HAITI: Hope and Healing in the Aftermath of Disaster AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD SERVICE

Haiti: Hope and Healing in the Aftermath of Disaster

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Two weeks after the earthquake, American Jewish World Service sent photographer Evan Abramson to Haiti to document AJWS’s relief efforts. His camera saw boundless suffering, hunger and loss. It also captured a glimpse of hope.

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Page 1: Haiti: Hope and Healing in the Aftermath of Disaster

Haiti: Hope and Healing in theAftermath of Disaster

american jewish world service

Page 2: Haiti: Hope and Healing in the Aftermath of Disaster

Two weeks after the earthquake, photographer Evan Abramson went to Haiti to document AJWS’s relief efforts. His camera saw boundless suffering, hunger and loss. It also captured a glimpse of hope.

PHoTo TApi RougE cAmp, HigH AbovE poRT Au pRincE

Page 3: Haiti: Hope and Healing in the Aftermath of Disaster

AbrAmson enTered HAiTi via the Dominican Republic border with AJWS grantees muDHA and moScTHA. Accompanying their humanitarian mission, he witnessed doctors and volunteers selflessly providing food, medicine and comfort in this time of extraordinary need.


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PHoTo nAn cHARlS cAmp foR EARTHquAkE vicTimS in poRT-Au-pRincE.

THeir work—today and in the years to come—is made possible by the generous donations of AJWS supporters around the world.

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cAnTAve jeAn bAPTisT, AJWS’s representative in Haiti,makes sure that AJWS’s grants reach the people who need it. Though his own home (pictured here) was destroyed, he has worked tirelessly to save others’ lives since the disaster.

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THis funding is filling a critical gap. According to Haiti’s prime minister bellerive, as of late January, 90% of earthquake survivors have received no aid whatsoever.

PHoTo pEoplE lining up foR un fooD RATionS in THE ciTé DE SolEil Slum ouTSiDE poRT-Au-pRincE.

Page 7: Haiti: Hope and Healing in the Aftermath of Disaster

in THe ciTé de soleil slum outside port-au-prince, scores of people are waiting for un food rations.

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THe mudHA/moscTHA Aid cArAvAn brings a first sign of hope to the town of Jacmel, arriving with food and medical care. for many communities, the caravan was the first aid to arrive since the earthquake.

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A mudHA volunTeer lifts a boy who fainted from hunger and dehydration at the marie Therese refugee camp in petionville.

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AfTer reHydrATing the boy, a member of the muDHA-moScTHA caravan treats wounds on his legs.

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in THe sAme cAmP, a young woman waits for treatment. until muDHA-moScTHA arrived, she received no care for her injuries.

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young volunTeers from moScTHA comfort a boy (left) who has been living in the refugee camp since his home was destroyed.

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on jAnuAry 28th, Abramson joined AJWS grantee konpay, which is coordinating relief efforts in Jacmel. Here, konpay staff member Joe Duplan teaches survivors how to use water filters to prevent disease.

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konPAy is working to provide aid to those who need it most urgently. Here, a child waits with her mother for food.

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THe siTuATion in Haiti remains desperate, and many are still awaiting assistance…

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... buT Ajws is in HAiTi now, and will remain there throughout the reconstruction process. We are supporting our grantees’ life-saving work today, and are committed to empowering Haitians to lead their country’s redevelopment, building a stronger and more resilient future.