FoodTag Matthew Shaw, Clare Bowden, Matthew Howarth, Suleha Baig and Tara Overend

The e lemon-ators-final_presentation

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Page 1: The e lemon-ators-final_presentation


Matthew Shaw, Clare Bowden, Matthew Howarth,

Suleha Baig and Tara Overend

Page 2: The e lemon-ators-final_presentation

Final Presentatione-LEMON-ators


Matthew Shaw, Clare Bowden, Matthew Howarth,

Suleha Baig and Tara Overend

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Who, What, Where, When, Why

This app is designed for people who do not know what foods are potentially

dangerous for their pet

WHAT It is an app that shows people what is dangerous for their pet and what is

not. It uses the traffic light system. Green- usually safe. Amber- Usually fine but eat in moderation.

Red- dangerous

Anywhere as it does not require an internet connection

They may need it at feeding time or when they are out shopping to

make sure they are feeding their pet the right thing

This app is needed because many people own pets and more people are now adopting

pets but they don’t know what is toxic or dangerous to feed them





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Problem?The problem we are trying to solve is very simple: people do not always know if

it is safe to feed their pet a certain thing

Imagine you are at home, eating tea...

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Problem?The problem we are trying to solve is very simple: people do not always know if

it is safe to feed their pet a certain thing

Imagine you are at home, eating tea...

That could have been a completely different night without FoodTag

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Under 30 minutes later...

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You find yourself driving down the

wet road in the dark to the VETs

Your dog’s life is in the hands of the VET

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How can you avoid feeding your pets the wrong things?

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Key Insight StatementYou’re not sure whether or not to feed your pet a certain

food. Depending on your mindset, you’ll either stay on

the safe side and not give them it, or, you’ll think “what

harm can a little bit do?” and feed them it. A quick search

on FoodTag will quickly reveal the danger of that food

(with the intelligent traffic light system) and you can view

more info and see what symptoms your pet will display if

they have eaten that food, as well as quickly make an

emergency call to the nearest VETs.

Side note: FoodTag will always call the EMERGENCY 24/7

number of that VET

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Mini Elevator Pitches

Our mini elevator pitch is filmed and ready to be

watched. One of our members will show you it now.

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User ProfileWe have one user profile for our app, it is below

Clare A female student

About Clare:

>Student at BRGS

>Lives in Burnley with Mum and brother and dog

>Clueless about the exact foods the dog can eat

>Something easy to use

>Something clear and easy to work out from the first glance

>Something that gives information on how much of certain foods pets can have

>An app that’s affordable and easy to use by a teenager/child

>Is sad when pets become ill because of their owner’s lack of knowledge on food

No picture


“I don’t want to accidentally hurt my dog”

>Good price

>Value for money

>Clear and easy to use

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Competitors/RivalsThe reason our app idea is so strong is that, despite searching high

and low for apps that do what ours does (on all 3 major app

markets*), we found nothing. There are apps that advise you on

food, but none that would have such a comprehensive list of

dangerous foods, intelligent traffic light system ratings, detailed

info about why food is dangerous (or how to serve it to make it

safe) and symptoms of consumption. On top of all this, we have

the key feature of ringing the 24/7 emergency line of the nearest

VET at the tap of a button. Our app would revolutionise pet apps

for the better.

We also have the strength of the U.K. population, with dogs being

one of the most popular pets around

Windows Phone 8 Store, iOS Marketplace and Google Play Store

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MVP Stories

All people who have seen the MVP have agreed that it is the basis

of a well-made app and could go on to be a very functional and

informative app.

A few MVP screenshots are shown on the “Key Wireframes” slides.

Users of the interactive demo of FoodTag (on all 3 platforms) have

also agreed it is easy to use and clear to read

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Core Feature

The core feature in our app, FoodTag, is the intelligent traffic light

rating system. Say you were to go on your phone and search “are

apples dangerous for dogs?” you would go through the process


On a Windows Phone 8

>Start on the “Start” screen

>Press the search key>Type in “are apples dangerous for dogs?”

>Find one that looks helpful and enjoy

ignoring the ads

>Read through the whole paragraph (still

ignoring ads) to get your answer

Total taps required:


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Core Feature

The core feature in our app, FoodTag is the traffic light rating

system. Let’s see the process for checking the same thing but this

time using FoodTag*

On a Windows Phone 8

>Start on the “Start” screen

>Tap the FoodTag tile>Tap the search key

>Type in “apples”>Look at the traffic light colour rating and

you can read the short summary if you want

Total taps required:

8Which would you rather do?26 taps difference

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Key Wireframes

We have three key wireframes to demonstrate the 3 main features

of the app*

On a Windows Phone 8

(1 of 3)

search button

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Key Wireframes

We have three key wireframes to demonstrate the 3 main features

of the app*

On a Windows Phone 8

(1 of 3)

search buttonback button

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Key Wireframes

We have three key wireframes to demonstrate the 3 main features

of the app*

On a Windows Phone 8

(1 of 3)

back button

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Feasibility, or ease of use, is an area that we have focused on

greatly. An app that you can pick up and use with no trouble at all

is the best kind of app. In a survey we conducted, 60% of people

said they thought ease of use was more important in an app than

appearance or even price. It is for this reason our app is designed

with simplicity in mind. Even the settings is minimally designed,

while still ensuring full customisation


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The data in our FoodTag application needs to be very easy to understand. This is

because there will be a range of people using it, and if they urgently need

information it won’t help if they don’t fully understand certain words. On top of

that, reading isn’t always necessary; if preferred, they can just glance at the

intelligent colour rating


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The content within FoodTag is put together with a minimal layout and a flat

design to mimic the likes of iOS7 and Windows Phone. This is easy on the eyes

as well as easy to navigate through. Lighter colours are used (see below) and

thin fonts are also included, bringing with them the “Metro” feel that is trending

right now


Loud, deep red does not stay within

minimal designInstead, a lighter, softer red is used

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The technical area of FoodTag is also designed for ease of use and a minimalistic

feel. The app consists mainly around simple gestures or taps, with simple settings

and clear switches (see below). The search button is clearly shown at the bottom

of the screen and for times when typing isn’t ideal, you can tap the microphone

symbol in the text box (see below) to use speech-to-text. The technical feasibility

within FoodTag has been considered as having a large role in a successful app

and we have worked on it as such.


Switches are clearly shown and can be

either swiped or tappedSpeech-to-text built in

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Business Plan

We have decided that FoodTag will be an app that everyone will pay a small

price for and we think that 99p is a competitive price. We also think paying a

small fee for an app packed with such large benefits is a much preferred

alternative to searching for each item of food online, where many answers will

contain differing opinions. Most likely, customers would be happy paying a small

fee for our app, allowing us to create the app with no advertisements, meaning

a better experience for the user

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There is a website for FoodTag (below)

Feel free to browse it and find out more at www.FoodTag-App.webs.com