Enriching Your Business and Life with Two-Way, One-to-Many Twitter Communications


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Enriching Your Work and Life

with Two-Way Twitter Communications

Presented to North Scarborough Rotary, February 12, 2014 Leslie Hetherington, MBA, APR, Communications Director

The Big Difference?

Two-Way, One to Many Communications and Relationships

(versus the pre-social media one-way ‘megaphone’)

What Can Twitter Do For You?

Personally Professionally


1. Create Your Profile (Build your Nest)

2. Meet & Follow (Increase Your Flock)

3. Effective Tweeting & #Hashtags (Talk to the Flock)

4. Cultivate Influencers (Bring Your Flock into the Fold)

Twitter Screens






Profile page Home page





Twitter Feed

(others’ tweets)

First: Risk-proof Your Foundation

Get “buy-in”

Allocate resources & back-up

Set procedures & policies:

Who will tweet?

How often will you tweet?

What topics are taboo?

Determine detractor/ troll management

Build Your Nest: Create Your Twitter Profile

1. User Name - @___ - Account

2. Icon Photo (128 x128) – Profile

3. Header Photo (520 x 260 px) - Profile

4. Biography (160 characters) – Profile

5. Deselect “Protect my Tweets” – Security and Privacy

6. Select “Let others find me by my email address” – Security

and Privacy

7. Set-up mobile access - Mobile

Free Tool to help size images:


Who do I follow and why?


Find & Follow


Converse, Share & Flatter

Retain Followers,

Hone Influencers... Ambassadors

Find and Follow…. Who to Follow….

1. Your clients/customers & partners

2. Your competitor’s clients/customers

3. Anyone who might talk about/ be interested in

your product/service

How to Find (basic)

1. Twitter’s Who to Follow ideas (left column)

Twitter’s Find Friends & Popular Accounts

2. Google ‘Name + Twitter’

3. Other users’ Followers

More Advanced Ways to Find Followers

1. Searching via ‘We Follow’ free tool (http://wefollow.com)

2. Free ‘listening’ tools: Google Alerts or

Talk to Your Flock: Tweeting Tips

1. Tweet short (120 characters or less)

2. Original comments

3. Numbers & positive words: You, Help,

How to, Check out

4. Repeat critical tweets up to 4x but vary with others

5. Tweet when your audience is online Often 8 – 9 am (morning commute), noon – 2 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm – 7 pm

6. Use up to 2 #Hashtags

What’s a #Hashtag? Putting the # symbol in front of a word or term

pertinent to the tweet

Increases engagement by 35%

Search hashtag before using

If creating: 6 – 12 characters, lowercase with caps to break words

Cultivate Your Followers


Find & Follow


Converse, Share & Flatter

Retain Followers,

Hone Influencers... Ambassadors

Cultivate: Converse

(It’s Not All About You - 80:20 Rule)

Mention . or >@Twithandle



Direct Message (DM)

D Twithandle

Private Public

Cultivate: Sharing

(and boost engagement)

Share Photos/Images

Share Links (Use Twitter tool or www.bit.ly)

Hint: Use Twitter ‘Lists’ to Group

Good Content Sources

Cultivate: Flatter with Re-Tweets

Re-Tweet (RT) their tweets

or a modified Tweet (MT) and credit them

Two Ways:

1. Auto RT -

1. Manual RT/MT*: Comment RT via @Twitterhandle, link or

Comment MT via @Twitterhandle, link

Thank Followers for RTs –

@Twitterhandle Thanks for RT

Cultivate: Flatter

2. Follow Friday (#FF):

3. Favourite a Tweet:

4. Thank new followers:

5. Listen & Provide to what they need/want





Then….. Seek Support

1. Use Reply (@) to connect

2. Provide message

3. Ask for Re-Tweet or RT

@joesmith Learn the meaning

of life on March 4 at the Lightbox.

Bit.ly.ers7st0 Please RT

4. Thank supporters:

@joesmith Thanks for the RT

But don’t over use requests + wear out goodwill

23X When followers are

specifically asked to

“Retweet,” the Retweet

rate is 23X higher

than average.

1. Build a full profile

2. Follow others (brands & people)

3. Use up to 2 #hashtags per tweet

4. Keep tweets short & positive

5. Use photos & URL links

6. Cultivate Supporters with 80:20 Rule (Converse, Share, Flatter)

7. Use @reply to ask for Re-tweets & support prudently

Top Tweeting Tips:

What’s your goal?

What #hashtags will you use?

Who will you follow?

What content can you offer?

What content is taboo?

Who will you monitor for content?

How Will You Tweet?


Email: Lesliehetherington@hardystevenson.com

Twitter: @lhetherington or @hardystevenson

Blog: hardystevensoninsights.com
