rough cut comparison


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Rough cut comparison Sally Reeves

Front covers When comparing my first draft of the magazine to a professional magazine, I can clearly see the improvements needed to be made in order for it to reach a higher mark band. For example, the professional magazine has bolder main sell lines, with text in which is highlighted with a bright colour, this instantly makes the subheadings stand out more to the reader and gives a clear indication of what are the main sell lines/sell lines, whereas my subheadings don’t have anything highlighted, resulting in it looking quite dull and uninviting. Readers may not be able to see the difference from the main sell lines and the sell lines. There is a variation of images on the professional magazine, this gives off more information about what the contents of the magazine is, I only have the main image, this indicates what the content of my magazine is about and gives a direct target audience. On the professional magazine the masthead is not being covered by the main image, this shows that the magazine isn’t very well known. However, with my rough draft you can see that the main image is overlapping the mast head, this could signify that the magazine is quite well known and therefore doesn’t need to be fully shown. Despite the differences, the colour theme both relate to POP well, both magazines clearly have the same tagret audience (teenage girl) and the colours pink, black and white are shown throughout. The professional image has shapes, for example the shape of the text box in which looks like a speech bubble, this instantly stands out over the rest of the other text, the text on this shape is the most important text of the whole front cover (the masthead) the creator of this magazine cover will want the reader to instantly be drawn to this. I do not have any shapes on my front cover, so for the text in which I want the reader to be instantly drawn to, I will use a shape as a template behind with a white background so the black font will stand out. I need to make sure that the sell lines do not overlap with my main image, as the text looks as if it is blending in, I will either


either have to change the font of the image or adjust it so it doesn’t overlap the image. The writing of Jessie J is all on the same line, I think that this looks a lot more short and catchy, the reader will straight away be able to identify what the contents of the magazine are. I should make the Ella Hayes tect slightly smaller so that it will all fit on one line so it has the same affect as the professional magazine. Another similarity that the professional magazine and my rough draft has is they have a white background, this implies that everything stands out and you don’t have to stick to a certain colour for your images and text. More content is needed on my magazine, especially at the bottom,

Contents pageWhen comparing my first draft of the magazine to a professional magazine, I can clearly see the improvements needed to be made in order for it to reach a higher mark band. For example, the professional page has a lot more content. There whole point of the contents page is to show the reader what they will be presented with when opening the magazine, mine doesn’t show a great deal. I will add more images in as this will look more inviting and it gives off more information rather than just a sell line. All of the main sell lines/sell lines are on the professional magazine are quotes, this is almost teasing the reader as they are only giving a small bit of information out, I don’t have any quotes on my contents page, therefore I will add something that Ella has said in her article. On the professional magazine the numbers of the pages for each category are of a larger and bolder font, also a different colour to the writing below, this gives a clear indication of the difference between the main sell lines and sell lines are. The structure of the professional magazine is at a much higher standard than mine, for example they have all the images and quotes together, this is beneficial to the reader as they are navigated through the magazine easily, without wasting time trying to look for the information in which they are looking for. The contents page has the tagline of ‘for your eyes only’ this can make the reader feel like it is more direct to them, the producer of this magazine is straight away thinking about how the reader will feel when they see this, they will feel like they are special and that the information is personalised to them. Therefore, in my magazine I will add direct tag lines so the reader feels more involved. The page numbers for each category

Are more clearly shown on the professional magazine, meaning the readers can instantly be aware of where to go. The font of these numbers are very POP orientated as they are bold and quite feminine, in which matches the target audience for this particular magazine (teenage girls). After comparing my rough draft to the professional magazine I realised that my text seemed quite sophisticated and grown up, this does not match my target audience, therefore I will change my font in order for it to match.

Double page spread When comparing my first draft of the magazine to a professional magazine, I can clearly see the improvements needed to be made in order for it to reach a higher mark band.For example, the main image of the professional magazine has a plain white background. This gives full attention to the celebrity, without any distractions from the background taking place. It is important that the main image is what the reader is instantly drawn to as this is who the contents of the magazine is about. Therefore I am going to place a white background and get rid of the bricks in the background. On the professional magazine, there is not just one main image. There is an image in which is music orientated as Jessie J is at the music awards. A downfall of my magazine is that the images are not very music orientated, therefore I am going to organise another shoot, and this time have props such as guitars and microphones, in order for it to fit the theme of pop music. At the beginning of the article on the professional magazine, the first letter is a much bolder and larger letter compared to the rest of the article. This gives the reader a clear indication of where the article begins, using a different colour straight away stands out compared to the rest. In my draft I have done this, however it needs to be much larger and bolder. I would say that I need to make the writing in my article a lot smaller and add more quotes of what Ella has said or images, as then when readers come to this page they won’t be frightened away by just seeing a big lump of dull text, they are pulled in by the exciting subheadings/quotes/images. On the professional magazine, the masthead is extremely bold, and stands out a lot more than mine, mine is a thin font, in which can be difficult to read from a distance.