Visualising data on interactive maps Anna Pawlicka Data Engineer

Visualising Data on Interactive Maps

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Women in Data Meetup, February 2014 The talk introduces a visualisation grammar called spruce-leaf. Spruce-leaf is a declarative format for creating interactive leaflet maps. The talk is aimed at developers and non-developers alike - no programming knowledge is necessary. With spruce-leaf you can describe the visualisation in JSON format: merge your shapefile (e.g. map of CCG areas in the UK) with CSV data, colour the features, add legend and hover-on information box.

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Page 1: Visualising Data on Interactive Maps

Visualising data on interactive maps

Anna Pawlicka Data Engineer

Page 2: Visualising Data on Interactive Maps

A picture is worth 1000 words

Page 3: Visualising Data on Interactive Maps

A picture is worth 1000 words

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• Open-source Java-Script library

• Mobile phone friendly

• Interactive

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• Visualisation grammar for choropleth maps

• Uses JSON format to describe data and map

• Joins geography with your data

• Colours the areas according to some values in your data

• Adds legend and info box

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• You will need:

• Geometry: TopoJSON file

• Data to map: CSV file

• Both need a common identifier

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• Things to consider:

• Number of data classes

• Nature of your data: sequential, diverging, qualitative

• Perfect tool for all that: ColorBrewer

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• Spruce-leaf grammar: https://github.com/MastodonC/spruce-leaf

• Spruce-leaf examples: https://github.com/MastodonC/spruce-leaf-examples

• ColorBrewer: http://colorbrewer2.org/

• Geographies:

• http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/

• http://geocommons.com/

• https://github.com/samuelleach/uk-atlas