Brad and Joanne’s Asia Holiday Following is a short Powerpoint collection of some of the many photos taken while we recently travelled through Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. I hope you enjoy them as a small snapshot of our experience as much as we did. What they do not capture are the sounds, heat, humidity and smells that are so much a part of Asia. Imagine an open garbage bin, mixed with fish sauce and engine exhaust in a constantly noisy, steamy sauna and you are getting close. I also took a snap from each hotel room we stayed in to capture the exciting skyline that hides behind the street facade that is Asia

Laughlan Holiday

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Page 1: Laughlan Holiday

Brad and Joanne’s Asia Holiday

Following is a short Powerpoint collection of some of the many photos taken while we recently travelled through Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

I hope you enjoy them as a small snapshot of our experience as much as we did.

What they do not capture are the sounds, heat, humidity and smells that are so much a part of Asia. Imagine an open garbage bin, mixed with fish sauce and engine exhaust in a constantly noisy, steamy sauna and you are getting close.

I also took a snap from each hotel room we stayed in to capture the exciting skyline that hides behind the street facade that is Asia

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View from Bangkok Hotel

View from our Bangkok hotel. A hot, smelly and dirty city that we were glad to leave.

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Bangkok does have plenty of beautiful temples that are so ornate they can defy


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I told you they were ornate. Very impressive.

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We enjoyed a few Singha beers on the overnight train from Bangkok to Chang Mai.

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Riding an elephant in the jungle of northern Thailand was a highlight.

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Villagers were very poor and the kids very cute. We bought some trinkets to help their income stream. The bracelet, not the child.

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This is typical of the roadside restaurants we often ate at. Yes it is a restaurant, note the

woman in the kitchen at right.

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The view from our hotel in Huay Xai, Laos. The building next door is a flash restaurant.

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Villagers on the Mekong River in Laos are very poor and have extremely limited knowledge

of and contact with, the outside world. Underwear also.

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They do enjoy a smoke though, even 5 yo olds

would have a toke.

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This lady is only 24. Hard life. We were glad

she held her shirt closed for the photo.

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Sunset on the Mekong River was magic.

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The view from our guesthouse room at Pakbeng, Laos. No power or hot water. The shed is

the bakery.

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Kids are cute everywhere, even in the poorest villages of Laos.

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Not a bad little boat to cruise down the Mekong River on? We spent two full days on this.

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Beautiful scenery, huge rivers and ancient culture.

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Giving alms to monks at Luang Prabang (at bloody dawn!)

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Crikey, there were heaps of them!

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We managed to fit 8 people in each of these vehicles called jumbos

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View from the guesthouse at Vang Vieng. Beautiful scenery, dodgy town.

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We used local transport which was “colourful” not comfortable. Spent 6 hours to travel 200 klms in this bus. Note the timber floor and luxurious seating. The bus had no

suspension either.

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The world is shrinking. We managed to catch the NRL Grand Final, even in the backblocks of


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Kids manage to get to school all over the world

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The Education District office in Vang Vieng, Laos. This was the most substantial building in

town and most staff seemed to stand around talking. Familiar?

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Need I say more. Sign on the street of Vientiane, capital of Laos.

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Typical home in the countryside. I will never complain about a mortgage again.

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View from our hotel in Vientiane, capital of Laos.

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Can’t a kid some have privacy when trying to take a bath?

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Night English school (8pm) in Lak Sao, Laos. Theses kids have been at school since 7am and still

cannot get enough teaching. Kids in NSW could take a leaf from their book.

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Sometimes we needed to take a break from busy holidaying and enjoy the national brew.

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Then they jam 6 people into hot, steamy, smelly toilet called the Reunification Express to Hanoi. Note

no mattresses, just a bamboo mat on hard wood. Toilet was a hole in the floor.

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The French had a unique way to keep the locals in check – terror!

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Hanoi – home of Bob the builder.

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Typical quiet street in the Old Quarter of Hanoi. This starts at 5 am daily, just ask Rick!

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Machine shop on a main road in Hanoi. Note the OHS being ignored. The fellow on the left is

actually forging hot steel on the footpath. People just walk around him.

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Rebels without a cause.

Minsk is good bike from Belarus ya!….crap!

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A flash restaurant, note the seating and it even has walls! More boiled chicken and steamed

morning glory.

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A gathering of primary school staff about to dine out in this restaurant in rural Vietnam (Binh


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Kitchen of a home we stayed at in rural Vietnam (Binh Xai). This is a well off family. Many others cook on

the floor of the house.

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Close up of the wood fired stoves in the kitchen. Don’t complain about your old oven at home


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Everyone was curious about a tourist.

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Jo made friends everywhere with her clip on koalas.

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We shared some resources with schools who had almost nothing.

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Shopping is not often done indoors.

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Typical butcher shop. The stick with a bag attached is to keep the flies away.

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We spent many a balmy evening enjoying beer at this Hanoi street stall for 15 cents a

schooner. Tough but someone has to do it!

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View from our Hanoi hotel room.

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Plenty of work for electricians

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And to combat the hectic traffic, a must have………….

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