Beyond co location to convergence: Designing and managing new model public library spaces and...

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Presented at the IFLA pre-conference in Turin, Italy, August 2009, by Carina Clement, Albury LibraryMuseum and Sue Boaden, Australia Street Company. The presentation provides a defintiion of cultural convergence, examines the benefits and costs using 4 case studies - Puke Ariki in New Zealand, Albury Library Musuem and Kogarak Cultural centre in to illustrate

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Beyond co-location to convergence

Designing and managing new model public library spaces

and services

Sue Boaden, Australia Street Company

Carina Clement, Albury City Council


• Speakers

• Presentation format

- Overview

- Defining Convergence

- Impacts – costs/ benefits

- Illustrated case studies

• Summary


Public libraries = an evolutionary model From books to cultural development and learning support Technology driven change Focus on customers Local community place


Public libraries = a sustainable model From separate silos to shared interests Integrated cultural facility planning and design Technology impact on actual & virtual services Responding to diverse global communities Leveraging local cultural identity through

programming Being nimble and agile Committing to partnerships From administration to strategic planning

and management

Definition of Convergence

The realization of a seamless and flexible integration of cultural spaces, organisation structures, services and programs including in public libraries, museums, archives and art galleries, where professional disciplines are respected and enhanced in order to increase community access and participation to foster education and lifelong learning as well as a sense of identity and community cohesion.

Benefits and Costs Potential cost impacts Resistance slows innovation Change for change sake One size fits all Resistance in one sector could lead to irrelevance for that sector Staff redundancies Increased staff turnover Difficulties in recruitment of skilled staff Increased skills development and training Volunteer resistance Reduction in quality standards and best practice Customer/ visitor confusion Unrealised economies of scale

Benefits and Costs

Potential benefit impacts Potential for innovative and

connected programs Imaginative facility design Work satisfaction Focus on community needs Fosters local cultural identity

and celebration Breaks down cathedrals of culture

Benefits and Costs

Potential benefit impacts Audience growth based on

program diversity Multiplier as traditional audiences

siphoned between services Strengthens strategic planning skills Integrated marketing strategies Technology driven programming

engages audiences Improved staff career paths New training courses relevant to

21st century needs

Case Studies

• Albury LibraryMuseum

• Puke Ariki

• Winchester Discovery Centres

• Kogarah Library and Cultural Centre

Albury LibraryMuseum

• Opened in 2007• Population served 50,000• Functions as a public library, research and

technology centre, social history museum and community meeting place

• Integrated spaces and service delivery• Potential for audience development

realised with large increase in usage

Albury LibraryMuseum

Key statistics

2006 -07 Pre LibraryMuseum

2007 – 08

Albury LibraryMuseum

Floor space 1500 sqm –(combined previous Library & Museum)

3000 sqm

Visitors 160,000 – Library9,000 - Museum


Exhibitions 4 per year 16 per year

Opening hours

42hrs – Museum over 7days60hrs – Library over 6days

51 hrs – over 7days

Annual budget

$1.3million - Library700,000 – Museum


AlburyCity Cultural Services Cultural Services

Group Leader

Entertainment CentreTeam Leader

Collections & Assets Team Leader

Cultural Programs Team Leader

Information & researchBuilding Services

Collection development &management

Learning & OutreachExhibitions planning

Customer serviceCultural Development

Performing Arts Centre

Convention & eventsmanagement

Hampshire Discovery Centres, United Kingdom

• An ambitious rebranding & revitalisation of Library services and buildings, that has at its heart concepts of access, inclusion and participation.

• Aim is to bring a range of cultural, community and heritage functions together under one brand and management structure.

Hampshire Discovery Centres, United Kingdom

• Gosport Discovery Centre opened in 2005, with 3 venues in close proximity under one management structure.– Public Library, Museum, conference centre, café,

learning centre, technology areas, – Touring exhibition gallery space, Local studies &

Geology Gallery.– 50% increase in usage, with a significant

rise in 15 – 24 year old using the facility.

Gosport Discovery Centre

Hampshire Discovery Centres, United Kingdom

• Winchester Discovery Centre opened in 2007 comprising:– Library, reference & technology centre – Learning suite, conference & meeting rooms– Touring exhibition & community gallery space– Café, retail area and express checkout

Puke Ariki, New Zealand

• Acknowledged as a leader in cultural convergence.

• Branded as a knowledge centre• Puke Ariki opened in 2003, incorporating a

public library, museum, touring exhibition space, heritage research centre, Tourist information, shop, café and wine bar.

Puke Ariki, New Zealand

• Serves a regional population of 100,000, also marketed as a tourist destination.

• Led an economic regeneration of the New Plymouth waterfront.

• Puke Ariki welcomes approx 2,000 visitors per day, with 900,000 visitors in first year of operation.

Puke Ariki staff structure

Manager Puke Ariki

Manager Service Delivery

Manager Heritage Services

Manager Business


Manager Exhibitions

Kogarah Library and Cultural Centre

• Opened in 2007• Replaced traditional Library• Population served is 55,861• Integrated service delivery • Emphasis on culture and community• Remarkable increase in usage

Old Kogarah Library

Cultural Centre Interior

Exhibition space

Cultural Centre Facts 2004-05 2007-08 2009 -10

Floor space 672 sq m 1700 sq m 1700 sq m

Annual budget

$1,074,106 $2,740,310 $2,230,854

Opening hours

51 pw 51 pw 54 pw

Staff numbers EFT

20.7 26.7 27.8

Manager Library &

Cultural Services

Collection Management / IT

Team Leader

Central & BranchServices

Team Leader

Community & Cultural Services

Team Leader

Cultural Centre Current Structure

Cultural Centre New Structure

ManagerLibrary &

Cultural Services

Central & Branch Services

Team Leader

Collection, Community& Cultural Services

Team Leader

Cultural Centre Key Statistics

04-05 07-08 08-09

Visits 206,808

388,445 404,759

Loans 295,223

401,434 403,039

Attendance 4,404 10,172 17,119

Programs Nil 515 634

Summing Up Convergence = Controversy

Dilutes specialist skills and disciplines Challenges traditional operations Increases costs


Encourages and stimulates discoveryResponds to local community interests and needsPresents economies of scaleDrives innovationLeverages competitive advantagePromotes staff development & career enhancement

Convergence Tool Kit

Extensive community consultationCommitment to planning and goal settingRespect for local community needs Investment in facility designVisionary leadershipAppropriate management structureChange management supportStaff development and training

Libraries as Space and Place

Convergence Model =

Community Cultural Hub
