European Exploration Lesson Two: Ghana

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European Exploration

Lesson Two: Ghana

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1. What desert is located north of Ghana?

2. How did the ancient West African empire of Ghana become rich?

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1. What desert is located north of Ghana?◦Sahara Desert

2. How did the ancient West African empire of Ghana become rich?

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1. What desert is located north of Ghana?◦Sahara Desert

2. How did the ancient West African empire of Ghana become rich?

◦Salt and Gold trade, and taxes

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1. Ghana, located in West Africa, was the first great African empire of West


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2. Ghana became known for its rich culture…

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…wealth, organization…

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…and power – it had a strong army.

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3. It began the successful ”Salt-

Gold” trade…

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…traders from Ghana carried gold by camel caravans…

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to countries north of the Sahara Desert, where they traded the gold for salt.

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Graphic Organizer: Windmill◦Ghana topic in middle◦Will need to use information from reading to

answer questions