Indivo iOS framework

the Indivo X iOS Framework

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A walkthrough of building new apps on top of the Indivo iOS framework, as well as integrating it with existing apps to cloud-enable them.By Pascal Pfiffner, MD Ph.D., Children's Hospital Informatics Program

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Page 1: the Indivo X iOS Framework

Indivo iOS


Page 2: the Indivo X iOS Framework


• Drop-in to existing Cocoa projects

• Provide a low entry barrier into PHR

• Make Indivo a viable choice for App developers who want to move their users’ data into the cloud

Page 3: the Indivo X iOS Framework

The framework

• Handles authentication (OAuth)

• Provides Indivo objects (automatic XML handling)

• Knows where an object comes from (REST paths)

• Provides messaging functionality

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Handling OAuth

• Class INServerCall to encapsulate requests

• Uses MPOAuth, an OSS OAuth framework for iOS, transparently

‣ OAuth is handled for you

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From Schema to Cocoa

• The developer should not have to deal with XML serialization/deserialization

‣ Provide classes for all Indivo document types

• We have to write Objective-C classes for all types

‣ A generator creates Cocoa classes from Indivo’s XSD and SDMJ schemas

Page 6: the Indivo X iOS Framework

Self-aware objects

• Document objects know their record

• Records know their server

• Framework knows the server actions

‣ REST methods can be inferred for all tasks

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Abstract logic into Cocoa objects

iOS framework

Server Record








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App Flow

#define kIndivoFrameworkServerURL @“” #define kIndivoFrameworkUIServerURL @“” #define kIndivoFrameworkAppId @“[email protected]” #define kIndivoFrameworkConsumerKey @“nkd8cg02mgo34sntkao9” #define kIndivoFrameworkConsumerSecret @“1acgk9804wkmraoceu02”

server = [IndivoServer serverWithDelegate:self];

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Logging in

App Flow

[server selectRecord:^{ }];


Page 10: the Indivo X iOS Framework

Adding a medication

App Flow

Medication *med = [record addDocument:Medication];

[med push:^{ }];

med.drugName = [INCodedValue new];

med.drugName.title = @“Tylenol”;

med.drugName.system ...

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Sending a message

App Flow

[med.activeRecord sendMessage:@“New medication added” withBody:@“See medlist app” ofType:INMessageTypePlaintext severity:INMessageSeverityMedium attachments:nil callback:^{ }];

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Integrating Indivo Into Existing Apps

Page 13: the Indivo X iOS Framework

Growth Charts App

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Data Models

Growth Charts App

CHPatientSource selectPatient:^{ }

CHPatient ageAtDate: measurementSetsContainingDataTypes:

CHMeasurementSet date CHMeasurement value CHMeasurement value CHMeasurement value

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Local Data Source

Growth Charts App

• Override selectPatient:

• Instantiate a CHPatient

• Read CSV data as measurement sets

Page 16: the Indivo X iOS Framework

Indivo Data Source

Growth Charts App

• Call Indivo’s selectRecord: method

• Within the callback block:

• Fetch patient demographics

• Create CHPatient with record demographics

• Fetch patient’s vitals

• Convert Indivo vitals into measurement sets

Page 17: the Indivo X iOS Framework

Indivo-Enabled (read-only)

Growth Charts App

• 2 lines + app setup file to setup Indivo server instance

• 9 lines to convert IndivoRecord to CHPatient

• 21 lines to convert Indivo vitals into CHMeasurementSet

Page 18: the Indivo X iOS Framework


• Take a look at README.md

• Checkout the sample medication app

• Technical documentation available online:


Page 19: the Indivo X iOS Framework

Playing with Medications

Page 20: the Indivo X iOS Framework

Version 2.0 α

Available with the other Indivo sources from:


Checkout branch dev_two (tag hackathon_2012)