How Technology Can Work for You



Technology has come a long way. From Atari to Xbox. From listening to fireside chats on the radio to watching videos on Youtube. But has technology bettered your life? Ja-Nae will you through how technology can walk for you and how you can use it to become more productive.

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How Technology Can Work for You

By Ja-Nae Duane

Technology Has Come a Long Way

As Well As How We Interact With It



But Has Technology Made Your Life Easier?

Improve Process

Simplify Tasks

Help Us Focus on Priorities

Eliminate Waste

Even Though We Are All Different

You Are Not Alone

Technology Allows Us to Find Like-Minded Individuals

And Push the Limits of Our Imagination

It can be used to unite us as a planet or a community

Because when you use technology to try new things, magic can happen

So what are you waiting for? The Skies the Limit



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