European Energy Award_ Spörndli


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Energy Management for Sustainable Action Plans EUSEW 2015 Charlotte Spörndli, International Office European Energy Award 18 June 2015


What is the European Energy Award (eea)?

Quality management, certification and awarding system for municipalities, in the field of energy and climate policy:

> Continuous improvement (Plan-do-check-act – cycle)

> Developed > 20 years ago for municipalities by municipalities

> Local and international benchmark & exchange of experiences


Continuity & long lasting experience

City of Schaffhausen in Switzerland: First city to be certified with the European Energy Award in 1997

Since 1992 - more than 20 years ago - Schaffhausen has been working continually with the same process and instruments (which have only been adapted to new circumstances)!

Today – 1350 participating communities

Status Jan 2015

Country No. of awarded communities No. of participating communities

< 5’000 inhabitants

5’ - 100’000 inhabitants

> 100’000 inhabitants

Total Gold


AT 59 38 1 98 12 179

CH 134 210 5 349 31 618

DE 31 123 49 203 41 308

FR 1 13 12 26 2 78

LI 9 2 - 11 - 11

IT 16 2 - 18 1 49

HU - 1 - 1 - 1

MC - 1 - 1 - 1

LU 9 4 - 13 - 93

RO - - - - - 4

UA - - - - - 1

MA - - - - - 3

Total 259 394 67 720 87 1346

> Smallest eea certified municipality: 339 inhabitants

> Biggest eea certified municipality: 1,034,000 inhabitants

Today – 11 participating countries

Ordinary members countries with national programmes

Status Jan 2015

Pilot countries

> International Harmonization – Local Adaptation

eea Management System and Process

Step 1: Political Decision of Participation in the eea program

Step 2: Set up of a cross-divisional Energy Team

Step 4: Definition of Goals and Action Plan

Step 5:

Implementation of Action Plan

Step 6: Monitoring and Reporting

(Annual internal monitoring and external audit every 4 years)



Step 3: Initial Energy Review > Strengths & Weaknesses

6 Areas of Assessment and Activity

• Catalogue of ideas and suggestions

• Strengths/weaknesses outline

• Benchmarking with other municipalities possible

79 measures in 6 areas

Two level of Awards

50% of possible points

75% of possible points

• Instruments and tools supporting the implementation of actions

• Regional, national (& international) exchange of experiences for municipalities

• Training and exchange of experiences for eea advisors, complete best practice database open to advisors

Embedded in national programs for communal energy policy

Goals of energy policy

& level of achievement


Path without eea

Path with eea better =quality level win

more stable = continuity and sustainability win

Benefits of the EnMS eea for a SEAP

Quality level win trough eea

Energy Action Plan

• Based on SW > priorities

• Concrete actions/measures

• Deadlines, persons, budgets

> integrated into processes

• Annual controlling,

input of eea advisor

Contribution eea


Paper or Action?

Sustainability win through eea

Structured, longterm

& integrated


Contribution eea

Annual controlling

with licensed

external eea


4-annual audit with

licensed external

eea auditor

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