tohoku univ alumni meeting

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  • 1. 2011.12.10
  • Representative director of
  • OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan

2. NTT DATA CORPORATION 3. Hiroshi Miura 4.

5. F) 6. NTT 7. Japan Linux Kernel Hack Japan 8. 9. 10. OSS 11. 12. 13. Agenda

  • Start of Crisis Mapping and

14. Ushahidi and OpenStreetMap community 15. the Next step 16. Motivation, Action and Challenge 17. 11, March, 2011 .18 JST 18. Earthquake 9.0 19. TSUNAMI


20. 11, March, 2011 18:19JST

  • Humanitarian
  • OpenStreetMapJapanese Team

21. 22.

23. /ALOS by JAXA 24. Bing 25. DigitalGlobe / QuickBird 26. SPOT5 Telascience: EO-1 03-13, Landsat 03-12, 03-13,..etc... 27. 28. 29. Bing Tunami:damage=yes wetland=tunami 30. Start of crisis mapping Time (JST) Events 15:21(+30m) Orange (!) alert - by Chris on CrisisMappers ML 17:12 (+2h30m) Shu Higashi shared a situation in Tokyo on ML 18:08 (+3h) Blackadder start mapping around Sendai Airportby Bing Way:103630706) 31. Start of Crisis Mapping Time(JST) Events 18:30 (+3hrs44min) Call for crisis mapper and ushahidi project on talk-ja ML by Shu 18:56 JAXA and RESTEC start to make aerial photo from satellite. 19:31 (+4hrs45min) EdLoach(Start a page) 2011_Sendai_earthquake_and_tsunami 32. The Map in March 11 vs April 11 33. Around Sendai Airport 34. Nuclear power-plant 35. Start of 18:27 It is not certain to be useful but I just started Ushahidi site. Shu Higashi 18:27 11 thMarch in [email protected] 36. 06


37. 3/12

  • Georepublic Japan

38. hal_sk 39. 40. 3/13 hal_sk Twitter

41.!/hal_sk/status/46759511154888704 42. NTT PF Ubuntu EC2 Ushahidi [email_address] twit EC2,Ubuntu 43.

44. 3/14() 8:30AM Amazon EC2 EC2 45. 3/17 Developer > 70 46. Core team 47. Leaders 48. 49. How it works How it works 50. ALL by 51. PutInformationon the Crisis Map 52. Over 12,000 reports 1,000,000+ PVin first one month 850,000+ Visits 650,000+ Unique Visitors > 1,200,000 Tweets >250 info. volunteers >100 developers Major stats 53.

  • TV program: NHK, BBC..
  • News Papers:Nikkei, Asahi, etc..

54. IT media: Diamond Online,Nikkei, CNET etc... 55. Conferences... 56.

  • Haiti
  • ChileEarly 2010
  • Why could we start
  • so early and rapidly ?

57. 58. 59. Used in world wide

  • Ushahidi deployment capture is largest Ushahidi projectin the world (in data size and traffic) 60. Kibera Projects Kibera mappers 61.

  • TwitterLinuxOSSML


  • Twitter

63. 64. 65.

  • OpenStreetMap

66. 67. OpenStreetMap 2004 40 68. Tokyo Area in2007->2011 69. - 2008 70. State of Japan, Tokyo 71. 72. 73. 2008 2009 2010 2011 Contributors in Japan region map As of June, 2011 : 654,985/1,266,770 in March > 74.

  • Ubuntu Linux

75. MySQL5 76. Groonga 77. Apache 78. PHP5 79. Ruby VPS 80. ->AmazonEC2 81. ->NTTDATA

  • Ushahidi
  • OpenLayers

82. Kohana framework 83. KML 84. Twitter Stream API OpenStreetMap

  • PostGIS

85. Mapnik 86. WMS Service 87. Ruby on Rails 88. REDMINE NTT DATA Corporation 89. Expansion: OSM and

  • Community Map:
  • Town promotion mapping

90. 91. Crisis mapping

  • earthquake, tsunami, fire, terrorism

92. electric power problems Promotion map

  • Sake winery map

93. PR 94. Prepare the NEXT

  • Core values of
  • Open Source Software ethics

95. OSS developer team 96. Crowd-sourcing scheme Relationship with many NPO/NGO 97. We areready teamforNEXT crisis in Japan and global 98. IT

99. Motivation, Action and Challenge

  • Share experiences with global friends

100. make Global Collaboration

  • Accommodate Open Collaboration with engineers

101. Exiting work with Open Source Software

  • make Things with Open Collaboration, Open Innovation
  • Improve myself with high-tech, open communication and global awareness

102. Motivation, Action and Challenge

  • Motivation)

103. Action) 104. (Challenge) SAB

  • (Status of Problems)

105. (Anxious about Issues) 106. (Block from Ambitious ) 107. Motivation, Action and Challenge

  • Start without

108. (|) Do Right Things

109. Do Things Right

110. 111. Motivation, Action and Challenge

  • Challenge

112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. You can reach us...

  • OpenStreetMap:

118. site: 119. ml: 120. contact: [email protected] 121. 122. site: 123. blog: 124. form: 125. mail to