E-Learning in an Education 3.0 World

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My presentation from a conference called Pathways Towards a Shared Future: Changing Roles of Higher Education in a Globalized World that UN University and UNESCO has jointly convened in Tokyo.

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  • 1.

2. Open participation David Wiley's hardest bullet point What's sneaking up on us Norman Okamura's comment 3. Red : AVOIR nodes Blue : Collaborating partners Yellow : Supporting partners 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Three characteristics of Education 3.0

  • the role of students inmaking choicesof a different kind than are available today
  • students associally networked producersofreusablelearning content which is available in abundance under licenses that permit thefree sharingand creation ofderivative works
  • institutional arrangements permit the accreditation oflearning achieved , not just of courses taught

11. Driverstowards Education 3.0 12.

  • Digital natives enteringhigher education
  • Growing abundance offree and openeducational resources
    • Reusable content andsoftware


  • The programmable web (distributed environments)
  • Social networking and theblurring of thedistinction betweenwork and play


  • Changing attitudestowards learning
  • New ways to assess & recognize learning

15. The emergence of thepersonal learning environment 16. Personal Learning Environments (PLE)

  • Learners take control and manage their own learning
  • Autogogy-the way a learner self-learns
    • A way of learning, not a particular technology

Set own learning goals Global infrastructure Manage own learning Content Autogogy Communication Network 17. Personal learning environments Univ Univ Univ FORE (OER) VLE VLE Aggregators 3 rdParty VLE Platform Platform Platform Social network engines Web 18. Social networking / aggregation 19. 20. 21. 22. [YOUTUBE:by_tag,digitalfreedom,2,1,10] Towards PLE filters 23. IncipientEducation3.0 at UWC 24.

  • Cooperative internationalprogrammes
    • NetTel@Africa
    • Education masters
  • Established the African Virtual Open Initiatives and Resources (AVOIR) project
    • created the Chisimba and the KEWLe-learning platform
    • FOSS masters


  • Free and Open Coursewarestrategy and project
    • Developing countryperspective on OER/FORE
    • Rip, Mix and Learn initiative ( impact on quality of learning ,how to make assessment work )
  • Recognition of prior learning

26. Recognition and accreditation of learning achieved Will universities meet it? Businessopportunity 27. Online :http://avoir.uwc.ac.za Email : [email_address] We are grateful to the IDRC, USAID, the Department of Science and Technology,UNESCOand Sun Microsystems for financial and other support to the AVOIR project.We are also grateful to those organizations who had enough confidence to contract us to develop applications even though we were unproven . 28. Attribution credits

  • The image of a woman with a laptop outside by window is from http://flickr.com/photos/soctech/273081848/ by by Soctech used underCC-BY 2.0 license
  • Images of an African house under construction are from the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden (SA) website, and used here under presumed fair use
