ntroducing…. BLOGS IN MATH!!!!

Teacher presentation(pt2)

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Page 2: Teacher presentation(pt2)

What is a blog?

• A blog is basically a type of website that does special things:• It’s a personal diary• It’s updated regularly• It’s published in a reverse order – The most recent

item is first• Readers have the possibility to leave comments.• You can add links and upload photos or other media.• You can search for any of your entries.

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A sample blog:

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How can a blog help us in math?

• We have a written record of our thoughts.• We can see our improvement over time.• We can share our thoughts with others.• We can improve our reading and writing skills.• We can be creative and use technology in a

fun way.• We can learn from others’ mistakes.

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We will be using “kidblog”


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Let’s get setup!• Please get out your laptop• Visit the website: www.kidblog.org• We’ll login together:

1. In the top right corner, click “login”2. Type in my e-mail address: [email protected] 3. Scroll down to the bottom to find the link to our class.4. Bookmark the site for future use.5. Click “login” again6. Find your name in the drop down box7. Enter the password that was given to you8. For future use you only need to select your name

and type in your password

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Blog project

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Your creation

Task: You will give a 3-5 minute presentation:

1. Share the layout and look of your blog.2. Present the steps to solve a word

problem.3. Talk about what you learned.

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Project TimelineFrom now on, we will be using our blog every day.• Today:

– Create our first blog entry

• Week 1– You will be create your own word problems.– We will solve them on our blog.

• Week 2– Various word problem practice.– Discussions about “good mathematical reasoning”

• Week 3– Presentations

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RubricCATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Mathematical Reasoning

Uses complex and refined mathematical reasoning.

Uses effective mathematical reasoning

Some evidence of mathematical reasoning.

Little evidence of mathematical reasoning.

Time-Limit Presentation is 3-5 minutes long.

Presentation is 2 minutes long.

Presentation is 1 minutes long.

Presentation is less than 1 minute

Steps to solve word – problem

Student correctly states all steps to solve the word problem.

Student correctly states most of the steps to solve the word problem. There may be one or two omissions.

Student correctly states some of the steps to solve the word problem. Many steps are omitted or incorrect.

Most of the steps are incorrect or no steps are presented.

Conclusions Student goes in depth talking about what was learned and shares blog with the class.

Student discusses in some detail what was learned and shares blog with class.

Student briefly talks about what was learned or blog is incomplete.

Student does not talk about what was learned or does not share blog with the class.

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Any Questions???

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Today’s Assignment:

Answer the following questions:1. “What topic in Algebra is my favorite.”2. “What do I need the most help with in Math?”

Once you finish, respond to 3 other blogs and give constructive criticism. (positive feedback)