Comprehensive SEO audit



This document is part of an audit performed in early 2012 for an e-commerce site in the jewelry niche. Contact me for an in-depth SEO audit.

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Website Audit For

Published May 2012 It is illegal to copy, or distribute works from this report in whole or in part publicly without consent of participating parties. Please keep proprietary information contained in this report within your company.

Earnings Disclaimer As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, and level of desire. The use of this information should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that Kent Kinetic is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of the information in this report.

Kent Kinetic, Tennessee XXXXX, XXXXXX Memphis, TN + 901 300 6999(US)

Your Dedicated Consultant: Chris Kent­‐audit  Skype: ckent205 Twitter: @Chriskent12

Table Of Contents 1.Indexation & Data Pulls 1.1 Crawl Issues 1.2 Indexation 1.3 XML Sitemap 1.4 HTML Sitemap 1.5 RSS Feed 1.6 Robots.txt 1.7 Meta tags 1.8 Recommendations 2.Accessibility 2.1 URL Structure 2.2 Page Speed 2.3 JavaScript/Flash/iFrames/AJAX 2.4 Image Optimization 2.5 404 Pages 2.6 301 Redirects 2.7 htaccess 2.8 Mobile Website 2.9 Recommendations 3.Site Architecture 3.1 Site Organization 3.2 Key Page Distance 3.3 Navigation 3.4 Internal Linking Structure 3.5 Recommendations 4.Link Analysis 4.1 Internal Anchor Text Distribution 4.2 Internal Links 4.3 Backlink Profile 4.4 External Anchor Text Distribution 4.5 External Links 4.6 Link Destination Distribution 4.7 Harmful Links 4.8 Competitive Anchor Text Distribution

4.9 Outbound Linking 4.10 Link Opportunities 4.11 Recommendations 5.On-Page Ranking Factors 5.1 Title Tags 5.2 Meta Description 5.3 Image Optimization 5.4 H1 Tags 5.5 On Page Copy 5.7 Duplicate Content 5.8 Recommendations 6.Content 6.1 Content Inventory 6.2 Content Distribution 6.3 Paginated Content 6.4 Content Scraping 6.5 User Generated Content 6.6 Ads 6.7 Recommendations 7.Keyword Targeting 7.1 Current Target Keywords 7.2 Recommended Keyword Targeting 7.3 Keyword-URL Mapping 8.Analytics 8.1 Analytics Use 8.2 Google/Bing Webmaster tools 8.3 Goals 8.4 Funnels 8.5 Conversion Tracking 8.6 Custom Filters 8.7 Recommendations 9.E-Commerce 9.1 Product Descriptions 9.2 Images 9.3 Reviews

9.4 On-Page Content 9.5 Organization 9.6 Recommendations 10.Site Design & UX 10.1 Content Management System 10.2 Visual Grade 10.3 Navigation Design 10.4 Images 10.5 Consistency 10.6 Purpose 10.7 Recommendations 11. Online Reputation 11.1 Reputation Inventory 11.2 Sentiment Analysis 11.3 Positive Assets 11.4 Negative Assets 11.5 Recommendations 12. Social 12.1 Shareability 12.2 Social Presence 12.3 Social Activity 12.4 Recommendations

1.Indexation & Data Pulls 1.1 Crawl Issues

• 4XX Errors Your website currently has fifty links that returned client errors. Forty-three of these were pointing to seventeen broken web pages on your site. Additionally seven were pointing to pointing to web pages that were broken on sites other than your own. See the attached list of links for location page, anchor text, and destination page.

• 5XX Errors

At the time of the crawl no server errors were generated.

• Missing/Duplicate Titles Your website currently has 9 pages that have duplicate titles. These pages are not however duplicate content. See the attached list of links for location of page.

• On-page Links Your website currently has 3 pages that have greater than 100 links on them. See attached list of links for location of pages

1.2 Indexation

Your site currently has only 220 pages indexed with 1374 “Not selected”.

Pages that falls under “Not selected”, are not pages that are not indexed & therefore not able to be shown in search engine results. “Not selected” is used for pages that redirect to other pages, and pages that have very similar content to other pages. Your search pages are rendering multiple pages with almost identical pages for each of the different parameters. 1.3 XML Sitemap

Your website does not currently have an XML sitemap submitted to Google or Bing. An XML sitemap is a list of the pages on your website for the search engines. Sitemaps allow search engines to find URLs that may not be discovered normally. Sitemaps can also allow you to include specific metadata regarding content on your website including video, images, news, and other types of content.

1.4 HTML Sitemap HTML sitemaps help visitors, and search engine navigate your site more easily. They provide a location where links to different parts of your site can be accessed easily and quickly.

Your website does currently have a HTML sitemap. However, it has not been updated in some time, and is missing several newer categories of products. To see categories that are missing from the HTML sitemap refer to the attached list. 1.5 Product Feed Product feeds are specific files that contain all of the information about specific products. They allow for comparison shopping engines, search engines, and marketplaces to find, list, and compare your products. Your current product feed has not been submitted to the following resources recently: Sears Marketplace Newegg Marketplace 1.6 Robots.txt Robots.txt file communicates information about your website to search engines and other programs that gather information from your website. Robots.txt are used to disallow search engines from certain pages. Disallowing programs like search engines from certain pages will help increase your sites ranking by eliminating low value pages. Your website currently has a robots.txt file. However, it contains no specific instructing the search engines which pages they should index, and which pages they should not index.

1.8 Recommendations

• 1.8.1 delete all of the broken links listed in the attached list. This will prevent search engines & users from clicking these links, and being led to broken page. This will help lower visitor frustration & increase your search engine rankings.

• 1.8.2 Use “rel=canonical” on the main search page to let the search engines know which is the main search results page, and prevent them from attributing each search results page as a unique page.

• Remove the following links from the following three pages [list removed]

• 1.8.3 Update your XML sitemap via, and submit it to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and

• 1.8.4 Add the categories listed in the attached pages to the HTML sitemap, and ensure that all of the newer products are present on the sitemap.

• 1.8.5 Each of the comparison search engines and marketplaces listed have specific requirements for the product feeds. Create a feed for each of the resources.

• 1.8.6 Adjust your robots.txt to disallow search engine from the following pages: [list removed]

2.Accessibility 2.1 URL Structure For the purposes of search engines, URLs should be short,static, and readable. The guidelines given by the head of Google’s webspam team is that each URL should be 3-5 words and should not be based on parameters that may change. Good URL:

Bad URL: Your URL structure is in good shape. However, you currently have 15 URL’s that have more than 5 words in the URL. To see the URLs in question, refer to the list attached at the end of the document. 2.2 Page Speed Page speed is the measure of how fast the pages on your website loads when it is requested by a visitor or search engine. This affects not only your search engine ranking, but also your conversion rate. To attain the highest ranking, and conversion rate possible. As indicated by the screenshot from Google Analytics, your website’s average load time is 7.58 seconds. This is a result of un-optimized images, and bulky source code. The spikes indicated by the graph are likely the result of slow hosting by your provider.

2.3 JavaScript/Flash/iFrames/AJAX While search engines are able to fully parse and understand HTML, they are still learning to understand languages like JavaScript and Flash, and they are stilling getting better at accessing inside of iFrames and rendered by AJAX. These are all tools used by developers to enhance the user experience on the web. Your website has minimal JavaScript, no Flash, and no content being shown in iFrames. The text that is being rendered by AJAX is being indexed. Even though it is still being indexed, it can still be contributing to your site’s slow load speed. 2.4 Image Optimization Images add a significant load to servers, and can decrease load time. To decrease the load on servers that are hosting your website, and decrease your pages load speed you must perform a process called minification. This process consists of compressing images into smaller files to make them easier to upload and download. This helps create a faster load time. 2.5 404 Pages Pages that return a 404-server response are pages that do not exist. This is usually the result of either a page moving, or an incorrectly typed URL. 404 pages result in a loss of ranking potential, and an increase in visitor frustration. Your website currently has seventeen broken pages. The URLs of ten of these pages have been changed without being updated sitewide, and seven of the pages no longer exist anywhere on the site. 2.6 301 Redirects A 301 redirect is a method used by webmasters to redirect traffic from a URL that no longer has content associated with it to the appropriate page.

These are useful in two ways. The most important utility is that they redirect traffic to the appropriate pages, if the link they are coming through cannot be updated. The second is that they allow a website to maintain it’s ranking potential even if URLs have become broken, or the content has moved. Your website does not currently utilize 301 redirects. 2.7 .htaccess file The .htaccess file is a file that contains many directives that are in turn executed by your servers. File snippets exist that allow your website to consistently use the “rel=canonical” feature, various redirects, send visitors to a custom 404 page, and much more. Currently your website does utilize any of these features in the .htaccess file. This means that your site is losing potential customers and ranking potential, as well as creating a more complicated site for search engines to crawl, and index. 2.8 Mobile Website In 2011 there were over 1.1 billion mobile web users world-wide. That number is only expected to increase in the coming years. Mobile websites allow for better user experience, and offer more potential for sales. Currently you do not have a mobile website set-up to handle mobile users that come across your website. This means that they will be viewing your normal website, on a much smaller screen than originally intended. 2.9 Recommendations 2.9.1 Implement a custom 404 page that will redirect users and search engines to the most popular sections of your website. 2.9.2 Change the URLs listed in the attached list to the following: [list removed] 2.9.3 Implement the Google Page Speed Service (

2.9.4 Consider changing hosts to a more reliable consistent hosting company. This will assist in keeping your page speed consistently low. 2.9.5 Minify all of the images on your website to help decrease the load on servers, and decrease load time. 2.9.6 Utilize 301 redirects to redirect traffic and users from the pages listed in the attached document to the following pages of your website. [list removed] 2.9.7 Include the following file snippets to your .htaccess file: 301 Redirects: [removed] Mobile Redirect: [removed] PDF & Image Rel=”Canonical”: [removed] 404 redirect: [removed] 2.9.8 Build a mobile website. A basic website providing basic information as well as contact information can be built for free on or