Empowering People for Success: Coaching and Mentoring



Provides Definitions and Comparison of Coaching and Mentoring. Describes the required skills and the benefits for organizations.

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Coaching and Mentoring Empowering People for success


What is Mentoring? General Definition


What is Mentoring?

A collaborative partnership where the organization sets the agenda and the mentor helps the mentee reach it

A collaborative partnership where the focus is on the organizations goals.

A structure or support system for on-boarding and learning.

A proven support system for success.

An accelerant for professional development.

A professional service.

A relationship experience which enables an employee building business knowledge and skills faster by partnering with a more experienced colleague than by learning on his/her own.

The Mentor is the Subject Matter Expert.


What is Coaching? General Definition


What is Coaching?

A collaborative partnership where the coachee sets the agenda and the coach helps him reach it.

A collaborative partnership where the focus is on the coachee's goals.

A proven support system for success.

An accelerant for personal development.

A professional service.

A structure or support system for problem-solving.

An insurance policy against mediocrity.

A confidential relationship to support bold expression

The coach is an experienced and trusted person


So, what’s the difference? A comparsion


Coaching and Mentoring Mentoring

• Relationship between more experienced and less experienced employees for networking, career guidance, or experiential advice.

• Focus on Performance, Competencies and professional Development

• Agenda is set by the mentor

• Mentee owns learning & process

• Mentor is SME

• By someone with knowledge


• Leverages on-the-job activities to challenge thinking in a defined focus Behavior by a leader, peer, recognized expert, or trained professional

• Focus on Potential, Soft-Skills, Personal Development and self-awareness

• Agenda is set by the coachee

• Coach directs learning & process

• Coach is not necessarily SME, while having credibility

• By someone with authority

Both Coaching and Mentoring contribute to the overall purpose of helping employees and managers to be more productive and deliver more value to the organization.


What is a People Coach & Mentor? A combination of both


What is a People Coach & Mentor?

• Person with authority, experience and knowledge

• Person who displays the values and principles of the organisation

• Partner in developing Team Values and Leadership Principles

• Partner in helping a New Hire to quickly become an effective member of a team

• Partner in supporting the Practitioners and the development of their areas of Competencies and soft skills

• Partner in holding the Practitioner's agenda for development

• Partner in helping the practitioner following-through on what the he agreed to do

• Partner in supporting the practitioner in being responsible for his own success

• Partner in achieving business goals.


People Coach and Mentor Skills




Froward and deepen



Powerful questions

And deep Subject Matter expertise


What are the benefits? Value for the organization


Benefits for the Practitioner

• A experienced partner in mentoring and coaching the Practitioners to reach their goals

• Learn from other’s experience – speed to knowledge faster than learning on own

• Develop skills through encouragement and feedback

• One-on-one interaction in a confidential, safe environment

• Enhance personal and professional social in informational networks

• Access to new perspectives, broader view of the business

• Observe and interact with senior personnel


Benefits for the Organization

• Accelerate cost effective employee development

• Develop leadership capabilities in-house

• Share company knowledge and experience

• Attract and retain diverse talent

• Enhance speed to knowledge

• Allow management to see talent for future opportunities


What’s the Process? It starts with a designed alliance


The coaching and mentoring process

• Competencies and Self Assessment

• Set the foundation and getting started

• Coaching and mentoring environment

• Confidentiality

• Trust

• Designed alliance

• Identify coaching topic

• Perspectives

• Choice

• Designing the future

• Action items

• Commitment

• “I willl…” and “I will not…”

• Action and Learning