Ái chà! I challenge. I change. ICH A

ICHA Vietnam 2013 Project

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ICHA is a project for Vietnamese youth led by a collaborative effort of like-minded students studying in the USA, Singapore, Vietnam, etc., who strive to share with young people in Vietnam the opportunities to explore, learn, and grow through new experiences. ICHA! I challenge. I change.

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  • 1. The age of criminals in Vietnam has been getting lower, with the number of murderersare highest between the ages of 18-30 (41%)*. Moreover, the severity of crimes has beenincreasing, and other acts of violence and ignorance among youths are abundant.People are being killed every day, and so are the social and moral values, as moreyoung people are chasing after fleeting material pleasures, forgetting about their family,their ambitious dreams, and the community that they are part of.This so-called moral depravity is a threat to the daily life in Vietnam nowadays aswell as the countrys future.*Source: The Criminology and Crime Prevention Research CenterBackgroundBackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability

2. The Vietnamese youth were not born violent or ignorant. ICHA believes theroot cause is that young people have little support and few opportunities to getinvolved in community service, travelling, or projects of their interest to gain betterunderstanding about themselves and others.ICHA strives to provide Vietnamese youth with the opportunity to look atthemselves and the world differently through its summer project.ICHABackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability. I CHALLENGE. I CHANGE 3. Nguyen Hoang Khac Hieu Psychology Lecturer,HCMC University ofPedagogy Pursuing PhD inPsychology, GraduateAcademy of SocialScience Featuring on well-known newspaperAdvisorA collaborative effortamong like-mindedVietnamese students inthe U.S., Singapore,Japan, and Vietnam, whostrive to share withyoung people in Vietnamthe opportunities to learnand grow through newexperiencesOrganizers- Vietnamese youths ofages 15-25- Willing to travel, tolearn, and to changethemselves and theircommunities- From different social,economic, andeducationalbackgroundsParticipantsOrganizers & ParticipantsBackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability 4. Objectives To educate and motivate 9 selected participants to understand moreabout Vietnam and its values, be inspired to follow their ownpassion, and be motivated to make a difference for others. To prepare participants to implement long-term projects to create aripple effect, spreading the three ideas to other Vietnamese youths.Background ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability 5. Travelling is the best way to open ones eyes, whilemeeting with people and living their experiencesare the best way to open ones heart. Thus, themain component of the project is a trip acrossVietnam to find answers for three questions.(1) Where do I come from? learning aboutVietnam and its society in the past and present(2) Who am I? being inspired to follow onesown passion, and(3) Why am I in this world? being motivated tomake impacts on others livesThe second component is intensive training workshops on organizing and leadershipskills to prepare participants for their implement of long-term projects.MethodologyBackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability 6. Phan Rang: on central coastof Vietnam & center for themaintenance of Cham cultureYen Bai: in northernmountainous regionDa Nang: the largest city+ commercial &educational center ofCentral VietnamQuang Nam: in CentralVietnam & famous forVietnamese cinnamonDong Thap: in the MekongDelta region & the countrys3rd largest rice paddyHo Chi Minh City: the largest,most populated city, and theeconomic center of VietnamHa Noi:Vietnams capitalThree-week trip across VietnamBackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability 7. Be a(n) ___ for a day: Take part indaily activities of local people, suchas farming, planting, selling lotterytickets, or cleaning the street, tobetter understand the life of peoplefrom various parts of Vietnam andthe hardship of poor peopleworking for honest moneyAttend talks bydistinguished youngpeople, who knowtheir origins, dareto go against thecrowd to followtheir passion, andwant to makepositive impacts onthe societyGuided by local people to exploreand learn about the land, history,cultures, and people in the mosthonest wayWhere do I comefrom? to understand aboutVietnam and its societyin the past and presentWhy am I in thisworld? to appreciateones life, todevelop empathy,and to bemotivated to makeimpactsWho am I? to be inspired tofollow onespassionOther activities:- Videotape the entire trip- Reflect daily in group- Share highlights onprojects Facebook page- Write weekly journal3 questions to beansweredBackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability 8. Morning: Attend intensive workshops on how toimplement projects, learning skills such asorganizing plans, fundraising, advertising, and onhow to be an inspiring leader and a good teammate Afternoon: Work on long-term projects that spreadthe three ideas to the Vietnamese youth, applyingthe skills just learned in the morning Video editingOne-week workshopBackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability 9. 1 Daily reflections from participants during the trip and theirfeedback by the end of the project.2 Video about the trip: posted online and screened at localuniversities and high schools to convey the three ideas whileappealing everyone to join and make a difference3 Long-term projects through which participants recreate theirexperiences for other Vietnamese youths.EvaluationBackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability 10. Sustainability &Long-term impactsDivide intogroups to runlong-termprojectsEach participant = a change agentin different groups of youthsConnects participants,other like-minded youths,& communities visitedBackground ICHA Setting Objectives Methodology Evaluation Sustainability 11. Leadership TeamPham Anh Thu is studying Psychology at Mount Holyoke College,USA. Spending her gap year in Jordan, Lebanon, and Jerusalem, sheloves travelling and meeting people from different backgrounds. Sheis currently Co-Chair for Vietnamese Student Association at MHC andHead of Funding for VietAbroader Organization.Mai Ky Duyen is a sophomore at Foreign Trade University,HCMC, Vietnam. She cares about social problems and wantsto make positive impacts on people around her. She hasbeen actively involved in many projects for youth, such asAIESEC, VietAbroader, TOUCH, etc.Nguyen Duy Anh is pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Engineering atNanyang Technological University, Singapore. Having visited 17countries, he strongly believes that travelling can make significantimpacts on peoples lives. He is passionate about social change andhas held various leadership positions in Vietnam and Singapore. 12. Email: [email protected]: www.facebook.com/icha.vietnamContact