Building a Professional Image

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Building a Professional Image (personal brand)

Brad Nickel

What is your image of a CEO? Click to watch the video

Is this professional?

What should a professional image class be about?

Why / when is image important?

Branding does not have to be fake or inauthentic

Branding can be real...

What is your image for these brands? Why? What do others think?

What is your image for these brands? Why? What do others think?

Write down what you perceive about the following images.

Do you think your initial perception matches up with who they actually are or perceive themselves to be?

What is an image?

What is professional?

Define your image: Write 5 descriptions of how you think you are perceived now and 5 more relevant to how you want to be perceived in 10 years.

Do you think your perceptions match up with your best friend's perception of you? Boss? Co-workers? The clerk at the convenience store? Does it matter? Is your perception more accurate than theirs?

What would mom say?

Really. What would your Mom say her image is of you?

What doesn't she know?

How ridiculous is it that we live our lives based on silly perceptions... when every perception is different?

To perceive is to suffer.


Now, what do you want your image to be?


Who are you?

• Father

• VP of Marketing

• Teacher

• Husband

• Outspoken

• Crazy

• Loving

• Pretty Fearless

• Great Boss

• Horrible Boss

• Mean

• Silly

• Loud

• Leader

• Follower

• Strong

Is it possible for us to "build a professional image"?

Is it possible for us to "build a professional image"?

What can make you appear professional?

• The work you do and how your do it

• Your appearance

• How you speak

• Your writing skills

• How you handle stress

• Presentation skills

• Certifications / Degrees

• Ethics

• Manners

• Mannerisms

• Loyalty

It's all about


We spend most of our lives worrying about what other

people think about us.

How are perceptions formed?

First Perceptions can be lasting

Components of first impressions




Body Movement

Personal Space


The words you say

What is a perception?

• An opinion based on

• appearance

• past action

• gossip / opinions of others

• Culture

• Bias

• Prejudice

What can impact perception?

• Culture

• Bias

• Prejudice

How do you build "Brand You"?

• Many of us start with appearance:

• Professional wardrobe

• Hair

• Weight

Ultimately its on us• Reality

• Who are you?

• Rather than build an image, you can be a professional

• Ethics, value, demeanor

• Must come from within

We can all smell a rat• People that refuse a trust


• People who manipulate situations to their advantage all the time

• People who are more worried about their image than the actual work they do

Once you play the perception/image game, it can be difficult to quit.

How can you "build" a professional image?

Solid, but not elaborate

(don't create extra work) appearance

Hard work but don't

work hard

What do you do... best?



Skills / Bio

Skills / Bio

Online branding

• Work all of them

• Relationships = opportunity

• LinkedIn recommendations

• Give to get

• Reuse in other ways

• Testimonials with you as product

Get a blog - now SEO, Profile, Learn, Be The Expert

My resume is lacking...

Identify what accomplished

Break the job down into tasks

What did you create or fix?

How have you led (job or other)

Interviews - What will you do for them?

• Who are they

• What is their motivation to hire

• How can you help them improve - positively

• How long have they been there

Deliver on promises and commitments

Under-promise Over-deliver

There will ALWAYS be obstacles to overcome and people to get onboard(or go around).

Being a hero doesn't mean being unrealistic.

Double(at least) every time estimate

Speak your mind, but professionally and

with compassion

Offer help with no strings attached

Be genuine and honest

We live driven by our EGO, but how much is up to us.

We spend most of our lives worrying about what other people think about us.

Imagine how much better life would be... If you could turn it off. You can't, but you can see your perceptions and thoughts and slow them and reduce their impact. Watch.

The secret is that we usually are nothing like what we think we project...

Fear is only a thought and emotion

Try everything and anything Click to watch video

You got the gig... Now what


Anger Management

The #1 gig/relationship killer - useless

Admit mistakes when they happen

Exit gracefully (no matter what)

Every relationship matters and can help or haunt you later

Be the perception you want people to see

Brad Nickel 305-297-2466