How to hire and retain digital talent?



Digital is really irrelevant. When hiring the rules are always the same.

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‘Digital’ is IrrelevantICA May 19, 2011


1. How the industry is changing

2. Why you can’t be left behind

3. Finding your digital talent

4. Hanging on to your talent

“The next 5 years will hold more change for the advertising industry than the previous 50 did”

- IBM, 2009

How the industry is changing

360 degree marketing - the fully integrated campaign

The Experiential Microsite

Building a community on Facebook?

Some lessons learned

Digital is not a medium

“It’s not about developing a digital strategy, it’s about developing a strategy for a time where everything is digital.”

- Gareth Kay, Director of Planning GS+P

Don’t get left behind

Programor be programmed.

Practicing What We Preach

“The digital platform is ubiquitous,” she said. “It’s just a part of everyone’s way of thinking and communicating and sharing, connecting, buying, doing business. It’s probably the fastest-paced industry almost anybody could be in right now.”

- Kat Egan, Board of Directors BDW, Founder Exopolis

Finding your digital talent

Informational interviews.

Make your culture known.

Hire for culture.Train your superstars.

Use experts to execute ideas.

Hanging on to your talent

“We can offer them opportunity to build things – products, platforms, services – with us, or watch them take their newly learned skills and passion somewhere else”

- Edward Boches, Board of Directors BDW, CIO Mullen

The work.

Empower your people.


1. Hiring alone won’t solve your digital problems

2. Have faith in your existing talent (if you don’t, make hard choices)

3. Give your talent opportunities to succeed
