Technology in the Mindful Museum Technology in the Arts Conference University of Waterloo May 10, 2008

Technology in the Mindful Museum

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Writer and commentator Adam Gopnik has described the mindful museum as a place that is primarily about the objects it contains while also recognizing that it should not seek to explain what cannot be explained. “And that means simply that wall labels and explanatory text of all kinds should be as modest and invisible as conceivable,” he said in the first annual Eva Holtby Lecture on Contemporary Culture at Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum just months before the ROM opened its Michael Lee-Chin Crystal addition in June 2007. How should museums interpret Gopnik’s view in today’s world of flat screens and wireless networks and one where most museum and gallery visitors can receive instant information via their cell phones, Blackberrys and iPods. And where does that leave the ROM as it grapples with technology solutions for providing context and interpretation in its powerful new gallery spaces? Created by Brian Porter for the 2008 Technology in the Arts: Canada Conference.

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Technology in the Mindful MuseumTechnology in the Arts ConferenceUniversity of WaterlooMay 10, 2008

Technology in the Mindful Museum

Brian [email protected]

Tony [email protected]

Overview• The new ROM and its five pillars of identity

• New media and IT development at the ROM

• Museum models and the “Mindful Museum” defined

• Examples of digital media applications

• Technology planning for future galleries

• Lessons learned and opportunities for smaller museums

• Temple, Agora or Coliseum? What is the new ROM?

The New ROM• A first rank museum of world cultures and natural history

• A powerful agent of public education and research

• A pleasurable agent of social integration in Ontario

• A potent agent of urban renewal in Toronto

• A significant generator of economic activity in Ontario

• A fiscally sound and robust institution

• A leading example of functional governance and workplace culture

Five Pillars of Identity

ROM is a….• Civic Destination • Museum Destination • Knowledge Destination• Social Destination• Virtual Destination

The New ROMMetrics of success:

• Attendance more than 100 % ahead of last year

• Admissions revenue more than 100 % in same period

• Web site traffic running 30 % ahead of last year

• March Break one of the most successful on record

The New ROMJune 2007Garfield Weston Exhibition Hall (“Blockbuster” space)Roloff Beny Gallery (ICC)

October 2007Sigmund Samuel Gallery of Canada

December 2007Gallery of the Age of MammalsJames and Louise Temerty Galleries of the Age of Dinosaurs

The New ROMFebruary 2008Sir Christopher Ondaatje South Asian GalleryWirth Gallery of the Middle East

April 2008Patricia Harris Gallery of Textiles & CostumeAjmera Gallery of Africa, the Americas and Asia-Pacific

December 2008Teck Cominco Suite of Earth Sciences Galleries

January 2009Schad Gallery of Biodiversity: Life in Crisis

Feature Exhibitions 2008China Month (May) at the ROM

• Shanghai historical photographs: Until Oct. 26

• ICC Shanghai Kaleidoscope: Until Nov. 2


• Darwin: Until Aug 4

• Out From Under (Disability): Until July 13

Feature Exhibitions 2008Opening soon

• Wedgwood: June 7 – July 2009

• Caribana Art Exhibition: July 24 – Aug. 4

• Sobey National Art Award: Aug 30 – Oct 13

• Diamonds: Oct 25 – March 22, 2009

• Ancient Ukraine: Nov 29 – March 22, 2009

Future Exhibitions 2009-2011• Chinese paintings – January 2009• Ydessa Hendeles (ICC) – Winter 2009• Dead Sea Scrolls – 2009• Terra Cotta Soldiers – 2010 (tentative)• Season of India – 2010• Water – 2011• Season of Africa – 2011

Shanghai Kaleidoscope“In the two-screen video installation Let’s

Puff (2002), Yang Zhenzhong fashions a wry visual metaphor for the winds of change that have swept through China’s cities during the past decade.”

- Christopher Phillips, Guest CuratorInstitute for Contemporary Culture

SK Catalogue, ROM, May 2008

Shanghai Kaleidoscope

“…(a) hyperactive journey through thenon-stop energy of the Next Culture.”

- Gary Michael DaultGlobe & MailMay 3, 2008

Let’s Puff

Let’s Puff

Shanghai 1860-1949

China Exhibitions• timely metaphor for this conference• Shanghai – one of the world’s most frenetic and fascinating cities – symbolizes new China• both exhibitions dependent on technology• SK a combination of various media that perfectly captures the duality of new and old which is the city of Shanghai • historical photographs, many digitized, link the city’s past with its present• Travel writer Jan Morris: “raffish excess”

New Media Resources•Information Technology Services


•Media ProductionsVideo/television/multimedia & exhibition/gallery AV


•Digital Imaging CentrePhotography/scanning/copying/image licensing3D imaging unit

•Information CentreRights and Reproductions co-ordinatorDigital Media Assets co-ordinator

Photography Studio

Ivey Imaging Centre

Sound Booth

Digital Sound Studio

Video editing suites

Web DesignerProgrammer

New ROM Landing Page

• ROM web site is largely a marketing site

• Transactional, not attraction or engagement

• Facilitates ticket purchases, signups, bookings

New ROM Home Page

ROM Page on Facebook

The Museum as the new Agora“Our societies have become segmented and particularized in a world of increasing mobility and technological change…in this context, we need new shared space – places of encounter – a new Commons – a new Agora. Museums are capable of contributing to this because…they can engage diverse interests on their own terms.”

- William Thorsell, ROM Director and CEOAddress to the Empire Club

Toronto, May 3, 2007

Museum Models1. Mausoleum – traditional view as a repository. – also “temple” model where objects are sacred2. Machine – productive, place where you learned how to be modern – transformation 3. Metaphor – for our larger life – arena of socialbility, ie. the Agora4. Mall – drained and devoted to pleasure –an attraction

The Mindful Museum“The ‘mindful museum’….. should first of all be

mindful in being primarily about the objects it contains...

- Adam Gopnik, Writer & Social CommentatorEva Holtby Lecture on Contemporary Culture

Institute for Contemporary Culture, ROM, Oct. 13, 2006

Adam Gopnik

The New ROM

Charles Pachter’s CanadaProjection in Chen Crystal Court

Digital Art Installation Oct 2007-Feb 2008

Charles Pachter

Digital Signage

Traditional Recognition

Digital Donor Wall

Digital Donor Wall

Digital Donor Wall

Education – Digital Gallery

Education – Digital Gallery

The New ROM

James and Louise Temerty Galleriesof the Age of Dinosaurs

Gallery of the Age of Mammals

The New ROM

Sir Christopher Ondaatje South Asian Gallery

The New ROM

Daphne Cockwell Gallery of Canada: First Peoples

First Peoples – Paul Kane

First Peoples Theatre

The New ROM

Patricia Harris Gallery of Textiles & Costume

The New ROM

Teck Cominco Suite of Earth Sciences Galleries

Opening December 2008

TC Earth Science Galleries• 6,900 sq-ft gallery• showcases more than 2,300 minerals and meteorites – 25 glass cases – 52 flat screens• e-labelling – current RFP for delivery solution• Canadian Mining Hall of Fame Gallery –interactive video wall showcasing biographies and personal stories of inductees• development of Earth Sciences module for Digital Gallery

“Mock-up Wall”

Specimen Digitization

The New ROM

Schad Gallery of Biodiversity:Life in Crisis

Opening January 2009

Schad Gallery of Biodiversity

Schad Gallery of Biodiversity • 10,000 sq-ft gallery – 1,000 + specimens• three major themes: Life is … Diverse …Interrelated… In Crisis• live and recorded video and multi-media displays to focus on global eco-systems such as coral reef, rainforest and the tundra• animal-borne imaging examples• Earth Rangers studio – state-of-the-art space for digital and live programming on latest scientific research and relevant issues• presents social networking web opportunity

The New ROM

Iconic Objects

Iconic Objects • new marketing campaign to highlight “must-see” star pieces in the collection• always ‘in-market’ approach• interpretive plan calls for production and installation of short video sequences highlighting importance/significance of pieces• delivery through flat screens at each location• respectful of Gopnik’s ‘mindful museum’….. mindful in being mostly about its objects.

Maitreya Paradise Wall painting

Figure of nude blue female


Earl of Pembroke Armour

Ming Tomb


Death of General Wolfe

Lessons Learned • enhanced accessibility – audio tours• evening and weekend IT support• remote monitoring & updating• hire for specific skill sets• donor intervention – how much?• avoid technology for the sake of technology• allow time for R & D• test, test, test …

What Can Small Museums Do? • seek curatorial support (test the waters)• talk to visitors (measure the “groundswell”) • do a POST assessment:

• People (visitors – enhancing their experience)• Objectives (goals?)• Strategy (providing context, more engagement?)• Technology (solution)

• involve prospective donors• develop digital assets – collection images • consult other cultural organizations• think big but start small – baby steps

Temple, Agora or Coliseum? • where is the ROM in this trio?• new book Bold Visions on the ROM’s architecture:

novelty of crystal suggests “bread and circus” aurabut it is not a site for passive entertainment artifacts are generally not given a theatre setting

• technology plays a role in providing context and interpretation but is not pervasive – it is a facilitator

Last Word

“What looks like an attraction a.k.a coliseum, on the exterior, is a temple inside. The ROM (remains) a place for the enjoyable contemplation of artifacts and specimens.

- Kelvin Brown, author of Bold VisionsThe Architecture of the Royal Ontario Museum

ROM, December 2007