Invitation to Participate in Doctoral Studies


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Business Model Innovation

& Dynamic CapabilitiesDoctoral Research


What is Business Model Innovation?

It’s the ability of organisations to innovate or reimagine how they create value for customers and build a unique and (hopefully) profitable competitive position.

What is a Business Model

It’s an organisation’s logic for doing business. It describes how resources and activities deliver a value proposition that customers want. It also allows managers to consider how revenues and costs translate into sustainable profits.

Why Do Business Model Innovation ?

It facilitates experimentation and discovering new ways of doing business. It’s a catalyst for commercialising new products and services. It allows resource constrained companies to reinvent themselves…and many more reasons.

How is Business Model Innovation Done?

It’s evolutionary…or revolutionary.But always dependent on the unique capabilities that the organisation possess.It’s more than a function of individual skills and experience.

This question is the subject of the

present research project

Who Should Contribute to this Research?

Organisations with a track record of innovation across multiple dimensions of their business model including emerging start-ups and established firms.

What is the Benefit of Participating?

Gain access to cutting edge research from leading proponents of business model innovation. Contribute knowledge to this exciting and emerging research area about your unique way of doing business. Your contribution is anonymous and be the first to get access to the results.

How can I Participate?

If you have already been in contact with the researcher, please use those contact details.

Alternatively visit for more information and contact details.
