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Page 1: Week11

How Encryption Works

s1170008 Yuya Otsuka

Page 2: Week11

1. Introduction to How Encryption Works

The incredible growth of the Internet has excited businesses and consumers alike with its promise of changing the way we live and work.

It's extremely easy to buy and sell goods all over the world while sitting in front of a laptop.

But security is a major concern on the Internet, especially when you're using it to send sensitive information between parties.

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2. Security Encryption Systems

Computer encryption is based on the science of cryptography, which has been used as long as

humans have wanted to keep information secret.A Greek used a code first.

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3. Symmetric Key

In symmetric-key encryption, each computer has a secret key (code) that it can use to encrypt a packet of information before it is sent over the

network to another computer.

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4. Public Key Encryption

Also known as asymmetric-key encryption, public-key encryption uses two different keys at once -- a

combination of a private key and a public key.The private key is known only to your computer, while the public key is given by your computer to

any computer that wants to communicate securely with it.

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5. SSL and TLS

● SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)● TLS(Transport Layer Security)

Originally developed by Netscape, SSL is an Internet security protocol used by Internet

browsers and Web servers to transmit sensitive information.

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6. Authentication

Basically, if information is "authentic," you know who created it and you know that it has not been altered in any way since that person created it.