#12 Heat Distribution



Heat bathes the Earth.

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Heat Distribution within the Earth


Heat Distribution within the Earth

SystemIf the heat from the Sun didn’t move, the polar regions would get colder and the equatorial regions

would get hotter, but that’s not the case, and here’s why...

#1 CONVECTION CURRENTSin the Atmosphere and in the Oceans

Warmer, lighter (because it’s less dense) air and/or water rises, then cools and sinks -- like this...

We’ve already seen how CONVECTION CURRENTS within the Earth’s mantle rise at spreading ridges and

sink in subduction zones.

On a planetary scale, rising and sinking air works like this...

...rising in Equatorial regions, traveling northward and southward, then sinking in Polar regions and traveling

back towards the Equator.

More specifically, air tends to rise and fall according to climate regions - equatorial, temperate,

and polar..

...air is then spread throughout the plant by

easterly and westerly trade winds.

Cool water from the deep rises. As it gets to the surface it gives off it’s heat then descends


#2 Wind Patterns and #3 Ocean Currents help spread warmth throughout the planet

Winds on the surface interact with the warmth spreading the heat

throughout the planet.

Let’s review! So far...

#1 - Convection Currents

#2 - Global Wind Patterns

#3 - Ocean Currents

Work in concert to distribute heat throughout the planet.
