©2013 DataStax Confidential. Do not distribute without consent. @PatrickMcFadin Patrick McFadin Chief Evangelist Time Series with Apache Cassandra 1

Time series with Apache Cassandra - Long version

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Apache Cassandra has proven to be one of the best solutions for storing and retrieving time series data. This talk will give you an overview of the many ways you can be successful. We will discuss how the storage model of Cassandra is well suited for this pattern and go over examples of how best to build data models.

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Page 1: Time series with Apache Cassandra - Long version

©2013 DataStax Confidential. Do not distribute without consent.


Patrick McFadinChief Evangelist

Time Series with Apache Cassandra


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Quick intro to Cassandra• Shared nothing •Masterless peer-to-peer • Based on Dynamo

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Scaling• Add nodes to scale •Millions Ops/s Cassandra HBase Redis MySQL







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Uptime• Built to replicate • Resilient to failure • Always on


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Easy to use• CQL is a familiar syntax • Friendly to programmers • Paxos for locking

CREATE TABLE users (! username varchar,! firstname varchar,! lastname varchar,! email list<varchar>,! password varchar,! created_date timestamp,! PRIMARY KEY (username)!);

INSERT INTO users (username, firstname, lastname, ! email, password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin','Patrick','McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],'ba27e03fd95e507daf2937c937d499ab',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00');!

INSERT INTO users (username, firstname, ! lastname, email, password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin','Patrick','McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ba27e03fd95e507daf2937c937d499ab',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00')!IF NOT EXISTS;

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Time series in production• It’s all about “What’s happening” • Data is the new currency

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Stack Driver• AWS and Rackspace monitoring • Quick indexes • Batch rollup results

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MyDrive•Moved from Mongo to Cassandra • Queue processing • Bound at the storing data

“One thing that is not at all obvious from the graph is that the system was also under massively heavier strain after the switch to Cassandra because of additional bulk processing going on in the background.” - Karl Matthias, MyDrive

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Paddy Power• Real-time product and pricing •Much like stock tickers • Active-active across two data


“Specifically for Cassandra and Datastax, the ability to process time-series data is something that lots of companies have done in the past, not something that we were very aware of, and that was one of the reasons why we chose this as the first use case for Cassandra.” - John Turner, Paddy Power

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Internet Of Things• 15B devices by 2015 • 40B devices by 2020!

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Why Cassandra for Time Series

ScalesResilientGood data modelEfficient Storage Model

What about that?

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Example 1: Weather Station•Weather station collects data • Cassandra stores in sequence • Application reads in sequence

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Use case

• Store data per weather station • Store time series in order: first to last

• Get all data for one weather station • Get data for a single date and time • Get data for a range of dates and times

Needed Queries

Data Model to support queries

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Data Model•Weather Station Id and Time

are unique • Store as many as needed

CREATE TABLE temperature ( weatherstation_id text, event_time timestamp, temperature text, PRIMARY KEY (weatherstation_id,event_time) );

INSERT INTO temperature(weatherstation_id,event_time,temperature) VALUES ('1234ABCD','2013-04-03 07:01:00','72F'); !INSERT INTO temperature(weatherstation_id,event_time,temperature) VALUES ('1234ABCD','2013-04-03 07:02:00','73F'); !INSERT INTO temperature(weatherstation_id,event_time,temperature) VALUES ('1234ABCD','2013-04-03 07:03:00','73F'); !INSERT INTO temperature(weatherstation_id,event_time,temperature) VALUES ('1234ABCD','2013-04-03 07:04:00','74F');

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Storage Model - Logical View

2013-04-03 07:01:00


2013-04-03 07:02:00


2013-04-03 07:03:00


SELECT weatherstation_id,event_time,temperature FROM temperature WHERE weatherstation_id='1234ABCD';




weatherstation_id event_time temperature

2013-04-03 07:04:00


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Storage Model - Disk Layout

2013-04-03 07:01:00


2013-04-03 07:02:00


2013-04-03 07:03:00


2013-04-03 07:04:00


SELECT weatherstation_id,event_time,temperature FROM temperature WHERE weatherstation_id='1234ABCD';

Merged, Sorted and Stored Sequentially

2013-04-03 07:05:00 !!74F

2013-04-03 07:06:00 !!75F

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Query patterns• Range queries • “Slice” operation on disk

SELECT weatherstation_id,event_time,temperature FROM temperature WHERE weatherstation_id='1234ABCD' AND event_time >= '2013-04-03 07:01:00' AND event_time <= '2013-04-03 07:04:00';

2013-04-03 07:01:00


2013-04-03 07:02:00


2013-04-03 07:03:00


2013-04-03 07:04:00


2013-04-03 07:05:00 !!74F

2013-04-03 07:06:00 !!75F

Single seek on disk

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Query patterns• Range queries • “Slice” operation on disk

SELECT weatherstation_id,event_time,temperature FROM temperature WHERE weatherstation_id='1234ABCD' AND event_time >= '2013-04-03 07:01:00' AND event_time <= '2013-04-03 07:04:00';

2013-04-03 07:01:00


2013-04-03 07:02:00


2013-04-03 07:03:00



2013-04-03 07:04:00


weatherstation_id event_time temperature




Programmers like this

Sorted by event_time

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Additional help on the storage engine

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SSTable seeks• Each read minimum

1 seek • Cache and bloom

filter help minimize

Total seek time = Disk Latency * number of seeks

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The key to speed

Use the first part of the primary key to get the node (data localization)

Minimize seeks for SStables (Bloom Filter,Key Cache up-to-date)

Find the data fast in the SSTable (Indexes)

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Min/Max Value Hint•New since 2.0 • Range index on primary key values per SSTable •Minimizes seeks on range data

CASSANDRA-5514 if you are interested in details

SELECT temperature FROM event_time,temperature WHERE weatherstation_id='1234ABCD' AND event_time => '2013-04-03 07:01:00' AND event_time =< '2013-04-03 07:04:00';

Row Key: 1234ABCD Min event_time: 2013-04-01 00:00:00 Max event_time: 2013-04-04 23:59:59

Row Key: 1234ABCD Min event_time: 2013-04-05 00:00:00 Max event_time: 2013-04-09 23:59:59

Row Key: 1234ABCD Min event_time: 2013-03-27 00:00:00 Max event_time: 2013-03-31 23:59:59


This one

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Ingestion models• Apache Kafka • Apache Flume • Storm • Spark Streaming • Custom Applications

Apache Kafka

Your totally!killer!application

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Kafka + Storm• Kafka provides reliable queuing • Storm processes (rollups, counts) • Cassandra stores at the same speed • Storm lookup on Cassandra

Apache KafkaApache Storm

Queue Process Store

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Flume• Source accepts data • Channel buffers data • Sink processes and stores • Popular for log processing




Load Balancer


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Dealing with data at speed• 1 million writes per second? • 1 insert every microsecond • Collisions?

• Primary Key determines node placement • Random partitioning • Special data type - TimeUUID

Your totally!killer!application weatherstation_id='1234ABCD'


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How does data replicate?

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Primary key determines placement*


jim age: 36 car: camaro gender: M

carol age: 37 car: subaru gender: F

johnny age:12 gender: M

suzy age:10 gender: F

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MD5 Hash

MD5* hash operation yields a 128-bit number for keys of any size.

Key Hashing

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Node A

Node D Node C

Node B

The Token Ring

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jim 5e02739678...

carol a9a0198010...

johnny f4eb27cea7...

suzy 78b421309e...

Start EndA 0xc000000000..1 0x0000000000..0

B 0x0000000000..1 0x4000000000..0

C 0x4000000000..1 0x8000000000..0

D 0x8000000000..1 0xc000000000..0

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jim 5e02739678...

carol a9a0198010...

johnny f4eb27cea7...

suzy 78b421309e...

Start EndA 0xc000000000..1 0x0000000000..0

B 0x0000000000..1 0x4000000000..0

C 0x4000000000..1 0x8000000000..0

D 0x8000000000..1 0xc000000000..0

Page 33: Time series with Apache Cassandra - Long version

jim 5e02739678...

carol a9a0198010...

johnny f4eb27cea7...

suzy 78b421309e...

Start EndA 0xc000000000..1 0x0000000000..0

B 0x0000000000..1 0x4000000000..0

C 0x4000000000..1 0x8000000000..0

D 0x8000000000..1 0xc000000000..0

Page 34: Time series with Apache Cassandra - Long version

jim 5e02739678...

carol a9a0198010...

johnny f4eb27cea7...

suzy 78b421309e...

Start EndA 0xc000000000..1 0x0000000000..0

B 0x0000000000..1 0x4000000000..0

C 0x4000000000..1 0x8000000000..0

D 0x8000000000..1 0xc000000000..0

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jim 5e02739678...

carol a9a0198010...

johnny f4eb27cea7...

suzy 78b421309e...

Start EndA 0xc000000000..1 0x0000000000..0

B 0x0000000000..1 0x4000000000..0

C 0x4000000000..1 0x8000000000..0

D 0x8000000000..1 0xc000000000..0

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Node A

Node D Node C

Node B

carol a9a0198010...


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Node A

Node D Node C

Node B

carol a9a0198010...


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Node A

Node D Node C

Node B

carol a9a0198010...

ReplicationReplication factor = 3

Consistency is a different topic for later

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• Also known as a Version 1 UUID • Sortable • Reversible

Timestamp to Microsecond + UUID = TimeUUID

04d580b0-9412-11e3-baa8-0800200c9a66 Wednesday, February 12, 2014 6:18:06 PM GMT



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Example 2: Financial Transactions• Trading of stocks •When did they happen? •Massive speeds and volumes

“Sirca, a non-profit university consortium based in Sydney, is the world’s biggest broker of financial data, ingesting into its database 2million pieces of information a second from every major trading exchange.”*

* http://www.theage.com.au/it-pro/business-it/help-poverty-theres-an-app-for-that-20140120-hv948.html

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Use case

• Store data per symbol and date • Store time series in reverse order: last to first •Make sure every transaction is unique

• Get all trades for symbol and day • Get trade for a single date and time • Get last 10 trades for symbol and date

Needed Queries

Data Model to support queries

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Data Model

• date is int of days since epoch • timeuuid keeps it unique • Reverse the times for later


CREATE TABLE stock_ticks ( symbol text, date int, trade timeuuid, trade_details text, PRIMARY KEY ((symbol, date), trade) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (trade DESC);

INSERT INTO stock_ticks(symbol, date, trade, trade_details) VALUES (‘NFLX’,340,04d580b0-1431-1e33-baf8-0833200c98a6,'BUY:2000'); !INSERT INTO stock_ticks(symbol, date, trade, trade_details) VALUES (‘NFLX’,340,05d580b0-6472-1ef3-a3a8-0430200c9a66,'BUY:300'); !INSERT INTO stock_ticks(symbol, date, trade, trade_details) VALUES (‘NFLX’,340,02d580b0-9412-d223-55a8-0976200c9a25,'SELL:450'); !INSERT INTO stock_ticks(symbol, date, trade, trade_details) VALUES (‘NFLX’,340,08d580b0-4482-11e3-5fd3-3421200c9a65,'SELL:3000');

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Storage Model - Logical View







SELECT trade,trade_details FROM stock_ticks WHERE symbol =‘NFLX’ AND date=‘340’;




symbol:date trade trade_details



Last thing inserted

First thing inserted

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SELL:3000 SELL:450

Storage Model - Disk Layout


Order is from last trade to first

SELECT trade,trade_details FROM stock_ticks WHERE symbol =‘NFLX’ AND date=‘340’;

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Query patterns• Limit queries • Get last X trades

From here

SELECT trade,trade_details FROM stock_ticks WHERE symbol =‘NFLX’ AND date=‘340’ LIMIT 3;



SELL:3000 SELL:450NFLX:340

to here

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Query patterns

Reverse sorted by trade Last 3 trades










symbol:date trade trade_details

• Limit queries • Get last X trades

SELECT trade,trade_details FROM stock_ticks WHERE symbol =‘NFLX’ AND date=‘340’ LIMIT 3;

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Way more examples

• 5 minute interviews • Use cases • Free training!


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Thank You!

Follow me for more updates all the time: @PatrickMcFadin