Catering for WordPress Case Study: How WordPress was used to create a recipe building / menu planning tool for businesses within the catering industry. www.kirstyburgoine.co.uk twitter.com/kirstyburgoine

WC Birmingham 2015

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Catering for WordPressCase Study: How WordPress was used to create a recipe building /

menu planning tool for businesses within the catering industry. !

www.kirstyburgoine.co.uk twitter.com/kirstyburgoine



The approach… Part One

Building the ingredients / recipes / menus sections

The approach… Part One

!important: We knew this would not be a high traffic site

Building the ingredients / recipes / menus sections

1. It would be for members only, all areas except the homepage would only be accessible if you are a member.

2. The client would maintain the ingredients and recipes post types so paying members could create their own menus.

3. Each member would only be able to view the menus they had created. Not other members menus

The approach… Part One

Custom Post Type Custom Post Type Custom Post Type

Custom Fields Custom Fields Custom Fields

The approach… Part One




The approach… Part One




Advanced Custom Fields !Relational Field

The approach… Part One



Custom roles and permissions

The approach… Part One

The approach… Part Two


The approach… Part Two

1. Need to give cost per dish

2. Allow the client to manually alter the amount of profit they make on each dish



The approach… Part Two

Adding the ingredient

The approach… Part Two

Creating the recipe

The approach… Part Two

The approach… Part Three


The approach… Part Three

Recipe quantities…

The approach… Part Three

But what about cake?

The approach… Part Three

The approach… Part Three

The approach… Part Four

Sub Recipes…

The approach… Part Four

The approach… Part Four

The approach… Part Five


The approach… Part Five

The approach… Extra…


The approach… Part Six


The approach… Part Six

The approach… Part Six

Enter flexible content…

The approach… Part Six

The approach… Part Six

Permissions & roles

The approach… Part Six

• People loved the recipe / menu builder functionality but actually they would rather add their own ingredients, especially if they use a lot of locally grown produce.

• They would also want to create their own recipes as well as the menus for use within their organisation only.


Going back to “Agile Development”

Introducing Multisite…




Multisite A Few Additional Changes

• Introduced a child theme for MyEchef so that all of the content on sub domains was password protected and only the parent MyEchef theme was open to the public. !

• Moved all of the code for the custom post types out of my theme and instead created plugins for them. I also exported all of the code ACF created for the custom fields and put that in the relevant plugin as well so that the code was all kept together.

Multisite Versioning


To the future!

What next?

• Stock take facility

• Calorie counter

• Central ingredients database + separate. Or an easy way to share data across sub domains

• Suppliers update costs for their ingredients only

Kirsty Burgoine!@kirstyburgoine www.kirstyburgoine.co.uk

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