Google Mobile Search Algorithm Changes


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Google Mobile Search Algorithm Changes

 On 21st of April, Google began prioritizing their mobile search result based on mobile friendliness of the site code. 

While the mobile-friendly change is important, Google still uses a variety of signals to rank search results. Even if a page with high quality content is not mobile-friendly, it could still rank high if it has great content for the query.

There are several implication to this move, first is that your site is better off if it has mobile version. Whether you are inclined to use fully responsive or case responsive mobile site, your site needs to be responsive.

Next, is the continuation of their previous policy announced earlier this year?  Google bots are looking at your site elements instead of your source code, so here again; the bot will scour through your style sheet to ensure that you have your mobile scenarios covered.

You may think that this will affect small businesses only, but if you look you may be surprised to find names such as Nintendo and Versace in the list of sites that Google does not find compliant.

Although, the implications of this move is not likely to be as great as all the early hype had indicated, it is still good to note that Google is modifying its algorithm not just for content, but to keep up with the times.

In order to give better guidelines, and provide helpful tools, Google webmaster blog has started the Mobile Madness Campaign.
