The Flora And Fauna Of Our Area

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The Flora And Fauna Of Our Area Presentation was prepared by the students of Anna Vasa school in Golub-Dobrzyń as a part of Comenius Project We Guide Our Partners

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Page 1: The Flora And Fauna Of Our Area
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Page 3: The Flora And Fauna Of Our Area

Typical meadow

The flora and fauna of our area is quite rich,

there are over 70 various plant

communities of marsh, thicket, forest

kind as well as aquatic and meadow


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White clover White clover Red clover Red clover

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The valley of Drwęca river together with its two tributaries build an ichtyologic nature reserve established in 1961 in order to preserve the fish of the Salmonidae family.

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The abundance of appealingly located

lakes of crystal purity makes the region a virtual paradise for

amateurs of undisturbed rest.

Okonin LakeOkonin LakeGrodno LakeGrodno Lake

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The meadow, peat, and marsh flora includes knotgrass, European white water lily, water soldier, Canadian

waterweed, and Eurasian water milfoil.

Canadian waterweedCanadian waterweedEuropean white European white

water lilywater lily

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WWater soldierater soldier

Eurasian water milfoil

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Common Bulrush

Common reed

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Forests take up a quarter of the vicinity.

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70 % of the forest area is covered with forests in which conifers mainly pine trees are predominant. Such forests have poor soil requirements so the

barren soil will do.


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Larch Larch

There are over 50 monuments of nature registered in the district, the most attractive of which are 9 larches on Larch Hill in Płonne.

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The rest of the area belongs to the deciduous ones where beech, oak,

hornbeam, birch trees can be found.


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The forest floor consists mainly of hazel, juniper, spindle trees and various

berry bushes among which raspberry, and bilberry ones are common.

SpindleSpindle tree tree

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Hazel treeHazel tree Hazel nuts

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BlueBlue berries berries


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RaspberryRaspberry Fragaria viridis Fragaria viridis

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Juniper Juniper



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Anemone sylvestris Anemone sylvestris

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Early Dog-violetEarly Dog-violet

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One of the One of the spectacular sights include the spectacular sights include the beech alleys with 585 trees in Radominbeech alleys with 585 trees in Radomin..

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The inhabitants of the rivers and lakes are

the fish of carp, perch, salmon class including eel, pike, lampern, trout, and

brown trout.

CarpCarp PikePike


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European tree frogEuropean tree frog

Common FrogCommon Frog

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Among the reptiles you can find adders, grass snakes, sand lizards,

green lizards, and slow worms.

Grass snake Grass snake Common European Common European viperviper

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Slow Slow WormWormSand Sand LizardLizard

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PPheasantheasant PartridgePartridge

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HawkHawk OwlOwl

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The stork is without a doubt the most typical Polish bird. Storks only spend the spring and summer in Poland. They fly to Africa for the winter.

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Great TitGreat Tit


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Marten Marten


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FoxFox SSquirrelquirrel

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Field Mouse Field Mouse HedgehogHedgehog

Mole Mole

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FFallow deerallow deer

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Wild boarWild boar

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European beaver