A2 media evaluation q1


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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?QUESTION 1

Laura Mulvey Convention

Throughout the video we used body shots of Hannah, this is sticking to the Laura Mulvey convention as a typical camera angle is to show off the girls figures.

We used this at the start of the video to illustrate what style and genre of video it is straight away this would entice our audience to watch it.

This convention is typically used in R&B videos so we thought it would be best to use it throughout our video to make sure it stays within the genre it is meant to be consistently during the whole video.

Close ups

We used a range of close ups throughout our video, this is typical of a R&B music video as it beginnings to create the sense of an relationship between the artist and the audience.

Also it sticks to the idea of voyeurism, by including close ups to allow the audience to enjoy the music video and feel like they are being welcomed in to be part of it.

Using close ups also helps put the idea across of our music video being about independent women, this is shown through the strong stance and expression the girls have during the various close ups.


Our digipak sticks to typical conventions of an R&B digipak because it uses a plain background to allow the information on the digipak stand out.

Also it uses a main image of the artist this allows our artist to become recognisable as she is focus of the digipak. This again is a trend used throughout R&B videos.

We also linked the digipak and the video as the artists are in the same costume and the digipak sticks to the style of the video, this again is used frequently in R&B songs, as it creates a brand identity for the artist which is something we wanted to achieve.

Magazine Advert

Again this sticks to conventions of a typical music magazine advert as it includes a close up of the artist as the main image. This again makes the artist instantly recognisable for an audience.

Also it uses the same layout and fonts as the digipak which again helps to create a brand identity. Which would result in the artist becoming more successful.

As well as this the magazine advert is plain which makes the information on it stand out. This is a typical convention of a magazine advert.

Lyrics and visuals

Throughout the video we tried to include a relationship between the music and what is being seen on the screen.

The song is about independent women so we tried to portray this though the use of a strong, army styled dance break to show the girls are unified and don’t need men.

This is a typical convention of music videos as there is usually a link between the song and what the audience sees in front of them.

Music and visuals

Throughout the video we tried to use the editing of our videos in time with the pace of the video.

For example at the beginning when the pace of the video is quick the shot from each girl cuts quickly.

Whereas in sections where Hannah is dancing slower during the verses the editing from each shot happens much slower.

This again is a typical conventions of music videos as it helps to tell the audience what is happening in the video and the emotions the artist is feeling. For example on the slower sections Hannah is trying to seduce the boy, this can be seen through the editing being slow.