


Art Resources Pack on Fish. Cultural references to Fish

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Historical Art work Context

Cave Images

Dagon the Philistines’ Fish God

- Judg 16:23-24 

Olokun, West Africa

Shachihoko – Japanese folklore

Fish Coffins, Ghana

Maori Fish Tattoo

Hokusai c 1800

Fish Symbols

Religious Symbols

Іησους Χριστος Θεος Υίος Σωτηρ


Raphael, Miraculous Draught of Fishes

Catacombs carvings


The Three Archangels with Tobias, Francesco Botticini

c. 1470,

Hieronymus Bosch

Hieronymus BoschTemptation of St Anthony, 1464

Pieter Brueghel, Big Fish Eat Little Fish, 1557

Jan van Kessel, Still Life c 1650

Jan van Kessel jr, Still Life, c 1680

Chardin, Still Life With Fish, 1769,

Chardin, Still Life with Cat and Fish, 1728

Edouard Manet, Still Life with Fish, 1864

Matisse, Red Fish, 1911

Henri Matisse, The Snail, 1953

Beasts of the Sea, 1950

Georges Braque, Bottle and Fishes,  circa 1910-2

Georges Braque, Black Fish, 1942

Cham Soutine, Still Life with Ray-fish, c 1921

Magritte, Collective Invention, 1934

Magritte, The Wonders of Nature, 1953

Salvador Dali, Lobster Telephone, 1936

Paul Klee, Fish Magic, 1925

Paul Klee, Golden Fish, 1925

Marc Chagall, Fish in the Village Sky 1955-60

Marc Chagall,

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

M C Escher

M C Escher

M C Escher

Damien HirstIsolated Elements Swimming in the Same Direction for the Purposes of



John Cake and Darren Neave,“The Little Artists”, 2006

James Chinneck, Fish in a Suitcase, 1996

John Kindness, Fish Sculpture, Belfast,

Frank Gehry, Fish Restaurant, Kobe, Japan

Frank Gehry, Fish Restaurant
