TECHNOLOGY Jayzel Marie S. Ederio


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Page 1: Technology

TECHNOLOGYJayzel Marie S. Ederio

Page 2: Technology



Page 3: Technology

Advantages of technology• Waste reduction: this will lead to lower costs and

higher profitability.

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Advantages of technology• Increased Profitability: by increasing efficiency

and reducing expenditures, technology allows jobs to be completed quicker and more accurately.

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Advantages of technology• Reduced Workforce: with the use of technology,

many jobs becomes automated resulting in fewer required positions.

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Advantages of technology• Increased Productivity: team members coupled

with the implementation of technology creates overall efficiency and success.

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Advantages of technology• Higher Income: the greater business profits, the

more opportunities employees may have to rise their incomes.

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Advantages of technology• Improved Communications: allow information to

be sent, received, and responded to instantaneously.

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Advantages of technology• Competitive Advantage: allows for reduction in

product/ service costs while increasing profit margins and maintaining customer service.

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Advantages of Technology• Act as an aid for teaching just to present an

ideas easily to the students.

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Advantages of technology

•Example: cellphone, telephone, computer with internet, etc…

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Advantages of Technology• Act as a tranportations to fetch us to our

destination easily like going abroad.

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Disadvantages of Technology• It can lead us to be dependent on technology

that we become lazy.

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Disadvantages of Technology

•It will lead us to do bad things like cyber crime that usually happened globally.

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Disadvantages of Technology• It can cause depression and anxiety.

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Disadvantages of Technology

• Man’s kind violent nature who made a cyber weapons that can cause death of millions of people in the world.

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Disadvantages of Technology• Over dependence on our machinery and cannot

seem to function without it.

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Disadvantages of Technology• Health problems, gasoline with beryllium has

been proven to cause cancer in to much use of technology.

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Disadvantages of Technology• It can cause poor eye sight to those too much

user of technology.

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Disadvantages of Technology• It can cause to tell a lie.

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Disadvantages of Technology

•To do cheating on the test examination.

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Disadvantages of Technology

•It is used to nonsense things.

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References: • http://


• https://ph.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100204105014AAmvrCD