Techtera: a competitiveness cluster and a driving force for innovation 1 January 2011

Techtera, the cluster for innovation

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Innovation in textiles and flexible materials. 110 members in the network: companies, research centers, technical centers, school. One goal: create the textiles of the future.

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Page 1: Techtera, the cluster for innovation

Techtera: a competitiveness cluster

and a driving force for innovation

1January 2011

Page 2: Techtera, the cluster for innovation


Techtera is a competitiveness cluster dedicated to the functional and technical textile industry in the French area of Rhône-Alpes

The cluster was created in 2005 and is located in Ecully, in the outskirts of Lyon

Since 2005, the cluster has shown very positiveresults

Our objective is: the search for collaborativeinnovation for the benefice ofcompetitiveness, businesses andmanufacturers

Techtera is ISO 9001 certified The Rhône-Alpes area in France is the leader

in the sector of technical textiles

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What is a cluster in France ?

For a given local area, a competitiveness cluster is defined as:

an association of companies, research centres and educational institutions,

working through partnerships (under acommon development strategy),

generating synergies in the implementation ofinnovative projects beneficial to one or moregiven markets.

The aim of this policy is to encourage, then support, projects initiated by the economic and academic

players in a given local area.

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What is a cluster in France ?

4 key-factors for success: a common economic development strategy that

is consistent with the area’s overall development strategy,

creating extensive partnerships between players for specific projects,

focusing on technologies for markets with high growth potential,

reaching sufficient critical mass to acquire and develop international visibility,

by building a network of players at the forefront ofinnovation, the end goals of a cluster are thecreation of new wealth and jobs in local areas.


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A local area and a center of excellence: Rhône-Alpes

Rhône-Alpes is:

Europe’s leader in functional textiles: bioactive textiles,cosmetotextiles, thermal textiles, reflective textiles, textiles withvisual effects, textiles for communication, etc.

Europe’s largest concentration of firms producing high-performance textiles (aramid, carbon, ceramic, etc.)

European area of fiberglass (Lyon) Nota Bene: Germany is the 1st customerof the area


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Rhône-Alpes is also the leader in: Impregnation of fabrics for advanced composites in

aeronautic applications Production of threads to reinforce rubber for the automotive

industry Production of reinforcement-used geotextiles Production of textiles for medical applications

It concentrates… Nearly all French weaving for advanced carbon fiber and

fiberglass composites Nearly all French production of fabrics for personal safety … And total integration of all professions in the industry,

from fibers to garment production


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140 SMEs + World leaders

10,000 skilled jobs

65%of France’s production capacity

€2 billion in sales

12.5 %of Europe’s tonnage

More than 300,000 tons


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The Rhône-Alpes industry: key figures

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Rhône-Alpes: world leaders…

Ferrari: textile architecture for solar protection and tarpaulins (90 M€ in sales, 300 employees)

Hexcel Reinforcements: high-performance carbonfiber or fiberglass fabrics, namely for aerospaceapplications (135 M€ in sales, 600 employees)

Porcher Industries: glass, carbon, composite, aramid and silica fabrics, used in the automotive, electronics, construction and sporting goods sectors(300 M€ in sales, 2 200 employees)

Thuasne: healthcare textiles (79M€ in sales, 830 employees)


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…Small and medium-size companies

Rhône-Alpes is also a concentration of SMEs:more than 140 (2009 figures)

A fertile environment for innovation withtraining, R&D, supervision, tests, and standardization

35 « grandes écoles », 10 enginnering schools,8 universities - among which 4 scientificuniversities-, 10 research industries, 4industrial technical centers

60 fundamental or applied researchlaboratories: textiles, composites, polymers,chemical, mechanical, civil engineering,transport…


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A full value chain

All players in the industry are present, from« customized » to mass-marketproducts:

Raw materials Textiles of all types in all formats Converters, coaters, impregnators and dippers

(semi-finished goods) Producers of finished goods Manufacturer of specialized machinery


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A strongly innovative area

Rhône-Alpes ranks number 2 in France in terms of pioneering activity(source: Grand Lyon), with:

12, 5 % of the patents 11, 5 % of the research expenditures and

of the researchers 12 % of the scientific publishing 600 public laboratories 19 000 researchers According to a poll published by the economic french

newspaper Les Echos at the beginning of June 2009,foreign investors ranked Lyon at the 1st place inFrance (ex-aequo with Paris) for its innovationpotential.


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Techtera, as a result

from…When it was launched in 2005, the key ingredientsof a cluster were assembled and Techtera appearlike the result of:

A local area + Innovation + Industry

With one objective :to become a driving force for network innovation

What have we done since 2005 ?


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Our assignments

The work of Techtera consists in producing andproviding solutions for the management of R&Dcollaborative projects

The cluster leads its member companies, especiallythe SME’s, on the way to innovation. The work of the cluster also consists in finding out needs and topics for innovation and further researches

Objective: to increase the competitiveness of thetextile industry

The benefits for the member companies of Techtera:more innovation, better results, shared costs,meaning lesser costs, more ressources (human,financial, technical)


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Our methodology

Techtera created and developed its own tools andservices, necessary for any organisation involved in aninnovative industry: the « R&D project process »

It consists in different well-identified steps, from the 1st stage: the rough draft… to the funding of the projectand its final achievement

The process includes:

Proposition for reflection topics, proposal of an innovation track

Structuring and setting up of the project: working groups are set up for each topic (project engineering)

The project is submitted to the advisement of the Scientificand Technical Commitee (made up of researchers, manufacturers, technical centers)


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Our methodology

The Executive Board decides and grants – or not – theTechtera-approved label

- After approval by the cluster, the project is thensubmitted to potential fundings: ANR, OSEO, FUI(french national programs), ACTRA (Région Rhône-Alpes), FEDER, EUROPOLES (European Union)

- Acceptance from funds or « rewriting »- Agreement of consortium- Launching and follow-up- Final step up to products



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Focus on Innovation Workshops

The first Innovation Workshop ofTechtera was held in 2006

Since then, more than 15 Workshops have beenorganized. Each workshop gathers almost 80participants (manufacturers, researchers, etc.)

Through these Workshops, Techtera raisesstrategic questions addressing major technicaland economical issues of the technical textileindustry

The objective: to initiate collaborative R&D projects

Each Workshop focuses on one topic; 2 or 3 topicsare examinated each year


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Focus on Innovation Workshops

The topics, since 2006:

Textile and health

Textile: a strategic material for acoustics

What kind of alternatives to traditional finishing treatmentsprocesses ?

Filtration and air-scattering in confined areas

Silicon polymers

Sensitivity, as a condition of success for technical textiles

Composite materials



Monitoring in health and wellness : electronics & textil

Recycling and composites recycling



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The working groups

Following the Innovation Workshops, working groups are set up on each topic: they plainly contribute to structure and supervise the reflection that is going to lead to R&D projects.

They are working at the moment on the following


1 group on e-textiles

1 group on recycling

1 group on supercritic fluid technology

1 group on composites recycling


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Our results

150 Techtera-assisted-and approved label projects, since 2005

1 collaborative project in 2005, 7 in 2006, 32 in 2007, 51 in 2008, 35 in 2009… The cluster is quicklyexpanding

Over half of the projects have received funding, for a total amount of 9,5M€ in 2010 : more than 60 projects funded, since 2005

An average of 6,3 partners got together for eachproject


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

NAPCO, for the development of low-cost 3D textiles, basedon the NAPCO technology (a needle-technology), withapplications in safety clothing, sports and leisure, furniture,aeronautics (composite materials), building. 6 partners.Funding: 894 K€ from the french Government (DGCIS).Launching: 2005.

NANOPTEX, for the development of innovative textilesbased on the advances that have been made bynanotechnologies and nano materials. 8 partners. Funding:1 M€ from the french Government (DGCIS). Launching:2006.


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

MATBIOTEX, for the development of new textiles, basedon biological molecules which can be used either asexternal medical devices for the treatment of recurrentwounds or as internal medical devices to be implanted in apatient’s body. 9 partners. Funding: 1,1 M€ (DGCIS).Launching: 2007.

SILICOTEX, for the development of innovative textiles(yarns and fabrics) including the silicon technology and thefunctionalities of silicons, with applications in differentfields:

Health (medical devices for venous and lymphaticdiseases)

Personal Protective Equipment and industry

Underwear, footwear


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

15 partners. Funding: 6,5 M €, from French

governement DGCIS) and local authorities.

Launching: 2008.

TEXTILUB, for the development of aerospace mobile jointsself-lubricating composite materials that fit with the newgeneration of planes and helicopters, with outstandingproprieties:

• Reliability

• High temperature resistance

• Environmental friendly: waste reduction, pollutionreduction, energy consumption reduction, emissionreduction…4 partners. Funding : 1,63 M€, from French and localgovernement. Launching: 2008.


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

ECOMAT develops silicone and polyurethan materialsbased on clean catalytic converters, free of tin andmercury compounds.

The objective is to meet with the sustainabledevelopment challenges by improving theenvironmental impact of industry.

8 partners (3 SMEs, 2 groups, 3 researchlaboratories). Funding: 3,7 M€ from Frenchgovernement (DGCIS) and local government.Launching: 2009


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

TEXINTECO aims at developing textiles based onorganic fabrics or recyclable materials.

Application : automotive industry.Objective : pre-empt the new European directive(1/01/2015)5 partners among which Chomarat (1 SME, 3 groups,1 research laboratory). Funding: 1, 1 M€. Launching:2009

The feasibility studies will be carried out on ournew P2F platform.


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

INTELLITEX for the development of new automaticproduction processes in the field of smart clothing andtextiles. 11 partners. Funding: 1,037 M€. Launching :2009

IDTCO (Innovative Dry Thermoset Composites)will develop new solutions of prepreg andtransformation processes, in line with sustainabledevelopment policies requirements, which can beused in different fields. 3 partners (2 SMEs, 1research laboratory). Funding: 1,1 M€ FEDER.Launching: 2009.


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

P2F: a pre-industrialisation platform devotedto spinning new functional yarns with newfunctionalities or optimum proprieties:- heat and light resistance- flammability and fire resistance- good mechanical performances,- abrasion resistance

P2F is aiming at developing new products andprototypes: spinning of thermoplastic polymersand/or addition of functions

P2F is backed-up by Techtera and managed byIFTH (French Institute for Textile and Clothing).


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

Its activities range from feasibility studies to pre-industrialization processes.

9 industrial partners from the Rhône-Alpes area

P2F’s productivity goal: 20 kg/day


Clothing, healthcare, transportation, buildings…


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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

COMPHOSOL for the development of newphotocatalytic self-cleaning coatings intended to beused in the building sector (indoor and outdoorenduses) to reduce pollutants due to organic volatilecompounds. 13 partners. Funding: 1,5 M€. Launching:2010.

DOSELESS, for the development of textile materialsincreasing the protection against ionizing radiation.Applications: health & nuclear industries. 9 partners.Funding: 1 M€. Launching: 2010.

TIPCO, towards innovative composites for thebuilding industry. The project aims at developing newtypes of textile reinforced composites with a mineralmatrix and an industrial mass production processleading to applications for building and civilenginnering sectors, with improvements in terms ofstrength and fire resistance. 28January 2011

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Some of our R&D collaborative projects

7 partners. Launching: 2010. GEO-INOV, for the development of a new generation

of geotextiles with very innovative products in termsof resistance, efficiency and reduction in carbonfootprint. 7 partners. Funding: 1,5 M€. Launching:2010.

AGROBOOST, for the development of new types ofbiodegradable compostable agro and geo-textiles. 8partners. Funding: 1,3 M€. Launching: 2011.

SYRIMAP, for the development of new fire-retardantproducts and new applications in the fire-retardantsector. 8 partners. Funding: 1,7 M€. Launching: 2011.

VIRTEX will offer new solutions for air treatment,with the development of new flexible textile filtersthat will help fighting against indoor air pollution. 7partners. Funding: 1,3 M€. Launching: 2011.

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Our strategy and news for 2009-2011

The new Techtera convention covers the cluster activities up to 2012. It is supported by the

strategy and a development plan including our objectives for the next 3 years.


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Discovery of untapped

Spinning System

Innovation upon raw materials

Control of producing channels, especially on the early stage Development of international projects with major yarn producing companies

Reinforcement of Multi-fonctionality

Innovation for technologies used for each application

Development of normalisation as a support for innovations MISTRAL, a platform acting as an incubator for projects

Textile = Flexible Technological


Innovation upon the flexible and technological concept Development of new skills Centre for global ressources: MISTRAL

Structuring ofthe TECHTERA


Certification ISO 9001

Communication & promotion: in France and around the world Development of forward-looking management technics regarding employment & competencies Development of partnerships with financial institutions

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Our strategy and news for 2009-2011

Our methodology has been standardised and approved: Techtera was granted the ISO 9001 certification in March 2009.

The development of inter-clustering : in Japan (Japanese Chemical Fibers Association), in Germany, Spain (Ateval/Valencia and AEI/Barcelona) and in Tunisia and the international development

Techtera has developed connections with frenchclusters, such as: Plastipolis (IDTco project) and « Composites Rhône-Alpes » Aerospace Cluster (Textilub) Up tex (Intellitex project) Axelera (Ecomat project) SCS (PACID project) TRIMATEC (Doseless project) FIBRES (GEO-INOV) 31

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Our strategy and news for 2009-2011

« Composites Rhône-Alpes » is a group of six keyplayers representing the plastic industry sector,the technical textiles and the compositematerials of the Rhône-Alpes area: the resourcecenter Compositec, the clusters Plastipolis andTechtera, the schools of engineering ITECH andPolytech’ Savoie, and the highly performingMatériautech-Composites.


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A « hub » for innovation: MISTRAL

The next major step for Techtera is MISTRAL, aplatform for the development of techniques andservices dedicated to innovation

The project has been approved by the French government (phase 1)

The second phase was launched in 2010: a feasability study and a business have been done.

The textile technologies are selected: they mainlyconcern functionnalization, surface treatment,composites, nano and micro, and clean technologies.

MISTRAL brings together different partners,technical means and platforms, and servicesdedicated to the innovation support.


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A « hub » for innovation : MISTRAL

MISTRAL can be compared with a hub: a hub for innovation, settled on a single location, whichwill allow: To attract skills, talents, start-up businesses… To gather all the human and technical

ressources taking part in a R&D project, and also teams of researchers

To provide the best answers to the needs of our industry

To boost innovation and the results of innovation

Next update: the launching…


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Characteristics and figures

The progress report for the past 6 years is clearlypositive. Networking for innovation is an abolutenecessity which has been widely proved by the workof many French clusters since 2005.

Techtera has its own identity:

65 % of our members are small and medium businesses

67 % of the partners funded within collaborative projects are SMEs

Techtera’s work is supported by a large network, inside and outside of its economic sector

All the projects we are working on meet with the sustainable development requirements.


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Characteristics and figures

110 member companies, out of which 80 % are manufacturing companies

More than 150 assisted projects since 2005 More than 50 % of the submitted projects funded 100 M€ for fundings Applications on buyoant markets: aerospace,

healthcare, civil engineering and building, PersonalProtective Equipment

New products resulting from collaborative projects: composite materials for aeronautics, innovative anti-bacterial filters, techno-natural yarnsbased on Rilsan®…


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Thank you

for your attention…


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January 2011