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Micro/Macro featuresBy Jakub G.

I will be evaluating the

film opening from: Mad

Max: Fury Road (2015)

Extreme Long Shot

Extreme Long shot

In this opening scene we see a character (Max) at a

long shot, as well as his car. This shot shows that

the character is facing away from camera looking at

a distant desert. There is nobody else in the shot

which suggests that this character is the main

character. The colours are bright which suggests

that the movie is not a horror. The director wanted to

present the Mise En Scene by taking an extreme

long shot and present the desert.



As we can see this is the same scene, but the

camera has tilted to reveal a lizard on a rock, this

indicates that people in this movie live out in the

open- the lizard soon proceeds to walk toward Max,

and then gets captured by Max, soon he kicks the

lizard in the air, and catches it into his mouth, then

bites into it-now the camera has zoomed to show the

death of the lizard.

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