm ProdMgmtTalk @saeedwkhan welcome! Tech issues w/end of stanzr beta #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Lots of discussion with @rcauvin & @galfano #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk @galfano says At #pcampmn answered that shared RoadMap w/customers who expected/ demanded it, quarterly exercise #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior Effectiveness is a tougher question - depends on the audience #prodmgmttalk 4:10pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @lmckeogh: Our roadmap is communicated using PPT & reviewed quarterly We look out 3 years w/ more concrete features closer #prodmgmttalk lmckeogh @roadmapwarrior : our backlog is rolled into overhead time. Size of features dictate time dedicated. Mostly it contains tasks #prodmgmttalk 4:10pm roadmapwarrior @lmckeogh Good point. I didn't mention it but the roadmap creation has to reconcile priority & packaging ability #prodmgmttalk 4:13pm cindyfsolomon @galfano says teams get into discussions betw prod roadmap & project mgmt #prodmgmttalk 4:13pm saeedwkhan @johnpeltier How detailed are the points under the milestones? Is it rendered in bullets in ppt or something more detailed? #prodmgmttalk 4:13pm ProdMgmtTalk @rcauvin asks "What do you put in a backlog? Tasks or fine grained user stories or features or epics?" #prodmgmttalk rcauvin Anyone use "themes" in their roadmaps and try to avoid features and fine-grained stories? #prodmgmttalk 4:14pm saeedwkhan @rcauvin Have used themes (e.g. connectivity, performance etc.) but people want to know the details.#prodmgmttalk 4:15pm lmckeogh @rcauvin : Yes, we've got themes - 6. Not all get worked all the time but try to assign all tasks back to these central themes #prodmgmttalk 4:15pm


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 4

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

roadmapwarrior @rcauvin I'll use themes on the public/external view of the roadmap, less so for the dev version #prodmgmttalk 4:15pm rcauvin Do frequent iterations and demos relieve some of the pressure for detail in product roadmaps? #prodmgmttalk 4:15pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @rcauvin: Do frequent iterations and demos relieve some of the pressure for detail in product roadmaps? #prodmgmttalk saeedwkhan @rcauvin No. :) Iterations/demos are good for some int. customers, but sales teams & ext. customers want longer term view. #prodmgmttalk 4:17pm roadmapwarrior @rcauvin Depends on whether a client is asking their account person or not #prodmgmttalk 4:17pm ProdMgmtTalk @rcauvin says demos are multi-tiered strategy to elicit feedback from customers (& appease their need to know progress) #prodmgmttalk carlymicallef Hi it's Carly joining again from Sydney. #prodmgmttalk 4:18pm ProdMgmtTalk @carlymicallef Welcome Carly! #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk (Thank you callers! Trying to bring you onto audio discussion) #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior @cindyfsolomon @galfano Do you have the technical prod mgr set release cycles or a project mgr? Or both working together? #prodmgmttalk 4:19pm VFigatelix hello! a bit late but here! #prodmgmttalk 4:20pm ProdMgmtTalk @VFigatelix Welcome from everywhere! We're attempting to use one last time #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk RT @roadmapwarrior @galfano Do you have the technical prod mgr set release cycles or a project mgr? Or both working together? #prodmgmttalk cindyfsolomon @galfano says "Want tech prodmgm & projmgmt working together to understand ramifications" #prodmgmttalk 4:21pm ProdMgmtTalk @galfano says "Yes, keep collab to understnd how release cycles impact prod direction." #prodmgmttalk rcauvin Per the question, how do you rate the effectiveness of a product roadmap? #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk 4:21pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @rcauvin: Per the question, how do you rate the effectiveness of a product roadmap? #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk rcauvin I.e., what criteria do you use to evaluate whether a product roadmap is "good" or "bad"? #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk 4:22pm


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 5

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

saeedwkhan @rcauvin By how many people believe it's actually going to happen with no changes. :-) #prodmgmttalk 4:22pm VFigatelix A2: Currently managing at a strategic level and very useful 4 a #starup company #prodmgmttalk 4:22pm lmckeogh Sorry to have to leave early tonight, enjoyed the conversation so far and meeting Bill this past wkend @#pcampMN #prodmgmttalk 4:23pm ProdMgmtTalk @lmckeogh thanks for your contribution as always! next week Overcoming Limited Resources/Unrealistic Expectatns w/@wapolanco #prodmgmttalk galfano @lmckeogh Thanks for joining #prodmgmttalk . Great meeting you at #pcampmn 4:24pm rcauvin @saeedwkhan So in other words, by how well you've deceived them? :-) #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk 4:23pm cindyfsolomon RT @bfgmartin probably net promoter score type measurement - do all the stakeholders understand the priorities? #prodmgmttalk saeedwkhan @rcauvin but how well it aligns with strat and other biz goals and is achievable, assuming no other changes #prodmgmttalk 4:24pm cindyfsolomon @bfgmartin Welcome! please add twitter check to post out to twitter! #prodmgmttalk 4:24pm VFigatelix A2: we decide if it's good based on how many agree on it and how much it will contribute w/ company's goals #prodmgmttalk 4:24pm rcauvin @saeedwkhan What about the effectiveness for *communicating*? #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk 4:25pm saeedwkhan @rcauvin :-) well isn't that Y every roadmap pres. starts w. big disclaimer abt how none of it shd be viewed as commitment. #prodmgmttalk 4:25pm VFigatelix Ok I'm in #prodmgmttalk 4:26pm cindyfsolomon @VFigatelix Welcome #prodmgmttalk 4:26pm wapolanco I ask "would you buy/consume the product not just based on what it solves for today but based the planned enhancements"? #prodmgmttalk 4:26pm rcauvin A product roadmap helps communicate. Communicate what? Communicate to whom? Communicate why? #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk 4:26pm johnpeltier OK, time for dinner! Will look for transcript. #prodmgmttalk 4:26pm VFigatelix @johnpeltier Bon Apetite! #prodmgmttalk 4:28pm ProdMgmtTalk @johnpeltier Thanks for joining us #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Q3 How often do you communicate the current or future direction of your product to your management team? #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Q3 more: How often do you communicate To your product teams? To your custumers? #prodmgmttalk


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 6

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

roadmapwarrior @rcauvin Depends on the form. Internal comms to dev on where their heads should be next. External comms to sales on value. #prodmgmttalk 4:27pm saeedwkhan @rcauvin roadmap is a plan based on & tied to strat, mkt dynamics, goals etc. It comm. intent and PLANNED direction #prodmgmttalk 4:27pm bfgmartin Communicate roadmap every quarter, updates/changes every week #prodmgmttalk 4:28pm ProdMgmtTalk @bfgmartin Wow - consumes a lot of time updating roadmap - who does this? #prodmgmttalk GetMileMarker A very engaging discussion about product roadmaps on #prodmgmttalk with @cindyfsolomon & @rcauvin 4:29pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @saeedwkhan: @rcauvin roadmap is a plan based on & tied to strat, mkt dynamics, goals etc comm. intent & PLANNED direction #prodmgmttalk VFigatelix Quarterly if it is a well established company, 4 a startup monthly? #prodmgmttalk 4:29pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @GetMileMarker: A very engaging discussion about product roadmaps on #prodmgmttalk with @cindyfsolomon & @rcauvin #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior @wapolanco Sounds like #prodmgmttalk 4:29pm saeedwkhan @bfgmartin how detailed is the roadmap that it changes every week? Why does it change so often?#prodmgmttalk 4:30pm VFigatelix @carlymicallef nice distinction! team vs. exce's #prodmgmttalk 4:30pm wapolanco A3: Direction should come from the PM if s/he has a pulse on market and align to org's vision. #prodmgmttalk 4:30pm VFigatelix to customers, I only keep a informative version and it is probably once a year #prodmgmttalk 4:31pm cindyfsolomon RT @carlymicallef: communicate roadmap fortnightly with my team, quarterly with executives. #prodmgmttalk 4:31pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @VFigatelix: to customers, I only keep a informative version and it is probably once a year #prodmgmttalk bfgmartin @saeedwkhan all about agile - roadmap changes to match market and customer needs #prodmgmttalk 4:31pm rcauvin If, by "roadmap", you mean backlog, then you'll update frequently. If based more on long-term themes, less frequent updates. #prodmgmttalk 4:31pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @bfgmartin: @saeedwkhan all about agile - roadmap changes to match market and customer needs #prodmgmttalk galfano Is your roadmap an expression of your vision or an expression of the tasks your team needs to work on? #prodmgmttalk 4:31pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @rcauvin: If you mean backlog, then youll update frequently. If based more on long-term themes, less frequent updates. #prodmgmttalk


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 7

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

roadmapwarrior A3: comm to dev is continuous, to sales/account/mgmt monthly #prodmgmttalk 4:32pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @galfano: Is your roadmap an expression of your vision or an expression of the tasks your team needs to work on? #prodmgmttalk StacyShade RT @ProdMgmtTalk: RT @GetMileMarker: A very engaging discussion about product roadmaps on#prodmgmttalk with @cindyfsolomon & @rcauvin #prodmgmttalk 4:32pm ProdMgmtTalk @StacyShade Welcome! #prodmgmttalk saeedwkhan @bfgmartin so every week you learn something new that changes what you were planning last week?#prodmgmttalk 4:32pm userinsight @ProdMgmtTalk Nice! We're happy to join! And listen!! #prodmgmttalk 4:33pm ProdMgmtTalk Welcome @userinsight @StacyShade #prodmgmttalk saeedwkhan @galfano Good question and point! roadmap is a plan, but is expression of your vision. Agreed! #prodmgmttalk 4:33pm bfgmartin @rcauvin both roadmap and backlog change frequently - just differ in level of detail #prodmgmttalk 4:33pm wapolanco @roadmapwarrior exactly right. Come for what you see, stay for what you'll get (soon)! #prodmgmttalk 4:33pm ProdMgmtTalk RT @wapolanco: @roadmapwarrior exactly right. Come for what you see, stay for what youll get (soon)! #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior @galfano I think I'd use the term "evolution" rather than full "vision" for roadmap #prodmgmttalk 4:34pm rcauvin @bfgmartin But don't documents w/ low level of detail generally require less frequent updates? #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk 4:34pm bfgmartin @saeedwkhan not every week, but often enough we need to be able to react that quickly yes #prodmgmttalk 4:34pm galfano @wapolanco & @roadmapwarrior Stay for the value you get today! #prodmgmttalk -4:36 rcauvin One form of product roadmap focuses on themes that address or group prospect problems. #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk -4:36 PM bfgmartin ROI ROI ROI, what's going to move the dial the most for the least effort #prodmgmttalk -4:37 roadmapwarrior @rcauvin New positioning? Or just more complete?#prodmgmttalk -4:37 cindyfsolomon RT @bfgmartin: ROI ROI ROI, what's going to move the dial the most for the least effort #prodmgmttalk -4:38 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk RT @rcauvin: One form of product roadmap focuses on themes that address or group prospect problems. #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 8

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

ProdMgmtTalk Q4 How does your organization decide what features will take priority in the evolution of your product? #prodmgmttalk galfano A4: Feasibility + Value = Priority ; Operation Feasibility, Tech Feasibility, Business Value, User Value #prodmgmttalk -4:38 PM rcauvin Value prop & positioning should drive prioritization of roadmap, backlog, and all product decisions. #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk -4:38 PM ProdMgmtTalk RT @galfano: A4: Feasibility + Value = Priority ; Operation Feasibility, Tech Feasibility, Business Value, User Value #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior @bfgmartin IMO that could be looked at 2 ways - your ROI and customer's ROI, both are important #prodmgmttalk -4:39 PM carlymicallef We have 4 measures to rate against, conversion and awareness, engagement, penetration and retention.#prodmgmttalk -4:39 PM bfgmartin @rcauvin yes but you still need the flexibility to change often - even if you don't #prodmgmttalk -4:39 PM ProdMgmtTalk RT @carlymicallef: We have 4 measures to rate against, conversion and awareness, engagement, penetration and retention.#prodmgmttalk cindyfsolomon RT @carlymicallef: We have 4 measures to rate against, conversion and awareness, engagement, penetration and retention. #prodmgmttalk -4:39 PM saeedwkhan @bfgmartin Is it always just that? move dial with least effort? Isn't it sometimes more complex or strategic than that? #prodmgmttalk -4:39 PM wapolanco @galfano Agreed. Current feature set needs to make your clients stay. But roadmap will help sell based on what's coming. #prodmgmttalk -4:39 PM Brioneja @rcauvin Unfortunately the definition of what a product roadmap is varies a lot #prodmgmttalk -4:40 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk @Brioneja Jose, Welcome! #prodmgmttalk bfgmartin @roadmapwarrior if your ROI isn't aligned with your customer's you have problem… ;-) #prodmgmttalk -4:40 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk Value = new biz opp, prove ROI, user value=measure of talking to cust, direct cust feedback, user/concept testing, Data drives #prodmgmttalk wapolanco RT @bfgmartin: @roadmapwarrior if your ROI isnt aligned with your customers you have problem… ;-) #prodmgmttalk-4:40 PM Nov 14th, 2011 bfgmartin @carlymicallef Amen, tie it back to KPIs, always.#prodmgmttalk -4:40 PM Nov 14th, 2011 Brioneja @rcauvin I personally use product roadmaps more for longer range planning, major modifications/ versions #prodmgmttalk -4:41 PM Nov 14th, 2011 bfgmartin Do you focus on full Cost Benefit Analysis or a more quick and dirty relative prioritisation? #prodmgmttalk -4:41 PM Nov 14th, 2011


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 9

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

userinsight RT @wapolanco: RT @bfgmartin: @roadmapwarrior if your ROI isnt aligned with your customers you have problem… ;-)#prodmgmttalk -4:42 PM Nov 14th, 2011 Brioneja @rcauvin Others use them for every minor version change#prodmgmttalk -4:42 PM Nov 14th, 2011 carlymicallef @bfgmartin I wish my organisation would go for quick and dirty! #prodmgmttalk -4:42 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk @rcauvin you dropped from audio! trying to skype you back in - please repeat what you were saying #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior 280 Group has a good prioritization matrix if anyone's looking #prodmgmttalk -4:42 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk @rcauvin dropped offline...from audio and tweeting...let's all will him back on! oh tech gods...! #prodmgmttalk galfano @bfgmartin I think it's somewhere in the middle.#prodmgmttalk -4:42 PM Nov 14th, 2011 VFigatelix @cindyfsolomon can I write my comments on following questions on in advance? #prodmgmttalk -4:43 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk @VFigatelix I'll open the questions so you can try - but last time using tool unfortunately... #prodmgmttalk bfgmartin I do quick and dirty - most important thing for my small team is to work on the most important thing at any one time#prodmgmttalk -4:43 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan @roadmapwarrior - gd. pt WRT ROI, but can U always get good measure of cust. ROI 4 everything? A lot is subjective isn't it? #prodmgmttalk -4:44 PM Nov 14th, 2011 galfano Do any of you use online tools to get input from business stakeholders and customers? #prodmgmttalk -4:44 PM Nov 14th, 2011 Brioneja @roadmapwarrior Great resource! Thanks! #prodmgmttalk-4:45 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan @galfano what kind of online tools are you thinking of? #prodmgmttalk -4:45 PM Nov 14th, 2011 bfgmartin @galfano UserVoice - love it. Have an internal and external board. #prodmgmttalk -4:45 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk Q5 In what ways does your organization support internal collaboration around the current or future direction of your product? #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Yes, moved onto Q5 (time runs fast during chat!) #prodmgmttalk rcauvin A5: Believe it or not, direction is pretty clear due to a shared understanding of the core value prop. #prodmgmt#prodmgmttalk -4:46 PM Nov 14th, 2011 galfano @saeedwkhan RE: tools for getting input: Feedback tools, online communities, etc. #prodmgmttalk -4:46 PM Nov 14th, 2011


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 10

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

ProdMgmtTalk Next 3 Qs have a theme: how do you include ext feedback in evolving product roadmap? #prodmgmttalk rcauvin A7: Customer feedback is critical and on-going. However, the overall product vision doesn't change too much. #prodmgmt#prodmgmttalk -4:47 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan @galfano Yes, definitely...but most all low/med signal med/high noise. They are a starting point for deeper research. #prodmgmttalk -4:47 PM roadmapwarrior @saeedwkhan Fair point. Some judgment comes from how customer 'perceives' ROI #prodmgmttalk -4:47 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan @rcauvin @prodmgmttalk -- is someone tweeting the questions? I'm not seeing them. #prodmgmttalk -4:48 PM Nov 14th, 2011 bfgmartin Clear vision/mission, product focuses on defining problem so all can contribute solutions, transparent process and open inputs #prodmgmttalk -4:48 PM Nov 14th, 2011 cindyfsolomon Q5 In what ways does your organization support internal collaboration around the current or future direction of your product? #prodmgmttalk -4:49 PM Nov 14th, 2011 roadmapwarrior Are we on 5 now? #befuddled #prodmgmttalk -4:49 PM Nov 14th, 2011 galfano RT @ProdMgmtTalk: Q5 In what ways does your organization support internal collaboration around the current or future direction of your product? #prodmgmttalk -4:49 PM Nov 14th, 2011 VFigatelix RT @bfgmartin: Clear vision/mission, product focuses on defining problem so all can contribute solutions... #prodmgmttalk -4:50 PM Nov 14th, 2011 VFigatelix @saeedwkhan I think people is reading Q's here #prodmgmttalk -4:50 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan A5 - Impossible to answer in 140 chars. :-(. Lots of ways, across many teams and activities. #prodmgmttalk -4:51 PM Nov 14th, 2011 VFigatelix Sorry gotta run, great Topic! will look forward 4 the transcripts see you next week #prodmgmttalk -4:51 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk @VFigatelix Join us next week for Overcoming Limited Resources & Unrealistic Expectations w/ @wapolanco #prodmgmttalk saeedwkhan A5 -- but in the end, it comes down to personal relationships across key team members and working w ppl who think alike. #prodmgmttalk -4:52 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk RT @saeedwkhan: A5 -- in end comes down to personal relationships across key team members and working w ppl who think alike. #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior ProdMgmt & SMEs for the product domain have a great relationship #prodmgmttalk -4:53 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk @saeedwkhan @galfano says, yes "alignment of vision & how ppl work together to fulfill it" #prodmgmttalk


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 11

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

roadmapwarrior Moving on to 6/7? #prodmgmttalk -4:56 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan @prodmgmttalk - r we done? #prodmgmttalk -4:57 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk We're answering all Qs 5-7 simultaneously in next 3 minutes! Sorry for confusion! #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior A6: Yes but looking to expand that effort#prodmgmttalk -4:58 PM Nov 14th, 2011 roadmapwarrior A7: If you don't listen to customer feedback you risk losing customers - loyalty always depends on emotion not just function #prodmgmttalk -4:59 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk @rcauvin re: vision, when look at value of particular features - criteria alignm w/single vision or per feature/problem? #prodmgmttalk bfgmartin You lost us a bit at the end, not sure everyone can listen to the radio… #prodmgmttalk -5:00 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk unfortunately ending beta test of product this week...bec they’re ending development & moving on… #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk @galfano says "ProdMrktg must make sure there is clear line of site to keep prod teams on path" align on core value prop #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior @saeedwkhan I think we're talking to ourselves at this point #prodmgmttalk -5:01 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk @saeedwkhan winding down - @rcauvin & @galfano still talking - will be available in edited podcast... #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk @carlymicallef hard communicating w/vendors, they get disgruntled when features they would have paid for get scrapped. #prodmgmttalk galfano Had a great time participating on #prodmgmttalk with@cindyfsolomon and @rcauvin. And great feedback by the participants! -5:01 PM Nov 14th, 2011 carlymicallef Thanks for todays talk. Would really like to hear from people about software they use for managing roadmaps...#prodmgmttalk -5:01 PM Nov 14th, 2011 bfgmartin Don't just listen to feedback! But to what the client really needs #prodmgmttalk Cars, not faster horses. -5:01 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan @roadmapwarrior good to talk to you. :-)#prodmgmttalk -5:01 PM Nov 14th, 2011 carlymicallef RT @bfgmartin: Don't just listen to feedback! But to what the client really needs #prodmgmttalk Cars, not faster horses. -5:01 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan @bfgmartin yeah but Ford completely failed later cuz couldn't adapt to market and competition. i.e. he didn't listen. :-)#prodmgmttalk -5:03 PM Nov 14th, 2011 roadmapwarrior @bfgmartin Agreed. Listen to what they need for what to build. Listen to what they say to show concern #prodmgmttalk -5:03 PM Nov 14th, 2011 saeedwkhan @carlymicallef - that software is usually some part(s) of MS office unfortunately. :-) #prodmgmttalk -5:04 PM Nov 14th, 2011


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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TALK 12

Transcript from Nov 14, 2011: Global Product Management Talk Bill Galfano, President, MileMarker Product RoadMapping MAIL: FB: Site: Hear:

ProdMgmtTalk @galfano has a roadmapping tool that solves these problems: #prodmgmttalk roadmapwarrior Time for consumption of food products. Thanks to everyone for the chat! #prodmgmttalk -5:06 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk Thank you so much Bill @galfano & Roger @rcauvin & every1 for participating today – despite audio cutoff & tool confusion #prodmgmttalk Brioneja @carlymicallef @bfgmartin it is critical to interpret what the customer is saying. Faster transportation, not faster horses #prodmgmttalk -5:07 PM Nov 14th, 2011 Brioneja @saeedwkhan Ford's Model T case is that of the "one innovation hit wonder company". Dell is today's best example#prodmgmttalk -5:10 PM Nov 14th, 2011 ProdMgmtTalk Thank you Bill @galfano and Roger @rcauvin for your participation today! Listen on iTunes #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Tried to capture Unedited Tweets from all sources, scroll to bottom and read #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Today's top 5 impression makers! @rcauvin @brioneja @bfgmartin @saeedwkhan @lmckeogh #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Today's top 10 impression makers @galfano @vfigatelix @roadmapwarrior @johnpeltier @cindyfsolomon #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Appreciation today's Top Tweeters: @roadmapwarrior @saeedwkhan @cindyfsolomon @rcauvin @bfgmartin #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Recognition: More top Tweeters @galfano @vfigatelix @lmckeogh @carlymicallef @wapolanco #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk 151 tweets generated 117,245 impressions, reaching an audience of 13,399 followers #prodmgmttalk ProdMgmtTalk Join us next week for Global Product Management Talk On Overcoming Limited Resources And Unrealistic Expectations w/ @wapolanco #Business

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