Costume and Props


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Costume…To get inspiration for clothes and outfits that I will dress my model in I looked at different outfits that

are being sold in shops like New Look, Topshop, River Island, and H&M. I started to look at clothes that are classed as evening wear, which are quite fancy and is the style you would usually see pop stars wearing. I look mainly at dresses and skirt outfits because they look more sophisticated than trousers or jeans. I looked at floral print clothes because they are in fashion at the moment and look at clothes that would attract both female and male attention. These style of outfits are also often seen on the covers of pop magazines for famous female artists so the conventions for the dominant image are similar.

For the magazine I also looked at a more casual style of clothing rather than a posh, fancy style. This is because I liked the look to represent the personality and the true personality of the artist rather than the perceived look from the public. This would also fit with the title of my magazine being ‘Unplugged’ which shows the artist being stripped back and being more natural than made up for the music lifestyle. I liked the more casual look because it is a look that most teens go for and suit. This would fit and attract the target audience of young adults, late teens. I looked at women’s clothes because I want to use a female for the cover of my magazine. I was inspired by the plain colours with a little bit of colour but liked both tight clothing and baggy clothes so am undecided on which style I would use for my ’artist’.

Props…For my magazine cover I want to make it as authentic to pop music as I can and so looked at props that are common in music magazines. These included guitars, and stools. I also looked at props that don’t link to music but are sometimes used on pop music magazines to show the personality of the artist. To create this affect I looked at props such as cameras, and the cover over the eye. I also looked at using hats for props rather than as the actual costume because they are often used to create mystery and to hide any imperfections in the photo. Sunglasses are used also to create mystery.