Dror Helper [email protected] | @dhelper | http://blog.drorhelper.com Unit testing patterns for concurrent code Examples: https ://github.com/dhelper/ConcurrentUnitTesting

Unit testing patterns for concurrent code

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Dror Helper

[email protected] | @dhelper | http://blog.drorhelper.com

Unit testing patterns for concurrent code

Examples: https://github.com/dhelper/ConcurrentUnitTesting

• Senior consultant @CodeValue

• Developing software (professionally) since 2002

• Mocking code since 2008

• Test Driven Developer

• Blogger: http://blog.drorhelper.com


The free lunch is over!

• Multi-core CPUs are the new standard

• New(er) language constructs

• New(ish) languages

We live in a concurrent world!


public void AddTest()


var cut = new Calculator();

var result = cut.Add(2, 3);

Assert.AreEqual(5, result);


Meanwhile in the unit testing “world”

Several actions at the same time

Hard to follow code path

Non deterministic execution

The dark art of concurrent code

• Trustworthy

– Consistent results

– Only fail due to bug or requirement change

• Maintainable

– Robust

– Easy to refactor

– Simple to update

• Readable

Good unit tests must be:

× Inconsistent results

× Untraceable fail

× Long running tests

× Test freeze

Concurrency test “smells”

public void Start()


_worker = new Thread(() => {

while (_isAlive) {


var msg = _messageProvider.GetNextMessage();

//Do stuff

LastMessage = msg;





How can we test this method


public void ArrivingMessagePublishedTest()


var fakeMessageProvider = A.Fake<IMessageProvider>();

A.CallTo(() => fakeMessageProvider.GetNextMessage()).Returns("Hello!");

var server = new Server(fakeMessageProvider);



Assert.AreEqual("Hello!", server.LastMessage);


Testing start take #1

× Time based - fail/pass inconsistently

× Test runs for too long

× Hard to investigate failures

Test smell - “Sleep” in test

“In concurrent programming if something can happen, then sooner or later it will, probably at the most inconvenient moment”Paul Butcher – Seven concurrency models in seven weeks


public async Task ArrivingMessagePublishedTest()


var fakeMessageProvider = A.Fake<IMessageProvider>();

A.CallTo(() => fakeMessageProvider.GetNextMessage()).Returns("Hello!");

var server = new Server(fakeMessageProvider);


await Task.Delay(2000);

Assert.AreEqual("Hello!", server.LastMessage);


Testing start take #2

Solution: avoid concurrent code!

We extract all the logic from the hard-to-test component into a component that is testable via synchronous tests. http://xunitpatterns.com/Humble%20Object.html

Pattern #1 – humble object pattern

Code under Test


Humble object


Perform action

Perform Action

Assert Result

Production Code

public void Start()


_worker = new Thread(() => {

while (_isAlive) {


var msg = _messageProvider.GetNextMessage();

//Do stuff

LastMessage = msg;





public void Start()


_worker = new Thread(() => {

while (_isAlive) {








public void ArrivingMessagePublishedTest()


var fakeMessageProvider = A.Fake<IMessageProvider>();

A.CallTo(() => fakeMessageProvider.GetNextMessage()).Returns("Hello!");

var messageHandler = new MessageHandler(fakeMessageProvider);


Assert.AreEqual("Hello!", messageHandler.LastMessage);


And finally – the test

public class MessageManager


private IMesseageQueue _messeageQueue;

public void CreateMessage(string message)


// Here Be Code!




public class MessageClient


private IMesseageQueue _messeageQueue;

public string LastMessage { get; set; }

private void OnMessage(object sender, EventArgs e)


// Here Be Code!

LastMessage = e.Message;



Concurrency as part of program flow

Test before – Test After


Code under test



Assert results


Start Logic1 Assert ResultsFake

Start Logic2 Assert ResultsFake


public void AddNewMessageProcessedMessageInQueue()


var messeageQueue = new AsyncMesseageQueue();

var manager = new MessageManager(messeageQueue);

manager.CreateNewMessage("a new message");

Assert.AreEqual(1, messeageQueue.Count);


Testing Flow part 1


public void QueueRaisedNewMessageEventClientProcessEvent()


var messeageQueue = new AsyncMesseageQueue();

var client = new MessageClient(messeageQueue);

client.OnMessage(null, new MessageEventArgs("A new message"));

Assert.AreEqual("A new message", client.LastMessage);


Testing Flow part 2

The best possible solution

No concurrency == no problems

× Do not test some of the code

× Not applicable in every scenario

Avoid concurrency Patterns

public class ClassWithTimer


private Timer _timer;

public ClassWithTimer(Timer timer)


_timer = timer;

_timer.Elapsed += OnTimerElapsed;



private void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)


SomethingImportantHappened = true;


public bool SomethingImportantHappened { get; private set; }


How can we test this class?


public void ThisIsABadTest()


var timer = new Timer(1);

var cut = new ClassWithTimer(timer);




Not a good idea

Also seen with a very small number (or zero)

Usually done when need to wait for next tick/timeout

× Time based == fragile/inconsistent test

× Hard to investigate failures

× Usually comes with Thread.Sleep

Set timeout/interval to 1

Fake & Sync


Code under Test



Assert Results

[TestMethod, Isolated]

public void ThisIsAGoodTest()


var fakeTimer = Isolate.Fake.Instance<Timer>();

var cut = new ClassWithTimer(fakeTimer);

var fakeEventArgs = Isolate.Fake.Instance<ElapsedEventArgs>();


() => fakeTimer.Elapsed += null, this, fakeEventArgs);



Using Typemock Isolator to fake Timer

• Mocking tool limitation (example: inheritance based)

• Programming language attributes

• Special cases (example: MSCorlib)

Solution – wrap the unfakeable

× Problem – it requires code change

Unfortunately not everything can be faked

public class ThreadPoolWrapper


public static void QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callback)





Wrapping Threadpool

public class ClassWithWrappedThreadpool


public void RunInThread()


ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>


SomethingImportantHappened = true;



public bool SomethingImportantHappened { get; private set; }


Wrapping Threadpool

ThreadPoolWrapper.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>


public class WorkingWithThreadpool


[TestMethod, Isolated]

public void UsingWrapperTest()


Isolate.WhenCalled(() => ThreadPoolWrapper.QueueUserWorkItem(null))

.DoInstead(ctx => ((WaitCallback)ctx.Parameters[0]).Invoke(null));

var cut = new ClassWithWrappedThreadpool();





Testing with new ThreadpoolWrapper

How can we test that an

asynchronous operation

never happens?

Test Code Under Test

Is Test


Deterministic Assert Results

Run in sync

Another day – another class to testpublic void Start()


_cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

Task.Run(() =>


var message = _messageBus.GetNextMessage();

if(message == null)


// Do work

if (OnNewMessage != null)


OnNewMessage(this, EventArgs.Empty);


}, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);


Switching code to “test mode”

• Dependency injection

• Preprocessor directives

• Pass delegate

• Other

• Fake & Sync

• Async code sync test

Run in single thread patterns

When you have to run a concurrent test in a predictable way

Synchronized run patterns

The Signaled pattern


Code under test


Fake object



Wait Assert result

public void DiffcultCalcAsync(int a, int b)


Task.Run(() =>


Result = a + b;




Using the Signaled pattern


public void TestUsingSignal()


var waitHandle = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

var fakeOtherClass = A.Fake<IOtherClass>();

A.CallTo(() => fakeOtherClass.DoSomething(A<int>._)).Invokes(waitHandle.Set);

var cut = new ClassWithAsyncOperation(fakeOtherClass);

cut.DiffcultCalcAsync(2, 3);

var wasCalled = waitHandle.Wait(10000);

Assert.IsTrue(wasCalled, "OtherClass.DoSomething was never called");

Assert.AreEqual(5, cut.Result);


Using the Signaled pattern

Busy Assert


Code under test


Assert or Timeout


public void DifficultCalculationTest()


var cut = new ClassWithAsyncOperation();

cut.RunAsync(2, 3);

AssertHelper.BusyAssert(() => cut.Result == 5, 50, 100, "fail!");


Busy assertion

× Harder to investigate failures

× Cannot test that a call was not made

Test runs for too long but only when it fails

Use if other patterns are not applicable

Synchronized test patterns

Because concurrency (and async) needs to be tested as well

Unit testing for concurrency issues

Test for async

Start Method under test

Fake object


Assert results

Test for Deadlock


Code under test




Assert resultWaitWait

[TestMethod, Timeout(5000)]

public void CheckForDeadlock()


var fakeDependency1 = A.Fake<IDependency>();

var fakeDependency2 = A.Fake<IDependency>();

var waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);

var cut = new ClassWithDeadlock(fakeDependency1, fakeDependency2);

A.CallTo(() => fakeDependency1.Call()).Invokes(() => waitHandle.WaitOne());

A.CallTo(() => fakeDependency2.Call()).Invokes(() => waitHandle.WaitOne());

var t1 = RunInOtherThread(() => cut.Call1Then2());

var t2 = RunInOtherThread(() => cut.Call2Then1());









Avoid Concurrency

Humble object

Test before –test after

Run in single thread

Fake & Sync

Async in production -sync in test

Synchronize test

The Signaled pattern

Busy assertion

Concurrency tests

Test for Deadlock

Test for non blocking

Concurrent unit testing patterns

It is possible to test concurrent code

Avoid concurrency

Run in single thread

Synchronize test


Dror Helper

C: 972.50.7668543

e: [email protected]

B: blog.drorhelper.com

w: www.codevalue.net