How To Modernize Your Sales Approach To Drive Business Growth


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How to Modernize your Sales Approach & Drive Sales in Cyber Security

You’re at the right place if you’re responsible for sales

Entrepreneur | Executive | Coach | Consultant

Who am I?

• Consultant, coach, trainer, author & speaker.

• Have a consultancy & I help owner-managers of service-based B2Bs with business development.

• I focus on ethical, professional, structured methods that WORK.

Enabling business

• I’ve spent 18 years in business development & I’ve built & sold my own 7-figure consultancy.

• 27 years old, NO startup capital, NO experience, 3 kids.

Sold to a range of clients –start-ups & SMEs to multi nationals.

You’re here because…

1. You either know you’re wasting time on the wrong sales activities or suspect there could be better ways to sell.

2. You know you need to be doing more but you’re not sure which way to go and are feeling stuck.

3. No matter how hard you work the sales aren’t coming in. Your leads are still small & your reach feels non existent. You’re frustrated.

4. You’re already seeing some success by using some modern methods but you want to learn more.

You want to…

• Build a consistent sales pipeline so the revenue keeps flowing & you’re not living the feast & famine lifestyle.

• Attract more leads & automate some processes.

• Create a system for generating leads so you don’t get overwhelmed & stressed out.

• Convert more of the leads you’re getting so selling is faster & easier.


The good news is…

• Show you how you can do all of that!

• By the end of this class you’ll have a system for attracting more buyers, building a consistent pipeline of leads & winning more sales.

• You’ll see a better return on your time investment.

• You’ll be able to implement the things I go through with you straight away.

How this class came about

• Noticed 3 problems in the market:

• Businesses were struggling to get through to their prospects on the phone, book meetings & make sales.

• Businesses were struggling to attract & develop leads.

• Business were frustrated as when they had leads they were struggling to convert them.

Researching the market

• Saw how modern sales methods were transforming business.

• More visibility & exposure.

• More opportunities to network & get leads.

• Better conversion rates.

• Increased sales.

• Individuals were becoming empowered by gaining influence & becoming brands.

3 objectives for this training

1. Add value

2. Transparent

3. Continued education


Evolution of Selling

What is selling?

• Selling is:

• About having conversations.

• About helping people by matching their needs to their

wants or finding a solution to their problems.

• About winning,

• It’s the most fundamental aspect of a business!

What makes a good sales person?

They’re thick skinned and know the first rule of sales…


Their day typically looks like this - scenario 1

Their day typically looks like this - scenario 2

They’re day typically looks like this – scenario 3

The market is now global & there’s MORE competition

There are MORE distractions & MORE noise.

10 hours of digital content per day is being consumed & it’s increasing!

It’s getting harder to be seen let alone be heard

If you can’t be seen or heard you’re not going to make sales!


To be the signal & not the noise

Why build a KPI profile?

• When someone Google’s your name, the 1st

page of results is how the world sees you.

• Is it clear what you do?

• Is it clear what you’re good at?

• Are you referenced & can testimonials be found?

Your profile is an asset

• In a world where the most cutting edge tech has been designed to leverage your message, you must build a profile as a person of influence. You

must treat it as an ASSET for it will both

make you sales & loose you business.

As Richard Branson says…

“Your reputation is all you have in life – your personal reputation & the reputation of your brand. And if you do anything that damages that reputation,

you can destroy your company.”

• A survey by CustomerThink determined that on average, marketing is still only responsible for 30% of lead generation for sales.

• Those in sales on average have to generate 70% of their leads if they’re to achieve their goals.

Unlock the power of connections

• Personal connections are the best way to build a pipeline of people most likely to turn into new clients.

• A warm referral increases the odds of a sales success 2-4x (CustomerThink survey).

• 53% of sales professionals received introductions to new opportunities from their coworkers (LinkedIn Customer Survey, 2011).

Company profile

• When someone goes to your website is it clear:

• Who it’s for & what you do?

• How they can contact you?

• Who your clients are & what they say about you?

• Can they “try before they buy?”

• When you look at your website is it clear:

• What it’s purpose is?

• What you want visitors to do on the website?

• Are you capturing any details from your visitors? As the biggest mistake is to make is to think this:

• 99% of your visitors you attract to your site will be lost UNLESS….you adopt the framework I’m going to show you next.


• You must do it this way…

• 1 sale & 20 leads/contacts.

• This way allows you to build a relationship with your visitors & with effective messaging your sales can sky rocket.




50-70% of the buying process happens before you get a chance to sell (Forrester)

Your chance to sell


Searches Compares Buys

• 89% of consumers begin

searching for products &

services using a search

engine (InsideView)

86% business decision makers use social media for business reasons

3 in 5 decision makers use social media to learn about new products &


• 90% of us buy on recommendation – even from people we’ve never met.

The reason – we’re programmed this way.

Because it’s safer!

IBM played to this fear in the 1980s

Most know their campaign: “You don’t get fired for buying IBM”

We call this social proof

Studies show that the average

conversion rate on a website

shoots from 7% buying up to 71%

when we’re recommended via

social networks.


Your ability to attract, influence & communicate online is NOW as

important, if not more important a skill to master as cold calling

and networking once was.

Whilst this class isn’t purely about social media, in case you hadn’t noticed it’s everywhere so we

MUST look at it.

It’s a POWERFUL business development tool.

Nearly 1 in 4 use social media GLOBALLY

Savvy entrepreneurs

• Savvy entrepreneurs are shifting

their spend away from ‘interruption

advertising.’ i.e. trade shows, direct

mail & cold calling.

Better returns through social media

• 57% acquire clients through blogging.

• 44% from Twitter.

• 77% of B2C companies & 43% of B2B

companies from Facebook.

Mike Volpe, CMO of HubSpot said:

"Our customer research showed that traffic from LinkedIn generated the highest visitor to lead conversion rate (2.7%), almost 3x higher

than Facebook (0.77%).

Where to focus

• To win in business now, you’ve got to be giving your clients & buyers what they want. That means engagement, interaction & conversations.

• Think about it. When you search for something chances are you’ll end up on the recommended site knowing quite a lot BUT….

Where to focus

• When you ask for help or search for something through those you’re connected to, you’ll find that you’ll end up on the recommended site knowing a lot more. You’ll be more focused & more ready to buy!

And that’s why there’s been a lot of

MARKETING ACTIVITY on social media!

To win in business

• However, to win in business it takes more than just having a presence and pushing out tweets, posts & blogs - even if it’s consistent.

To succeed

• You must have a well thought out plan & this

requires consulting, coaching & training.

• Remember 20-50% of the buying process has

happened before you get a chance to sell so YOU

MUST know how to meet them, engage with

them, build a relationship with them & influence

them if you’re going to convert them into clients.

This is important

• If you understand this you’ll get the edge over your competitors who may out rank you now in terms of SEO or even your database.

• Doing business will be cheaper.

Where to start

• You need to be taught how to use modern sales methods effectively – as a part of your existing sales process.

• You need to know your objective & your market. Then plan, focus & take consistent action.


• How do you prospect for clients?

• How fast do you convert?

• Meeting?

• Sale?

McKinsey reported on sales reps

• 90% of CEO’s and IT

Directors say they NEVER

respond to cold emails or

calls (InsideView)

A recent IBM Preference Study showed that cold calls are ineffective 97% of the time, and this number has been increasing by 7% every year since 2010.

Time is your asset – value it!

Unless you know how to use modern tools to engage, interact and have meaningful conversations you’re going to miss opportunities.

Prospects access info 24x7

They make decisions 24x7



Consider this…

• If you’re not there to help them when they need it one thing’s certain – your competitors will be.

Those who get it win

• 72.6% of sales people who are using social media as a sales tool out perform their colleagues who aren’t using it.

More opportunities

LinkedIn survey in Q4 2013 of reps who focused on new business & existing business

Don’t get left behind

• In the UK last year 3,500 business went into liquidation.

• 1 in 3 businesses FAIL globally.

• Why does this typically happen?

• Lack of SALES & Lack of PLANNING

• Do you plan on working in the next 10-20 years?

• Do you want to be obsolete or future proof yourself?


THE CLASS: LESSON 1 OF 3How to Create a Lead Generation Plan

Let’s look at your options

Inbound Marketing

• … refers to marketing activities that bring visitors in, rather than marketers having to go out to get prospects' attention.

• Inbound marketing earns the attention of customers, makes the company easy to be found and draws customers to the website by producing interesting content.

Outbound Marketing

• … is the opposite of inbound marketing, where the customers find you, mostly through various paid and natural search engine marketing efforts.

Let’s look at some examples

Inbound Marketing

• Content: blogs, articles, reports, whitepapers, e-books, podcasts, newsletters, videos, audios


• Social media

Outbound Marketing

• Events, seminars

• Direct mail & flyers

• Cold calling & telesales

• Networking

• Advertising

Let’s look at your choices

Inbound Marketing: Social Selling

• Leveraging your professional brand to fill your pipeline with the right people, insights & relationships

• Building a strong personal brand so you look & sound like a professional that you are

• Capturing sales intelligence

• Having a deep network of advocates

• Listening for opportunities and engaging

• Being there at ZMOT! (Google’s manifesto)

Google’s manifesto – Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)Searching – Reading Reviews - Watching Videos – Reaching out to their Network & places

like Quora asking Questions

Put yourself in your buyers shoes

#1. Research & prepare

Your buyers

• Where do they hang out?

• What do they like to talk about?

• What are their pains &challenges? Where are they lost? Where’s the mess in their business?

• What do they do outside of work?

• What does their profile (avatar) look like?

Your competitors

• Where do they hang out?

• What do they talk about?

• Where are they strong & weak?

• (NB your competitors can be your allies/buyers)

Know your mission

#2. Set your strategy

• The strategy i.e. your mission contains the who, what, when, where and why. Everything else is about how you’re going to accomplish the mission (the tactics).

Communicate & get buy-in

• Convey the strategy to your team along with the tactics / plan/ roadmap.

• They’ll need to buy into it as they’re going to be delivering it!

Where will they find you, where will they go & where will you take them?

Twitter Facebook Website Email

LinkedIn Twitter Call Meeting

Google Website Call Meeting

Remember the competition

Gaining competitive insight is useful because it enables you to know how to better position yourself & it can help you get more leads.

Follow your competitors. Listen to what they’re saying &what their clients are saying about them!

Set up Google Alerts for competitor terms (brand names, products, business owners names).

This is a time to data mine!

Fish where the fish are & where they’re hungry!

#3. Listen

• Start by spending some time on the network you plan to use & LISTEN.

• Become acquainted with the norms & expectations of the social network & community. They’re all different.

#4. Connect

• Friend, follow or connect with individuals with profiles that match your buyers.

• Conduct a search on each social platform or use to find buyers who are talking about your industry or using related keywords.

(Always Be Connecting)

Then comment on their posts, retweet them, answer a question or share something they say.

By contributing to their conversation you add value to their network. Then it becomes natural for you to follow them & for them to follow you back.

#5. Engage in conversations

No one-way conversations

Don’t have one-way conversations. Don’t push things out without engaging. Stick around for a while.

Pay attention to what your buyers are saying, needing & even moaning about.

Ask questions, listen for those who are asking for help.

#6. Build relationships

Put the emphasis on developing relationships more than developing leads, because good relationships will turn into leads.

People share a lot of information, & if you monitor & listen to what they’re saying, you’ll eventually be able to engage in a meaningful conversation with them.

Don’t pitch too soon

• When someone connects don’t them a message or DM with a link to your website. Turn off!

• Once you’ve built a relationship then you can say, “I’ve seen this many times before & helped others with it. Do you want to hop on the phone / Skype / meet up to go through it?”

• Show you care & add value. Know that relationships take time to build so don’t expect success overnight.


You’ve laid the foundations. Now you’re ready to move the sale along & convert them into leads & clients.

3 things are important:

1. Opt-ins (get them onto your list & email)

2. Phone or Skype

3. Meetings

LESSON 2 OF 3Attract

Be the bait!

Perception is reality

Create the right image

• Perception is everything & reality is nothing so it doesn’t

matter how good your product or service is. If the buyer

doesn’t perceive it to be – it’s not.

• Success or failure so often comes down to perception

and presentation. So start off on the right track by

presenting yourself well. Get dressed for being online

both as a business & as a KPI.

Who the Google are you?

• Remember you’re now a brand. Your profile is

now a tool. It needs to represent you well as it’s

going to work for you 24/7.

• Think of it as a door opener & invest in it

accordingly. Start by reviewing:

• Headshots & PR shots (for social platforms).


• You need a professional headshot – it’s a key


• Create a great first impression by smiling. This makes you

look welcoming.

• Just like any brand, make sure your profile headshots are

consistent across all your social media platforms.

Good headshot examples

Jane Frankland Amy Porterfield

Think of your message

Photos of “Jimmie” by Timothi Photography

Think of your bios

• A picture paints a 1000s words but after your profile has been viewed, your bio & headline are next.

• You need to make these eye grabbing. You only have seconds to keep your viewers interest.

Create a professional profile

• NEVER confuse professional with formal, cold & distant.

• Create a profile that's likeable, trustworthy & right for your market & whichever social network you’re on.

• Keep buzzwords out of it!

Top tips

• Introduce what you currently do / offer & make it compelling.

Tell it like a story & not like a CV.

• Detail how you can help the visitor. Include your credentials &

why you’re the best person to help them with this particular

issue i.e. your USPs.

• Add a personal paragraph, so they can get to know the face

behind the brand.

• Offer a free gift & a link that will lead to an opt-in form.

• Add a list of your specialties & some great keywords!

Example summaries

LESSON 3 OF 3Influence

Buyers are overwhelmed with sales messages

But they need solutions…and now

Your job is to influence

• Be known now as THE SOURCE - of value to your audience – and thought of as a leader.

• To do this you can show personality. You don’t have to make it ALL business. So remember the 3E rule…



OPC(Other People’s Content)

What content?

• Blogs

• Articles

• White papers

• Surveys & reports

• Presentations

• Videos

• Posts & tweets

• Chapter extracts from your book

• Podcasts

• Press releases

• Interviews

• Competitions

• Webinars





Get on your influencers radar

• Find the influencers in your market. If you’re not sure who they are go here:

• Connect with them & work on building a relationship with them. ReTweet their Tweets.

• Start small & build big. Over time you’ll succeed.

A picture paints a 1000 words

Have a system that works


Wrapping up the lessons

• Knowledge of how selling has changed & why you

MUST learn modern methods so you don’t get left


• How to build a lead generation plan so you attract

more clients.

• How to create a process that will improve your

exposure, grow your influence & convert more sales

over a shorter length of time.

Walk in your buyer’s digital footsteps

Challenge you to apply what you learnt today

Email me & tell me what you’re going to do in the next 24 hours…


• When you use modern sales methods strategically you‘ll be connecting with more key decision makers, experiencing shorter sales cycles, charging higher rates for your services & closing more business.

I’m not sure why you showed up

• To learn how to get more influence

• To learn how to attract more leads

• To learn modern sales methods

• To check me out…

Whatever the reason remember

• Nothing that was shared today is “theory” or “might work.” What you’ve been taught is a proven process that IS working right now.

• I’m NOT extra special & I don’t have access to exclusive resources or tools. I just have a PLAN –A SYSTEM that works.

• And if I can do this YOU CAN TOO!

The obvious question is…

• The obvious question next is….

• Are you going to sit on the fence?

• Try to figure it out yourself (which will take ages)?

• Engage with someone who’s done it before so you can save time?

How to continue working with me

Option 1

The DailyWins Social Selling Programme (Online self study)

Option 2

The DailyWins 90-day Business

Accelerator Programme (Coaching)

Option 3

Do nothing & try to figure it all out by

yourself.(Flying solo)

Option 1

3-week program that teaches you how to use social media as a sales tool so you see the maximum results in the shortest time possible.

Learn modern sales processes so you’ll enable sales.

Learn how to use Twitter & LinkedIn to prospect & generate warm leads so you can win more business.

Learn how to set up your Twitter & LinkedIn accounts the right way so get more exposure & are found via the search engines.

Learn how to gain influence in your market so you can stand behind what you charge & close 80% more business.

Videos, PDFs & weekly calls live for the 3-week program & access to support via me & our community.

Social Selling Profit Center

Videos, presentations, worksheets,done for you sheets & PDFs

Introduction to Social Selling - Foundations to selling- Foundations to social selling- Process, systems & methodology- Case studies

Twitter - The basics- Prospecting, networking & lead generation- Events- Measurement & best practice

LinkedIn - Preparation & Set Up- Strategy- Lead generation & prospecting- Reporting, analysis & performance- Ninja tips

Extras - PDFs, worksheets, done for you sheets- Weekly calls throughout the program- Community

Fully mobile

Option 2

90-day Business Accelerator coaching program teaches you all the modern ways to market your business & sell your services. You’ll have a choice as to whether you want to go slow & steady, short & focused, or make a big splash. You’ll get access to:

The DailyWins Social Selling Program

Planning & Strategy - where you are now, what you want to achieve & devise a plan to get you there.

Sales funnels & systems to help you build processes.

Full coaching support where we’ll meet twice a month to go over your progress & set more actions.

I was hugely impressed with Jane’s presentation and knowledge of Social Media and in particular Twitter. I learnt so much and have recommended the programme to my wife and to another company. I didn’t think, going into the training, I’d learn that much but I really did.” – Adam

“The content was well structured and focused on the areas that are going to be most relevant for us. Even though I’m a big fan and user of LinkedIn there were definitely many things that were shown that were new to me. I found it a very useful and relevant day.” – Krissi“

“I advise all of you confused by how to use social media to contact Jane” – Sarah

“Jane is knowledgeable about the industry and her work. I could even say her passion is addictive at times. The program delivery and content were easy to follow and she managed to get the important points across without confusing the matter” - Marcus

“Jane gave me accountability and as a result I started to have conversations on Twitter, something that had never happened before! I went from below 100 visitors to over 360 in record time. My Twitter followers are now interested in my business; my Facebook fans are growing everyday and my content is being shared..” - Nathalie

“It has increased my activity and visitors to LinkedIn ten fold. I'm engaged in more conversations and turning them into leads.” – Tom

Take the next step

• Ready to have a conversation? Then email


• I’ll get back to you within 24-hours.

Still not sure…think about this

• Whether you choose to work with me right now or not there’s a cost involved. This could be thousands of dollars or pounds - if not more.

• This is a well thought out program that’s backed by a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.

• This is also tax deductible if you’ve got a business.

So ask yourself. Are you getting the results you want?